php Programming Glossary: arraycollection
Symfony2 collection of Entities - how to add/remove assotiation with existing entities? password email avoRoles groups AND saves avoRoles as an ArrayCollection of Role entities ManyToMany relation AND saves groups as an.. Role entities ManyToMany relation AND saves groups as an ArrayCollection of Role entities ManyToMany relation Note ONLY existing Roles.. ORM Mapping as ORM use Avocode CommonBundle Collections ArrayCollection use Symfony Component Validator ExecutionContext @ORM Entity..
Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation code include 'data.php' include 'phpmongo spl.php' s new ArrayCollection array array release.year 2013 false loops 100 for i 0 i loops..
set multiple='false' in a form in a many to many relation symfony2 Error Argument 1 passed to Doctrine Common Collections ArrayCollection __construct must be an array object given called in C wamp www.. vendor doctrine common lib Doctrine Common Collections ArrayCollection.php line 48 Can anybody help me php symfony2 share improve..
Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table __construct this tracklist new Doctrine Common Collections ArrayCollection public function getTitle return this title public function getTracklist..
doctrine2 - How to improve flush efficiency? properties get current entity associations getter returns ArrayCollection object clear all associations by calling the ArrayCollection.. object clear all associations by calling the ArrayCollection clear set new associations by calling ArrayCollection add in.. the ArrayCollection clear set new associations by calling ArrayCollection add in sub loop persist entity by EntityManager After the loop..