jquery Programming Glossary: usleep
long-polling info from mysql not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11453423/long-polling-info-from-mysql-not-working chatpoll ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 while row mysql_fetch_array result last_msg_id row 'id' while old_msg_id last_msg_id usleep 1000 clearstatcache old_msg_id last_msg_id response array response 'msg' 'new' response 'old_msg_id' old_msg_id echo json_encode.. chatpoll ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 while row mysql_fetch_array result last_msg_id row 'id' while last_msg_id old_msg_id usleep 1000 clearstatcache result mysql_query SELECT id FROM chatpoll ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 while row mysql_fetch_array result..
Is this a true long polling? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761008/is-this-a-true-long-polling load_msgs 15000 Php file is here last_msg_id _POST 'last_msg_id' last_msg_id_db 1 while last_msg_id last_msg_id_db usleep 10000 clearstatcache sql mysqli_query db3 connection SELECT FROM chat_com where id ' last_msg_id' ORDER by id ASC sql_m..
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4174521/how-to-implement-a-chat-room-using-jquery-php 'timestamp' 0 currentmodif filemtime filename while currentmodif lastmodif check if the data file has been modified usleep 10000 sleep 10ms to unload the CPU clearstatcache currentmodif filemtime filename return a json array response array response..
Multiple AJAX requests delay each other http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6903318/multiple-ajax-requests-delay-each-other db getNewStuff foreach updates getResult as update response update getResponse if empty response return response else usleep 1 1000000 return 'no updates' Could the usleep be the problem jquery ajax xmlhttprequest long polling share improve this.. response update getResponse if empty response return response else usleep 1 1000000 return 'no updates' Could the usleep be the problem jquery ajax xmlhttprequest long polling share improve this question If you use sessions in the AJAX..