jquery Programming Glossary: usability
How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12312323/how-to-know-if-a-font-font-face-has-already-been-loaded content if the custom font fails to load. That ™s just bad usability. I have also added greater control over what happens during..
Countdown available spaces in a textarea with jquery or other? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1250748/countdown-available-spaces-in-a-textarea-with-jquery-or-other input when the limit is reached. It's a pain in the rear usability wise and can't be relied upon anyway. A simple countdown and..
Scrollbar problem with jQuery UI dialog in Chrome and Safari http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1617638/scrollbar-problem-with-jquery-ui-dialog-in-chrome-and-safari this have a suggested workaround that would give a decent usability experience I'm experimenting with mouseover scrollto on bits..
Professional jQuery based Combobox control? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/195270/professional-jquery-based-combobox-control want to use in my web applications. I think there are some usability issues with this control but as a user I don't think I'd know..
Moving a focus when the input text field reaches a max length http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1959398/moving-a-focus-when-the-input-text-field-reaches-a-max-length Card p form body html javascript jquery javascript events usability share improve this question I haven't used this tool before..
Multiple thead/tbody design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3206239/multiple-thead-tbody-design thead tbody design I have a question about usability design. I currently am using some JQuery to hide show entire..
Human-readable, current time sensitive date and time formatting in PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3259261/human-readable-current-time-sensitive-date-and-time-formatting-in-php style current time sensitive date formats php jquery usability date formatting share improve this question As best I can..
Converting latitude/longitude into city name? (reverse geolocating) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3392160/converting-latitude-longitude-into-city-name-reverse-geolocating use Google Maps API to plot it. While this has had awesome usability results the problem is when we try to display these locations..
Fancybox is not a function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3992054/fancybox-is-not-a-function .fancybox is not a function I am pretty sure it is not re usability issue. But when I test to see if fancybox's original files have..
Show select dropdown in jQuery? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4457076/show-select-dropdown-in-jquery can only implement your own select box but this is bad for usability. another approach is to programmatically change the size attribute..
Position element through css http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4531489/position-element-through-css screenLeft screen.left etc . But pop ups have many serious usability drawbacks and browsers limit their use for this reason. share..
Disabling submit button until all fields have values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5614399/disabling-submit-button-until-all-fields-have-values
google chrome does not fire blur event on radio buttons? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5744825/google-chrome-does-not-fire-blur-event-on-radio-buttons be used by 'unexperienced users' so my focus lies on good usability. Therefor I am providing a hint to every input field with further..
.mouseleave() with .delay() working together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6255821/mouseleave-with-delay-working-together and each DIV has 'close' button. Now I want to improve the usability by adding a timer delay to the opened visible DIV so that after3..
jquery vs jquery mobile vs jquery UI? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6636388/jquery-vs-jquery-mobile-vs-jquery-ui All together the frameworks can be used to enhance the usability of a site and really save developers a lot of time. To learn..
Show virtual keyboard on mobile phones in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6837543/show-virtual-keyboard-on-mobile-phones-in-javascript not in iOS iPhone and I believe Android as well. It's a usability issue that the keyboard should not be allowed to be triggered..
JSONPath or other XPath like utility for JSON/Javascript; or Jquery JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/859033/jsonpath-or-other-xpath-like-utility-for-json-javascript-or-jquery-json wonder if anyone has worked with it and can comment on its usability or can recommend alternatives What would be really slick is..
How to Convert An Enter Key Press Into A Tab Key Press For Web Pages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8664375/how-to-convert-an-enter-key-press-into-a-tab-key-press-for-web-pages question First off this is probably not a great idea usability wise. However here's something that should work input .on keydown..
jQuery - checkboxes like radiobuttons http://stackoverflow.com/questions/881166/jquery-checkboxes-like-radiobuttons doing this because it would be considered bad for usability and would certainly violate the principle of least surprise...
How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12312323/how-to-know-if-a-font-font-face-has-already-been-loaded safe timer has been added so the user isn ™t left without content if the custom font fails to load. That ™s just bad usability. I have also added greater control over what happens during font loading and on fail with the inclusion of classes addition..
Countdown available spaces in a textarea with jquery or other? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1250748/countdown-available-spaces-in-a-textarea-with-jquery-or-other you even should try to limit the input length by denying any input when the limit is reached. It's a pain in the rear usability wise and can't be relied upon anyway. A simple countdown and server side checking is the best option IMHO. share improve..
