

php Programming Glossary: die

How to properly set up a PDO connection


write some details to an error log outside public_html die terminate connection public function dbh return this dbh #..

Warning: mysql_fetch_* expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given error [duplicate]


FROM Users WHERE UserName LIKE ' username' if result FALSE die mysql_error TODO better error handling while row mysql_fetch_array.. not how to do it. Production code shouldn't use or die when outputting HTML else it will at the very least generate..

How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL?


destroy our database and 2 repeated executions will not die due to ˜duplicate primary key errors. Method 1 using REPLACE..

“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate]


username_speedycms password_speedycms if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error mysql_select_db speedycms.. not connect ' . mysql_error mysql_select_db speedycms or die mysql_error php if function_exists GetSQLValueString function.. speedycms Result1 mysql_query deleteSQL speedycms or die mysql_error deleteGoTo progress.php if isset _SERVER 'QUERY_STRING'..

PHP PDO bindValue in LIMIT


' max' max PDO PARAM_INT fetchPictures execute or die print_r fetchPictures errorInfo pictures fetchPictures fetchAll..

How do you connect to multiple MySQL databases on a single webpage?


using dbh mysql_connect hostname username password or die Unable to connect to MySQL However can I just use multiple mysql_connect..

mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in select


FROM Users WHERE UserName LIKE ' username' if result FALSE die mysql_error TODO better error handling while row mysql_fetch_array.. not how to do it. Production code shouldn't use or die when outputting HTML else it will at the very least generate..

Simple “Long Polling” example code?


if rand 1 3 1 Fake an error header HTTP 1.0 404 Not Found die Send a string after a random number of seconds 2 10 sleep rand.. it is very resilient. If the clients internet connection dies it will timeout then try and reconnect this is inherent in..

ACL implementation


acl setMethod 'myMethod' acl getRole if acl allowed die You're not allowed to do it ... It is very bad approach and.. __CLASS__ acl setMethod name acl getRole if acl allowed die You're not allowed to do it ... It is better than previous..

How to prevent SQL injection with dynamic tablenames?


'layer' . GROUP BY Category result mysql_query query or die mysql_error Into this layer mysql_real_escape_string _GET 'layer'..

Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now


s brand numRecords execute data con query countQuery or die print_r con error rowcount data num_rows rows getRowsByArticleSearch..

Able to see a variable in print_r()'s output, but not sure how to access it in code


you will immediately see. Sometimes it helps to place a die after the var_dump statement so not to end the response before..

Headers already sent by PHP


files. For PHP specifically there is the phptags tag tidier . It rewrites close and open tags into long and short forms.. an info or apply other fallback logic. if headers_sent die Redirect failed. Please click on this link a href ... else exit..

How do you debug PHP scripts? [closed]


though and all I have is SSH and vim I still var_dump die to find where the code goes south. share improve this answer..

Prevent PHP script from being flooded


runtime memcache get 'floodControl' if time runtime 2 die Die Die Die else echo Welcome memcache set floodControl time This.. memcache get 'floodControl' if time runtime 2 die Die Die Die else echo Welcome memcache set floodControl time This is.. memcache get 'floodControl' if time runtime 2 die Die Die Die else echo Welcome memcache set floodControl time This is just..

PHP: How to format a given DateTime object considering \Locale::getDefault()


I need the german translation of Tue Tuesday which is Die Dienstag . This gives me the right locale setting Locale getDefault.. I need the german translation of Tue Tuesday which is Die Dienstag . This gives me the right locale setting Locale getDefault..