php Programming Glossary: class's
Instantiating a new PHP class with one or many arguments false return obj It creates a new instance by calling that class's constructor and passing in the key. Now how would I make it..
How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page? here P.S. since PHP 5.0 was released some time in 2004th class's variables should be defined using public private or protected..
“Inline” Class Instantiation in PHP? (For Ease of Method Chaining) decide to use static methods is it too sorcerous to have a class's static method return an instantiation of the class itself Effectively..
where we use object operator “->” in php [closed] a static method access a static variable or call a parent class's version of a method within a child class. share improve this..
How do you iterate through current class properties (not inherited from a parent or abstract class)? class I know that PHP5 will let you iterate through a class's properties. However if the class extends another class then.. Is there any way I can iterate ONLY through the current class's properties. Reason why I'm asking this.... I'm using CI and.. Parent sez hi I just want to iterate through the current class's properties. Not those inherited elsewhere. Thanks in advance...
Get all instances of a class in PHP member variable which holds an array of instances. In the class's constructor and destructor I would add or remove this from the..
Improve this PHP Bitfield Class for settings/permissions? an int only. I also have some sample code to test the class's functionality below. I am looking for any suggestions code to..