php Programming Glossary: differently
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables While the above will work perfectly well lets look at it differently this is a great excuse to show how a union query will work...
Shortcomings of mysql_real_escape_string? assume the wrong character encoding and escape strings differently than the database will interpret them later. By running the..
simple explanation PHP OOP vs Procedural? chunks of code Sometimes those chunks of code will behave differently based on parameters you pass in Chunks of code that accept parameters..
How to enable PHP short tags? fine except that an SQL statement is being rendered differently. I don't know if this has to do with the script beginning with..
When should I use require_once vs include? is identical to include except that it handles errors differently. If an error occurs the include function generates a warning..
List of Big-O for PHP functions faster than array_merge and looks nicer . But it does work differently so keep that in mind. shuffle is on the same Big O tier as array_rand..
How to compress/decompress a long query string in PHP? makes sense for your use case. Different data compresses differently and different encoding algorithms work differently. Also longer.. differently and different encoding algorithms work differently. Also longer strings may achieve a better compression ratio...
How to check file types of uploaded files in PHP? along with all of that each browser and OS deals with them differently. Another method is to check the extension which of course is..
What are the best PHP input sanitizing functions? you need to sanitize. Every single database API does it differently. You've already discovered mysql_real_escape_string but that's..
mysqli giving “Commands out of sync” error - why? a hierarchy. You might want to consider storing the data differently so you can query it more easily. I did a presentation about..
Why the hash part of the URL is not in the server side? Wikipedia says about it The fragment identifier functions differently than the rest of the URI namely its processing is exclusively..
What is the max key size for an array in PHP? come back to bite me If so I'll probably stop and do it differently. php arrays key share improve this question It seems to..
Why should I fix E_NOTICE errors? than causing an error and that could cause code to behave differently than expected so it's best to heed E_NOTICE warnings. 2. TO..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking are two separate but related problems and each is handled differently. Session Fixation This is where an attacker explicitly sets..
PHP “pretty print” HTML (not Tidy) even with preserveWhiteSpace false If anyone knows differently I'd really like to know how they got it to work. So I have a..
PHP: exceptions vs errors? that I can see is that errors and exceptions are handled differently. But what causes an exception and what causes an error php..
PHP convert XML to JSON question I figured it out. json_encode handles objects differently than strings. I cast the object to a string and it works now...
When should I use MySQLi instead of MySQL? I should not use MySQLi Do I need to configure my server differently in order to use MySQLi For instance do I need to upgrade Apache..
Inkscape inside PHP/Apache doesn't render fonts to PNG by an environmental difference the HOME env var was set differently inside the executed process. Using proc_open instead of simple..