php Programming Glossary: array_intersect
How to sort the results of this code? array_diff_key thenewarray array_flip newarray result array_intersect newarray wordmatch matchingwords count result Count the number..
Checking if an array contains all elements of another array i for j 0 j count GroupOfEight i j containsSearch count array_intersect search_this all count search_this containsSearch count array_intersect.. search_this all count search_this containsSearch count array_intersect stackArray GroupOfEight j count stackArray echo containsSearch.. false for i 0 i count GroupOfEight i containsSearch count array_intersect search_this all count search_this containsSearch count array_intersect..
Check if an array contains another array with PHP [duplicate] for i 0 i count GroupOfEight i containsSearch count array_intersect stackArray GroupOfEight i count stackArray count array_intersect.. stackArray GroupOfEight i count stackArray count array_intersect stackArray GroupOfEight i count GroupOfEight i if containsSearch.. list array for i 0 i count GroupOfEight i intercept array_intersect GroupOfEight i stackArray len count intercept if len 4 0 list..
String contains any items in an array (case insensitive) string 'My nAmE is Tom.' array array name tom if 0 count array_intersect array_map 'strtolower' explode ' ' string array do sth share..
List of Big-O for PHP functions of PHP array_merge array_merge_recursive array_reverse array_intersect array_combine str_replace with array inputs etc. php performance.. reindex all the keys Array Intersection Union Subtraction array_intersect_key if intersection 100 do O Max param_i_size ‘param_i_count.. all i if intersection 0 intersect O ‘param_i_size for all i array_intersect if intersection 100 do O n^2 ‘param_i_count for all i if intersection..
Picking the nearest value from an array reflecting ranges another one again not short at all. percent rebates max array_intersect array_keys rebates range 0 items The idea is basically to get..
comparing arrays in php, without caring for the order do something like this if count array_diff array_merge a b array_intersect a b 0 they are the same The reason it works is that array_merge.. a and b all the elements that are in either a b or both . array_intersect will create an array that has all the elements that are in both..
Find common values in multiple arrays with PHP do that Thanx php arrays share improve this question array_intersect intersect array_intersect array1 array2 array3 If you don't.. share improve this question array_intersect intersect array_intersect array1 array2 array3 If you don't know how many arrays you have..
JavaScript equivalent of PHP's in_array() of Prototype's indexOf and Chris's is more like PHP's array_intersect . This does what you want function arrayCompare a1 a2 if a1.length..