php Programming Glossary: extensible
Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation It may cover not all the advanced features and should have extensible architecture. MongoDB like query expression objects are easy..
Why not “instantiate a new object inside object constructor”? objects also makes your code more explicit flexible and extensible. To quote the blog post that I linked to When collaborator construction..
PHP syntax highlighting are adorned with class attributes. Bonus points for an extensible schema. I do not search for a client side syntax highlighting..
What type of webservice works best with iOS? reasonable efficiency on the wire and are likely to be extensible for future app iterations. JSON has advantages of being a bit..
PHP: Creating Extensible CMS System it. What you guys could suggest to create such flexible extensible CMS in terms of Ability to add plugins for example like WordPress..
PHP rapid skeleton generator for basic CRUD? OOP Yii is easy to use and is extremely flexible and extensible. It also includes CRUD code generation. Headed by the guy who..
split vs. explode in php this and is 25 50 faster and has support for IMO much more extensible Perl compatible regular expressions. share improve this answer..
php write to console
Framework for providing API access to website? I'd recommend Zend REST Server it's robust easily extensible and frequently reviewed in community bug hunts . Here's a tutorial..
Improve this PHP Bitfield Class for settings/permissions? I'll concentrate on I do like the idea of making it more extensible generic so different classes can extend this and use it for..
Web application admin generators [closed] where you can create update and delete records. It's also extensible and customizable for just about whatever you need. Here's a..
To Use a PHP Framework or Not? [closed] their coding convention which makes your code clean and extensible for future purpose. The Popular PHP frameworks like CakePHP.. logic from user interface making the code cleaner and extensible. As everybody can guess these frameworks contains a lot of libraries..