php Programming Glossary: admins
Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection? Since the first few names in users table tend to be admins you may have just given away the farm. Also note this is one..
phpseclib or ssh2 pecl extension myself which is always a hassle and not something a lot of admins are going to be willing to do. And even if you are willing to..
Is there an implementable (non-theoretical) way to prove if email address belong to real email account? user opting in there's an advanced technique that us email admins call pissing up a rope where you hang a length of rope from..
Practical Zend_ACL + Zend_Auth implementation and best practices they can reply and have the same privileges as guests admins who can pretty much do anything I would want this ACL to be..
Does Zend ACL suit my needs? to access them. For example in my CMS I have developers admins and users . In the code below I add general access and then.. PERMISSIONS this allow admin deny admin null purge admins cannot purge normally deny admin cms comments create only..
How to send complex types from PHP SoapClient to ASP.NET SOAP server? not working. I don't know where's the problem. The server admins cannot help me and I haven't found any sollution over internet...
“Could not open socket” guarantee. Hardware fails accidents happen network admins have fat finger moments remote servers get confused global thermonuclear..
session_start hangs read permissions for all parent folders. According to the admins there were no changes made on the server and there is no special..
Anyone know of a good PHP ORM that DOES NOT use PDO? the term 'enterprise' loosely . The problem is that the admins have refused to compile and enable any PDO extension other than.. them. Edit Here is the response I've gotten from the admins on the server Sean We have tried unsuccessfully several times..
CodeIgniter authentication + user privileges kind of users. Super Admin This would be able to add new admins and new companies to the database and give privileges to the.. to the database and give privileges to the rest of the admins. Admin This would be able to do different stuff depending on..
Soft delete best practices (PHP/MySQL) Having the other 2 levels will still allow managers and admins to clean up the deleted lists if they get too long. And since..
Object-oriented-like structures in relational databases that all actors deal with are communications notes admins like to leave notes on customers and a few more. There are tons..
echo problems in PHP them. now let me tell you what my program does.i have 2 admins with different functions. the admin uploads file and registers..
Returning a value in constructor function of a class Setup the user we assume he is a user first. referees admins are considered users too try him new user _emailAddress catch..
Open-source rich HTML editor 'homeText.txt' I've also setup an admin.php page where admins can login to edit the site's content. When I say login I mean..
Is PHP's addslashes vulnerable to sql injection attack? [duplicate] _POST 'user' pass sha1 _POST 'pass' sql SELECT FROM admins WHERE user ' . user. ' AND `pass` ' . pass. ' nums mysql_num_rows..