

php Programming Glossary: fpassthru

how to hide the actual download folder location


fakeFileName header Content Length . filesize file fpassthru fp and put a file named .htaccess into your download folder..

Using php to opening live audio stream on android


Icy MetaData 1 r n fputs sock Connection close r n r n fpassthru sock fclose sock On the android it says Sorry this player does..

Why don't large files download easily in Laravel?


save Below is from http uk1.php.net manual en function.fpassthru.php comments session_write_close ob_end_clean response send_headers.. files you might want to consider replacing readfile with fpassthru EDIT Disregard PPS and PPPS I've updated the code to use fread..

PHP: Force file download and IE, yet again


Renaming files when downloading it


and content length headers and then send file to user with fpassthru PHP function. But there is 3 problems with this method If I'm..

how to protect server directory using .htaccess


php action404.php header 'HTTP 1.1 404 File Not Found' fpassthru 'path to template directory error404.html' There is numerous..

php output file on disk to browser


php. Michel php share improve this question There is fpassthru that should do exactly what you need. See the manual entry to.. . filesize name dump the picture and stop the script fpassthru fp exit See here for all of PHP's filesystem functions. If it's..

How to password protect files (images, video, zip) dynamically from public and allow access to members only?


and passes it through to the browser for example using fpassthru or fread . You can set up a very elegant solution using a set..

HTTP authentication using PHP authentication


scripting langauge to check that the user is logged in. fpassthru or readfile can be good solutions for some web sites they're..

PHP protect a folder


How do I use file_get_contents to get a gzip'ed page on a remote web server in php?


ob_start fp fopen 'http example.com' 'r' false context fpassthru fp fclose fp content ob_get_contents ob_end_clean That works..

Allow users to download files outside webroot


filename upload.jpg and fetches the file e.g. using fpassthru the latter is the least preferable option because it is resource..

Applying watermarks on pdf files when users try to download the files


fopen tempfile 'r' header 'Content Type application pdf' fpassthru ih fclose ih else print Whoops unlink tempfile share improve..

Serving large files with PHP


say 32Kb chunks and sending it as output. Better yet use fpassthru which does much the same thing for you.... name 'mybigfile.zip'.. Length . filesize name dump the file and stop the script fpassthru fp exit even less lines if you use readfile which doesn't need..

Return a PHP page as an image


. filesize name dump the picture and stop the script fpassthru fp exit The important points is that you must send a Content.. Type image png header Content Length . filesize name fpassthru fp You still need to carefully avoid white space at the top..

Header Location + Content Disposition
