

php Programming Glossary: directives

How do I run Django and PHP together on one Apache server?


your WSGIScriptAlias ... after any other Location Alias directives. Lets say for example I want to run phpMyAdmin on the same domain.. all Directory VirtualHost You don't need those Directory directives in http.conf ... do all your configuration in the Virtual hosts...

Derived class defined later in the same file “does not exist”?


The conclusions The Zend compiler does not act on include directives at compile time even if the filename is hardcoded . If it did..

Password Protecting Web Directories and Files


URI's if you want by including additional SetEnvIfNoCase directives. Also will this authentication prevent the scripts from running..

Get raw post data


HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA and does not need any special php.ini directives. php input is not available with enctype multipart form data..

PHP $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] vs. $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], am I understanding the man pages correctly?


file Apache2 in my case and varies depending on a few directives 1 VirtualHost 2 ServerName 3 UseCanonicalName etc. _SERVER 'HTTP_HOST'..

Mod-Rewrite or PHP router?


also way easier to handle in PHP than in Apache's rewrite directives. PHP is much more flexible and easier to write understand. I'm..

PHP change the maximum upload file size


How to test a site rigorously?


Siege supports HTTP 1.0 and 1.1 protocols GET and POST directives cookies transaction logging and basic authentication. Its features..

Why is turning magic_quotes_gpc on considered a bad practice?


more efficient. Although php.ini development enables these directives by default php.ini production disables it. This recommendation..

file_get_contents(“php://input”) or $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, which one is better to get the body of JSON request?


HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA and does not need any special php.ini directives . php input is not available with enctype multipart form data..

Why would $_FILES be empty when uploading files to PHP?


to verify your settings. Make sure you don ™t misspell the directives as 8MB instead of the expected 8M Do not use javascript to disable..

Alternatives to PHP header function


Can I do this from within the .htaccess file None of the directives offered by mod_mime or mod_negotiation seem to be what I'm looking..

Can I dynamically create subdomains (PHP, .htaccess) with GoDaddy Hosting?


provides a way to manually edit your virtual hosts' directives or at least the ability to add server aliases through their..

How to get useful error messages in PHP?


page in the PHP documentation for information on the 2 directives error_reporting and display_errors . display_errors is probably..

How to get body of a POST in php?


as it does not depend on special php.ini directives. Moreover for those cases where HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is not populated..

Android: upload file with filling out POST body together


as it does not depend on special php.ini directives. Moreover for those cases where HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is not populated..

Setting PHP default encoding to utf-8?


care of the default encoding I also found other encoding directives that I don't know what to do about iconv iconv.input_encoding..

How to retrieve Request Payload


as it does not depend on special php.ini directives. Moreover for those cases where HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is not populated..