php Programming Glossary: extending
How to become an OpenCart guru? the controller file you'll see a camel case classname extending the Controller class called ControllerProductSearch . This again..
PHP SimpleXML get innerXML that. I'd recommend trying SimpleDOM which is a PHP class extending SimpleXMLElement that offers convenience methods for most of..
Can I include code into a PHP class? eyes bleed. Since you want to dynamically change behavior extending the class is also not a good option see below why . What you..
PHP object like array
Practical Zend_ACL + Zend_Auth implementation and best practices the library directory The second part of it is a new class extending the Zend Controller Plugin Abstract class which allows it to..
Minimalistic PHP blogging engine with focus on code quality [closed] the code base is a mess it has a huge memory footprint and extending it often isn't fun. Also the back end feels extremely slow on..
Help Using RegexIterator in PHP is only one example written quickly just for you of extending the RecursiveRegexIterator . We start with a base class whose..
Insert/update helper function using PDO pdo share improve this question I usually have a class extending PDO but my class is pretty custom. If I get it cleaned up and..
PHP Optional Parameters - specify parameter value by name? the call to the function but in one place which I am extending I want to specify additional parameters. I dont want to create..
How To Remove All DtDdWrappers and Labels on Zend Form Elements the decorators on form object itself. From inside a class extending Zend_Form you would call Zend_Form setDecorators passing an..
PHP Event-Listener best-practice implementation to change. This is really well suited for modifying and extending the behavior since you can selectively override functionality..
Merge PDF files with PHP products pdf php solutions fpdi FDPI is added by extending the PDF class class PDF extends FPDI pdffile Filename.pdf pagecount..
When to use Try Catch blocks be used everywhere because they can be also extended extending the Exception class . Finally someone says that PHP try catch.. be used everywhere because they can be also extended extending the Exception class . There's potential merit to this if you're..
How get first level of dom elements by Domdocument PHP? Since childNodes is a property of DOMNode any class extending DOMNode which is most of the classes in DOM have this property..
Properly calling the database from Model in an MVC application? Database or ORM because Model is not a subset of them. By extending a class you are declaring that has all the characteristics of..
Reading a Git repository, without Git documents be of any help Here's a list of resources about extending php i.e. to to provide wrappers around other library code extending.. php i.e. to to provide wrappers around other library code extending php an overview writing php extension modules in C PHP extension..
Why does PHP 5.2+ disallow abstract static class methods? methods belong to the class that declared them. When extending the class you may create a static method of the same name but.. fact implementing a static abstract method. Same goes for extending any class with static methods. If you extend that class and..
Extending PHP with C++? PHP with C I have a performance intensive routine that is written.. has mentioned I greatly recommend that you get the book Extending and Embedding PHP . There is almost no documentation to be found..
Create a drop down list in Zend Framework 2 serviceManager But that's not great rethink... Extending the Form so that you can create a form isn't quite right. We..
PHP's strtotime() in Java Aug 12 22 18 57 CEST 2009 Thu Aug 13 22 18 57 CEST 2009 Extending For example let's add days matcher strtotime.registerMatcher..
Getting Started with PHP Extension-Development and ready to spend some money on it you could buy the book Extending and Embedding PHP some pages are available as preview on Google..
how to write php function and ready to spend some money on it you could buy the book Extending and Embedding PHP some pages are available as preview on Google..
How can I use C++ code to interact with PHP? to spend some money on it you could also buy the book Extending and Embedding PHP some pages are available as preview on Google..
Linking a PHP Extension Written in C config.m4 commands the books for this are Sara Golemon's Extending and Embedding PHP and also parts of George Schlossnagle's Advanced..
Reference: What is variable scope, which variables are accessible from where and what are “undefined variable” errors? where its return values come from baz 'baz' blarg foo baz Extending the scope of variables into anonymous functions foo 'bar' baz..
Extending the MySQLi class the MySQLi class I want to be able to make classes which extend..
Calling PHP From C php c embed share improve this question The book Extending and Embedding PHP by Sara Golemon amazon has a chapter about..
How can I make a singleton wrapper for PDO? for PDO How can I make a singleton of the PDO extention Extending doesn't work because I get a fatal error when I try it ... ..
How to develop C extentions for PHP apps? in several aspects it only covers PHP until version 5.1 is Extending and Embedding PHP by Sara Golemon. Even more outdated is the..
Extending singletons in PHP singletons in PHP I'm working in a web app framework and part..
php classes… validation validators capsule their own validation logic is good. Extending them from a base class isn't. Let's implement an interface instead...
Where can I learn about PHP internals? [closed] etc . In particular there is an older book by Sara Golemon Extending and Embedding PHP . A more current and ongoing effort is http..
Extending session timeout in PHP via the .htaccess session timeout in PHP via the .htaccess I want to up the time..
Reading a Git repository, without Git extensions Practical PHP Programming Writing extensions Extending PHP examples Writing a PHP Extension Extension Writing Part..
Extending The Controller Class in CodeIgniter The Controller Class in CodeIgniter I have class MY_Controller..