Scrollbar problem with jQuery UI dialog in Chrome and Safari http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1617638/scrollbar-problem-with-jquery-ui-dialog-in-chrome-and-safari like fixing it is a priority. So does anyone have a fix for this have a suggested workaround that would give a decent usability experience I'm experimenting with mouseover scrollto on bits of the form but it's not a great solution EDIT props to Rowan..
Professional jQuery based Combobox control? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/195270/professional-jquery-based-combobox-control but it doesn't really look like something I'd really want to use in my web applications. I think there are some usability issues with this control but as a user I don't think I'd know to start typing for the dropdownlist to turn into a textbox...
Moving a focus when the input text field reaches a max length http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1959398/moving-a-focus-when-the-input-text-field-reaches-a-max-length size 4 maxlength 4 p input type submit value Send Credit Card p form body html javascript jquery javascript events usability share improve this question I haven't used this tool before but it does what you want. You could just look at it's source..
Multiple thead/tbody design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3206239/multiple-thead-tbody-design thead tbody design I have a question about usability design. I currently am using some JQuery to hide show entire areas. Currently these are all in one big table with a thead..
Human-readable, current time sensitive date and time formatting in PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3259261/human-readable-current-time-sensitive-date-and-time-formatting-in-php 11 00am I'm not sure what to call these I guess conversational style current time sensitive date formats php jquery usability date formatting share improve this question As best I can tell there is no native function for this. I have created..
Converting latitude/longitude into city name? (reverse geolocating) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3392160/converting-latitude-longitude-into-city-name-reverse-geolocating PHP jQuery where employers enter their location and we use Google Maps API to plot it. While this has had awesome usability results the problem is when we try to display these locations to job seekers they are muddled and hard to visually discern..
Fancybox is not a function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3992054/fancybox-is-not-a-function page but it doesn't on this one a href #showmap Map a .fancybox is not a function I am pretty sure it is not re usability issue. But when I test to see if fancybox's original files have been loaded they are loaded with the dom so it might not..
Show select dropdown in jQuery? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4457076/show-select-dropdown-in-jquery share improve this question This is not possible. You can only implement your own select box but this is bad for usability. another approach is to programmatically change the size attribute of the select box but this is not really what you wanted...
Position element through css http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4531489/position-element-through-css
Disabling submit button until all fields have values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5614399/disabling-submit-button-until-all-fields-have-values
google chrome does not fire blur event on radio buttons? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5744825/google-chrome-does-not-fire-blur-event-on-radio-buttons html form with the support of css and jquery. The form will be used by 'unexperienced users' so my focus lies on good usability. Therefor I am providing a hint to every input field with further instructions. To show the hints I am using the onfocus..
.mouseleave() with .delay() working together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6255821/mouseleave-with-delay-working-together several 'triggers' li s each trigger shows a specific DIV and each DIV has 'close' button. Now I want to improve the usability by adding a timer delay to the opened visible DIV so that after3 or 5 seconds after the user has moved his mouse away from..
jquery vs jquery mobile vs jquery UI? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6636388/jquery-vs-jquery-mobile-vs-jquery-ui such as hovering which simply doesn't exist on mobile. All together the frameworks can be used to enhance the usability of a site and really save developers a lot of time. To learn more about the framework visit http www.learningjquery.com..
Show virtual keyboard on mobile phones in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6837543/show-virtual-keyboard-on-mobile-phones-in-javascript mobile share improve this question You can't at least not in iOS iPhone and I believe Android as well. It's a usability issue that the keyboard should not be allowed to be triggered except by user input it's just annoying if it's automatic..
JSONPath or other XPath like utility for JSON/Javascript; or Jquery JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/859033/jsonpath-or-other-xpath-like-utility-for-json-javascript-or-jquery-json looking at JSONPath and though it seems pretty well done I wonder if anyone has worked with it and can comment on its usability or can recommend alternatives What would be really slick is if there was a plugin for JQuery that did something like this...
How to Convert An Enter Key Press Into A Tab Key Press For Web Pages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8664375/how-to-convert-an-enter-key-press-into-a-tab-key-press-for-web-pages readonly. thanks javascript jquery share improve this question First off this is probably not a great idea usability wise. However here's something that should work input .on keydown function event if event.which 13 this .is textarea button..
jQuery - checkboxes like radiobuttons http://stackoverflow.com/questions/881166/jquery-checkboxes-like-radiobuttons question Here's a hint Use radio buttons. I wouldn't recommend doing this because it would be considered bad for usability and would certainly violate the principle of least surprise. Users have been conditioned to expect radios to accept 1 check..