php Programming Glossary: appsecret
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers? extends LightOpenIDProvider public appid public appsecret public baseurl i have really no idea what this is for. just..
Facebook API: How to post to own application wall without login already fb new Facebook array 'appId' 'appid' 'secret' 'appsecret' 'cookie' true if fb getSession Post else Logger Every time.. Function to Get Access Token function get_app_token appid appsecret args array 'grant_type' 'client_credentials' 'client_id' appid.. 'client_credentials' 'client_id' appid 'client_secret' appsecret ch curl_init url 'https oauth access_token'..
Authenticating a FACEBOOK Application - PHP own wall so here is my code function get_app_token appid appsecret args array 'grant_type' 'client_credentials' 'client_id' appid.. 'client_credentials' 'client_id' appid 'client_secret' appsecret ch curl_init url 'https oauth access_token'.. ch return json_encode data token get_app_token appid appsecret attachment array 'message' '' 'access_token' token 'name' 'Attachment..