php Programming Glossary: array_keys
PDO Prepared Inserts multiple rows in single query array_values d sql INSERT INTO table . implode array_keys datafield . VALUES . implode ' ' question_marks stmt pdo prepare..
Return index of highest value in an array arrays share improve this question My solution is maxs array_keys array max array Note this way you can retrieve every key related..
PHP Arrays: A good way to check if an array is associative or sequential? This will do it for you php function isAssoc arr return array_keys arr range 0 count arr 1 var_dump isAssoc array 'a' 'b' 'c' false..
passing arrays as url parameter return 'aValues ' . urlencode key . ' ' . urlencode val array_keys aValues aValues PHP 5.3 callback function urlify key val return..
How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page? matches route 'default' break cleaning up results foreach array_keys matches as key if is_numeric key unset matches key view results..
Save PHP array to MySQL? foreach t as k v query INSERT INTO test id . implode ' ' array_keys v . VALUES k . implode ' ' v . r mysql_query query c mysql_close..
PHP: How to remove specific element from an array? can be multiple items with the same value you can use array_keys to get the keys to all items foreach array_keys array 'strawberry'.. can use array_keys to get the keys to all items foreach array_keys array 'strawberry' as key unset array key share improve this..
List of Big-O for PHP functions length array_slice O offset length or O n if length NULL array_keys O n array_values O n array_reverse O n array_pad O pad_size..
PHP and Enumerations name constants keys array_map 'strtolower' array_keys constants return in_array strtolower name keys public static..
Fastest way to add prefix to array keys? way to iterate an array t3_start microtime true key array_keys array size sizeOf key for i 0 i size i doNothing key i array..
another twitter oAuth cURL access token request that fails values join and then sort. keys this _urlencode_rfc3986 array_keys params values this _urlencode_rfc3986 array_values params ..
Performance of FOR vs FOREACH in PHP it faster you need to use references code like this key array_keys aHash size sizeOf key for i 0 i size i is faster than a foreach..
Detect “overall average” color of the picture else colors thisRGB 1 arsort colors return array_slice array_keys colors 0 numColors sample usage palette colorPalette 'rmnp8.jpg'..
Export to CSV via PHP 0 return null ob_start df fopen php output 'w' fputcsv df array_keys reset array foreach array as row fputcsv df row fclose df return..
best way to determine if a URL is an image in PHP meta wrapper_data if is_array wrapper_data foreach array_keys wrapper_data as hh if substr wrapper_data hh 0 19 Content Type..
PHP - Upload multiple images of them as one array. index 0 field 'fileImage' keys array_keys _FILES field file array foreach keys as key file key _FILES..
Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string array characters public function getCharlist return array_keys this charlist public function trim if this charlist return..
How can I truncate a string to the first 20 words in PHP? text 0 limit words str_word_count text 2 pos array_keys words text substr text 0 pos limit . '...' return text echo..