php Programming Glossary: cleans
Are prepared statements cached server-side across multiple page loads with PHP? share improve this question When a request is served php cleans the instance and frees resources and other variables. This is..
preg_match() Unknown modifier '[' help
Purpose of PHP constructors the object is holding . They are rare in PHP because PHP cleans all the resources held by the script when the script execution..
PHP code to generate safe URL? ascii does another replacement for anything else and then cleans up after itself. Fabrik's test returns arvizturo tukorfurogep..
The ultimate clean/secure function whether you could make a function that secures escapes and cleans the _GET _POST arrays right away so you won't have to deal with..
Encoding cookies so they cannot be spoofed or read etc file will be slow very slow . And garbage collection which cleans old files will be VERY VERY VERY slow if it'll even run at all..
$_POST empty on utf-8 characters debugging I have found out that system.core.Input class cleans the input data on _clean_input_data function. Clean UTF 8 if..
PHP function that creates a nested ul li? it finds a new array to process. As long as the function cleans up appropriately closing the li ol it's largely automatic. php..