

php Programming Glossary: dh

Save CSV files into mysql database


else echo hello br dir 'C wamp www test' imgs array if dh opendir dir while file readdir dh false if is_dir file preg_match.. www test' imgs array if dh opendir dir while file readdir dh false if is_dir file preg_match . csv file array_push imgs file.. file preg_match . csv file array_push imgs file closedir dh else die 'cannot open ' . dir foreach imgs as idx img class..

Create fixed length non-repeating permutation of larger set


gb bh hb cd dc ce ec cf fc cg gc ch hc de ed df fd dg gd dh hd ef fe eg ge eh he fg gf fh hf gh hg I hope you understand..

PHP recursive directory path


output. Many hosts will deny PHP access to the cgi bin. dh @opendir path Open the directory to the handle dh while false.. cgi bin. dh @opendir path Open the directory to the handle dh while false file readdir dh Loop through the directory if in_array.. the directory to the handle dh while false file readdir dh Loop through the directory if in_array file ignore Check that..

read files in folder


solution can any one help my code is php dir .. videos dh opendir dir select size 4 name vidfile php while file readdir.. dir select size 4 name vidfile php while file readdir dh false if is_file dir.' '. file file . file .. if file .DS_Store.. option php echo file option php select php closedir dh php file share improve this question The quick and easy..

Why doesn't this code simply print letters A to Z?


co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb..

Get filenames of images in a directory


and proceed to read its contents if is_dir dir if dh opendir dir images array while file readdir dh false if is_dir.. dir if dh opendir dir images array while file readdir dh false if is_dir dir. file images file closedir dh print_r..