php Programming Glossary: extracting
Regular Expression to collect everything after the last / phrase one that collects everything after the last . I'm extracting an ID used by Google's GData. my example string is http
Stop using `global` in PHP case how would I tie it with the following loop that is extracting config key and value from database. I oversimplified the idea..
Regexp for extracting a mailto: address for extracting a mailto address I'd like a reg exp which can take a block..
How to add scraped website data in database? changes in the format of your target site s . If you are extracting text from a site at a minimum you need to run it through a proper.. so you should use mysql_real_escape_string . If you are extracting HTML from a site with view to re displaying it always remember..
Tools for PHP code refactoring which support refactoring PHP code renaming variables extracting methods finding method references ... Thank you. php refactoring..
PHP: Regular Expression to get a URL from a string [duplicate] in his blog . There are quite a few caveats for example extracting URLs inside parentheses correctly. What you need exactly depends..
Going where PHP parse_url() doesn't - Parsing only the domain .morethan6characters and so on. The only reliable way of extracting the domain is to use a maintained list such as http
How to extract a node attribute from XML using PHP's DOM Parser before and now I have a question. How would I go about extracting the url from this files file path http download..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation I am building the application and have been having trouble extracting the results that I need from my database because I don't think..
Parse SELECT clause of SQL queries into a PHP array users.user_id as myfoo_count' I have gotten as far as extracting the fields part of the query but im stuck on trying to explode..
DOMDocument in php that entire HTML document. If you need help with extracting specific information from the document you need to clarify what..
Improve this PHP Bitfield Class for settings/permissions? you can re use the functionality of your Bitmask class by extracting the functionality into an abstract class and putting the actual..
Connection between MSSQL and PHP 5.3.5 on IIS is not working Drivers for PHP for SQL Server The file is a self extracting executable so just use 7zip or WinRAR and extract the files..
Creating a secure login using sessions and cookies in PHP password hash part of the IP address etc. By extracting the username id from the cookie I can make a new hash from the..
userland multipart/form-data handler requires mod_headers and RequestHeader set ... The extracting procedure might not be that complex. But I'd rather use a well..
Emulating named function parameters in PHP, good or bad idea? pass named parameters but keep them in the array without extracting them. function myFunc array args echo Hi . args 'name' etc There's.. this name variable came from. Even if you do know you're extracting the arguments to local variables it's still a guessing game.. using the array too these apply equally to the methods of extracting or leaving in the array you can set up a variable at the top..
extract urls from text in PHP param and returns formatted string. You can grab codes for extracting URLs. It's pretty complexed though. This one line regex might..
Convert PDF to HTML [closed] site that has many job resumes. It is a good solution for extracting textual content however. I would give the scribd API a try or..
PHP - Extracting a property from an array of objects Extracting a property from an array of objects I've got an array of cats..
PHP String Differences and Dynamic Restrictions something like model Damn you 1 2 will kill you. Extracting the words for random string using placeholders from Model php..
Extracting data from HTML using PHP and xPath data from HTML using PHP and xPath I am trying to extract data..
Extracting data form XML file with SimpleXML in PHP data form XML file with SimpleXML in PHP Introduction I want..
PHP: How to get version from android .apk file? a PHP script to get the app version from Android APK file. Extracting xml file from the APK zip file and then parsing XML is one way..
(PHP5) Extracting a title tag and RSS feed address from HTML using PHP DOM or Regex PHP5 Extracting a title tag and RSS feed address from HTML using PHP DOM or..
PHP - Extracting weeks/days/hours/minutes from a date calc Extracting weeks days hours minutes from a date calc dateDiff mtime ctime..
Extracting function names from a file (with or without regular expressions) function names from a file with or without regular expressions..