php Programming Glossary: dirname
php get all the images from url which width and height >=200 more quicker nearly 10 seconds but I need 48.64 seconds. require dirname __FILE__ . ' simple_html_dom.php' url 'http
pcntl runs the same code several times, assistance required if class_exists myTask 'recipient_model' require_once dirname __FILE__ . ' .. ' . classPath else if isset recipientFetcher.. 'personal_email' myMail 'contact_name' templatePath dirname __FILE__ . ' .. ' templatePath . lang self templatesDirEn ...
How can I relax PHP's open_basedir restriction? from Zend's bootstrap define 'APPLICATION_PATH' realpath dirname __FILE__ . ' .. zend application ' set_include_path APPLICATION_PATH..
PHP StdErr after Exec() pipes process proc_open '.' descriptorspec pipes dirname __FILE__ null We can now read from the two output pipes stdout..
Running a Zend Framework action from command line 'APPLICATION_PATH' define 'APPLICATION_PATH' realpath dirname __FILE__ . ' .. application' Define application environment..
Redirect to Apache built-in 404 page with mod_rewrite? error document but a rule like RewriteCond REQUEST_URI ^ dirname pagename RewriteRule serve 404 page I know how to build a PHP.. to a non existent address RewriteCond REQUEST_URI ^ dirname pagename RewriteRule . sflkadsölfkasdfölkasdflökasdf but that..
How to get base URL with PHP? I tried something like these but none of them worked. echo dirname __FILE__ or echo basename __FILE__ etc. php share improve..
Using Template on PHP like include our settings connect to database etc. include dirname _SERVER 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' .' cfg settings.php' getting required..
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? loop as long as data.txt file is unchanged php filename dirname __FILE__ .' data.txt' store new message in the file msg isset..
Error message Strict standards: Non-static method should not be called statically in php [closed] goes here' exit ... ... ww.incs common.php php require dirname __FILE__ .' basics.php' ... ... ww.incs basics.php session_start..
Using PHP include to separate site content include our settings connect to database etc. include dirname _SERVER 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' .' cfg settings.php' getting required..
Relative include files it only works since PHP5.3 and you would have to use the dirname __FILE__ construct instead if you need compatibility to older..
Load block outside Magento, and apply current template achieved this with the following code php require_once dirname __FILE__ .' store app Mage.php' app Mage app session Mage getSingleton..
Downloading a large file using curl improve this question php set_time_limit 0 fp fopen dirname __FILE__ . ' localfile.tmp' 'w ' This is the file where we save..
Are PHP include paths relative to the file or the calling code?
Syntax error while defining an array as a property of a class unexpected here 'UploadedURL' http localhost 'UploadPath' dirname __FILE__ . upload 'UploadMap' dirname __FILE__ . uploads.object.. 'UploadPath' dirname __FILE__ . upload 'UploadMap' dirname __FILE__ . uploads.object 'RegisterMode' false ... This is my..