

php Programming Glossary: complextype

php soap client for uk mail webservice api?


Schema documents schemaLocation xs element name Login xs complexType xs sequence xs element xmlns q1 http www.UKMail.com Services.. nillable true type q1 LoginWebRequest xs sequence xs complexType xs element It has an element named loginWebRequest which is.. which is described in another imported XML Schema xs complexType name LoginWebRequest xs sequence xs element name Password nillable..

Consuming PHP webservice(SOAP, WSDL) from ASP.NET C# app - problems with array


xmlns soapenc http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap encoding complexType name ViewCustomer_Object sequence element minOccurs 0 name customer.. element minOccurs 0 name first_name type string sequence complexType schema types ... message name view_customer_response part name..

Using a WSDL with abstract types in PHP


WSDL that have elements of abstract types. For example xs complexType name RestrictionType xs sequence xs element ref t SearchExpression.. sequence xs element ref t SearchExpression xs sequence xs complexType SearchExpression is an abtract type. There are several types.. types that extend SearchExpression such as ExistsType xs complexType name ExistsType xs complexContent xs extension base t SearchExpressionType..

Passing user-defined types in PHP SOAP


2000 10 XMLSchema element name personalInformation complexType all element name name type xsd string element name title type.. type xsd string element name lang type xsd string all complexType element schema I define the service response message like this..

PHP: How to process SOAP response to get a tag value?


xs element name NewDataSet msdata IsDataSet true xs complexType xs choice maxOccurs unbounded xs element name Table xs complexType.. xs choice maxOccurs unbounded xs element name Table xs complexType xs sequence xs element name id type xs long msdata targetNamespace.. long msdata targetNamespace minOccurs 0 xs sequence xs complexType xs element xs choice xs complexType xs element xs schema..