php Programming Glossary: complexcontent
php soap client for uk mail webservice api? UKMLoginResponse xs complexType name UKMLoginResponse xs complexContent mixed false xs extension base tns UKMWebResponse xs sequence.. nillable true type xs string xs sequence xs extension xs complexContent xs complexType UKMLoginResponse has two elements of its own..
Using a WSDL with abstract types in PHP such as ExistsType xs complexType name ExistsType xs complexContent xs extension base t SearchExpressionType ... xs extension xs.. extension base t SearchExpressionType ... xs extension xs complexContent xs complexType xs element name Exists type t ExistsType substitutionGroup..
SOAP WSDL Associative Arrays soap encoding xsd complexType name ArrayOfString xsd complexContent xsd restriction base soapenc Array xsd attribute ref soapenc.. wsdl arrayType tns arrayElement xsd restriction xsd complexContent xsd complexType xsd schema wsdl types Thanks I'm talking about..