

php Programming Glossary: appid

How do you get a facebook user's information and insert it into a database?


Create our Application instance replace this with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'xxx' 'secret'.. with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'xxx' 'secret' 'yyy' Get User ID user facebook getUser if user.. php require 'fb facebook.php' facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'xxx' 'secret' 'yyy' See if there is a user from a cookie user..

Facebook API & Ajax POST request


src js jquery.js script php FACEBOOK APP CONFIGURATION appId 'YOU_APP_ID' appSecret 'YOUR_APP_SECRET' define APPID appId.. 'YOU_APP_ID' appSecret 'YOUR_APP_SECRET' define APPID appId define APPSECRET appSecret API CALL if class_exists 'FacebookApiException'.. 'inc facebook.php' facebook new Facebook array 'appId' APPID 'secret' APPSECRET fb_user facebook getUser if fb_user..

Howto use FB Graph to post a message on a feed (wall)


github.com facebook php sdk facebook new Facebook array appId 123 secret 'secret' result facebook api ' me feed ' array 'access_token'..

What's method for checking user fan of a page in GRAPH API?


Create our Application instance replace this with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'APP_ID' 'secret'.. with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'APP_ID' 'secret' 'APP_SECRET' user facebook getUser if user..

Post on a Facebook wall as Page, not as user


Create our Application instance replace this with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'app_id' 'secret'.. with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'app_id' 'secret' 'app_secret' Get User ID user facebook getUser..

Post to Facebook Page Wall


Facebook App to post wallposts through it. I received appId and api secret . I've added application permissions to my Page.. Page and tried example code facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'my app id' 'secret' 'my api secret' 'cookie' false 'domain'..

facebook Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user


Create our Application instance replace this with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' '12345678'.. with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' '12345678' 'secret' 'REMOVED' 'fileUpload' true 'cookie' true.. Create our Application instance replace this with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'APP_ID' 'secret'..

Posting to a Facebook Page as the Page (not a person)


Create our Application instance replace this with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'.. with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' 'secret' 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' Get User..

Facebook PHP SDK getSession() fails to get session. Cookie problem?


connect.facebook.net en_US all.js script script FB.init appId ' echo APP_ID ' status true cookie true xfbml true FB.Event.subscribe..

Codeignitor, Facebook javascript SDK, PHP SDK Redirect after facebook login doesnt getUser() until refresh


initializing API window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' My app id ' status true cookie true xfbml true channel.html.. require 'facebook.php' this facebook new Facebook array 'appId' this config item 'appId' 'secret' this config item 'Secret'.. this facebook new Facebook array 'appId' this config item 'appId' 'secret' this config item 'Secret' Get user from FB this fb_user_id..

PHP SDK 3.1.1 getUser() sometimes return 0


require 'fbapi facebook.php' facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'xxx' 'secret' 'xxxxx' user facebook getUser the appId and.. 'appId' 'xxx' 'secret' 'xxxxx' user facebook getUser the appId and secret are the correct ones. Which could be the reason that..

update database when a user shared a link to facebook


id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId 'YOUR_APP_ID' App ID channelUrl ' WWW.YOUR_DOMAIN.COM channel.html'..

Facebook getUser() returns 0


id fb root div script window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' php echo this config item 'facebook_app_id' ' status true.. function fb_signin fb_user null fb_config array 'appId' this config item 'facebook_app_id' 'secret' this config item..

Using Facebook PHP-SDK 3.x to register/login user with Codeigniter 2.1.0


Create our Application instance replace this with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'.. with your appId and secret . facebook new Facebook array 'appId' 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' 'secret' 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' Get.. 'BASEPATH' exit 'No direct script access allowed' config 'appId' 'app_id' config 'secret' 'app_secret' 2.place the sdk files..

How to hide values in hidden fields?


input type hidden name pass value Javea0615 select name appid option value QRScanner app1 option option value app2 app2 option..

Yahoo Weather API WOEID retrieval


table http where.yahooapis.com v1 places.q 'Barrie CA' appid yourappidhere or http query.yahooapis.com v1 public yql q select.. http where.yahooapis.com v1 places.q 'Barrie CA' appid yourappidhere or http query.yahooapis.com v1 public yql q select 20 20from..

Xdebug successfully connects to DBGP clients, but won't stop at breakpoints


mycompany index.php language PHP protocol_version 1.0 appid 14371 idekey macgdbp engine version 2.1.0 CDATA Xdebug engine..

How do I get my Facebook application to automatically ask for the required permissions post installation


if me window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' php echo appid ' session php echo isset session ' .json_encode session . '.. if me window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' php echo appid ' session php echo isset session ' .json_encode session . '.. window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' php echo appid ' session php echo isset session ' .json_encode session . '..

Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers?


require 'FacebookProvider.php' op new FacebookProvider op appid 148906418456860 your facebook app id op secret 'mysecret' your.. class FacebookProvider extends LightOpenIDProvider public appid public appsecret public baseurl i have really no idea what this.. https graph.facebook.com oauth authorize client_id . this appid. redirect_uri redirecturl urlencode this baseurl. _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI'..

Facebook API: How to post to own application wall without login


I do that I tried already fb new Facebook array 'appId' 'appid' 'secret' 'appsecret' 'cookie' true if fb getSession Post else.. Function to Get Access Token function get_app_token appid appsecret args array 'grant_type' 'client_credentials' 'client_id'.. args array 'grant_type' 'client_credentials' 'client_id' appid 'client_secret' appsecret ch curl_init url 'https graph.facebook.com..

Unable to find the wrapper “https” - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?


urlquery https www.googleapis.com customsearch v1 key . appid. cx . google_searchid. q . query. alt atom num . results xmlresults..

Authenticating a FACEBOOK Application - PHP


to my own wall so here is my code function get_app_token appid appsecret args array 'grant_type' 'client_credentials' 'client_id'.. args array 'grant_type' 'client_credentials' 'client_id' appid 'client_secret' appsecret ch curl_init url 'https graph.facebook.com.. curl_exec ch return json_encode data token get_app_token appid appsecret attachment array 'message' '' 'access_token' token..

xampp 1.7.4 + winxp + eclipse


htdocs test test.php language PHP protocol_version 1.0 appid 2912 idekey ECLIPSE_DBGP engine version 2.1.0rc1 CDATA Xdebug..

Unable to parse xml data with colon (:) from response using getNamespaces()


533.1 KHTML like Gecko Version 4.0 Mobile Safari 533.1 appid 12e2561f048158249e30000012e256826ad pv 2 rf 2 src admarvel type..

How to display the friends selector dialog with PHP sdk for Facebook?


as link https www.facebook.com dialog feed app_id your appid redirect_uri your redirecting link link link u are posting message..

Facebook API & Ajax POST request


appId 'YOU_APP_ID' appSecret 'YOUR_APP_SECRET' define APPID appId define APPSECRET appSecret API CALL if class_exists 'FacebookApiException'.. 'inc facebook.php' facebook new Facebook array 'appId' APPID 'secret' APPSECRET fb_user facebook getUser if fb_user try .. id js.src connect.facebook.net fr_FR all.js#xfbml 1 appId APPID fjs.parentNode.insertBefore js fjs document 'script' 'facebook..

fb_exchange_token for PHP only working once user removes app


url https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token client_id APPID client_secret APPSECRET grant_type fb_exchange_token fb_exchange_token..

Facebook getLoginUrl and next parameter doesn't work properly


array 'scope' 'email' 'next' 'http apps.facebook.com APPID ' echo script top.location . url. script I need to redirect..