php Programming Glossary: ext
php get all the images from url which width and height >=200 more quicker i if curlErrorCode 0 info curl_getinfo curl_array i ext getExtention info 'content_type' if info 'content_type' null.. if info 'content_type' null temp temp img . md5 mt_rand . ext touch temp imageContent curl_multi_getcontent curl_array i..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? information source regarding the discouraged use of ext mysql. Its purpose is to have detailed high quality answers.. trim afterwards strip_tags htmlentities for output context and only lastly the _escape_string as its application should.. now if your database and application flow expect HTML context safe strings. Add a comment that it applies only HTML escaping..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future use mysqli.. from PHP I see the following error Deprecated The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future use mysqli.. improve this question Why is this happening The entire ext mysql PHP extension which provides all functions named with..
How to extract a file extension in PHP? to extract a file extension in PHP This is a question you can read.. to extract a file extension in PHP This is a question you can read everywhere on.. you can read everywhere on the web with various answers ext end explode '.' filename ext substr strrchr filename '.' 1 ext..
Is mysql_real_escape_string() broken?
How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP? original code http viewvc php php src trunk ext date lib tm2unixtime.c revision 302890 view markup http view markup http viewvc php php src trunk ext date lib interval.c revision 298973 view markup function _date_range_limit..
XML parsing conundrum to answer. UPDATE 2 I've added another value to the XML. Extension available in each zip. Each item can have multiple items.. by a tab. So it will be structured like this. Platform Extension Sub Group Name Title. If the item has more than one extension.. the following XML file. Item Platform Windows Platform Ext gif jpeg doc Ext Name File Group 1 Name Title This is the first..
Good Zend Framework example apps to learn from [closed] http p zendframeworkstorefront Enygma's Ext JS with ZF example app https enygma Agile ExtJS ZF.. Ext JS with ZF example app https enygma Agile ExtJS ZF MTD issues https mtd issues share improve..
Typo3 V6: How to create a content element container? (without TV) your site content. If you do that instead simply use an EXT ... path to the Private resources folder. And regarding 2 these..
PHP and CURL under Windows 7 64 bits and Apache in apache bin windows system32 put the path of the php EXT in the PATH environment variable. to put some lib libeay.dll..
What is the best practice for restricting specific pages to logged in users only in Codeigniter? class 'CI_' 0 @include_once APPPATH . 'core '. class . EXT As you are using CI 2.0 you will need to place the MY_Controllers..
php regex , extract phone number from text/html [duplicate] 555 555 5555 MATCH 520 555 5542 ext.123 MATCH 520.555.5542 EXT 123 MATCH 5205555542 Ext. 7712 MATCH 520 555 5542 ext 5 MATCH..
Connection between MSSQL and PHP 5.3.5 on IIS is not working lives in C PHP copy DON'T MOVE these files to your C PHP EXT folder. Open C PHP PHP.INI and locate the Dynamic Extensions.. extension_dir directive in C PHP PHP.INI is set to C PHP EXT extension_dir C PHP ext Restart IIS and call phpinfo . If all..
Php handling vs Apache RewriteRules and RegExp: which one is quicker? ^ RewriteRule . . css js pdf jpg jpeg gif png 1 1 2 QSA E EXT 3 RewriteCond ENV EXT jpg jpeg gif png RewriteRule . QSA E EXT.. js pdf jpg jpeg gif png 1 1 2 QSA E EXT 3 RewriteCond ENV EXT jpg jpeg gif png RewriteRule . QSA E EXT img RewriteCond ENV.. 3 RewriteCond ENV EXT jpg jpeg gif png RewriteRule . QSA E EXT img RewriteCond ENV STATIC ^ RewriteCond ENV EXT a z RewriteRule..