jquery Programming Glossary: utf8
ruby on rails jquery submit a form as js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11658326/ruby-on-rails-jquery-submit-a-form-as-js as HTML Parameters utf8 £ô folder_name foldernames DETAIL_ADJUSTMENT When I add a submit.. as JS Parameters utf8 £ô folder_name foldernames DETAIL_ADJUSTMENT I have the following..
ruby on rails submit a form as a JS based on a change in select box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11675114/ruby-on-rails-submit-a-form-as-a-js-based-on-a-change-in-select-box get div style margin 0 padding 0 display inline input name utf8 type hidden value #x2713 div select id folder_name_foldernames.. get div style margin 0 padding 0 display inline input name utf8 type hidden value #x2713 div select id folder_name_foldernames..
Twitter Bootstrap Datepicker within modal window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12978254/twitter-bootstrap-datepicker-within-modal-window div style margin 0 padding 0 display inline input name utf8 type hidden value input name authenticity_token type hidden..
jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14776387/jquery-mobile-sending-data-from-one-page-to-the-another @@COLLATION_CONNECTION 40101 SET NAMES utf8 Database `test` CREATE DATABASE `test` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET.. NULL PRIMARY KEY `user_id` ENGINE InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT 2 Dumping data for table `users` INSERT INTO..
Return automatic download JQuery Ajax Call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2481302/return-automatic-download-jquery-ajax-call ajax like this php header 'Content type text csv charset utf8 ' adjust encoding if needed header 'Content disposition attachment..
jQuery AJAX request failing in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/425854/jquery-ajax-request-failing-in-ie I changed the content type from application json charset utf8 to just plain application json . I hate IE Also to avoid IE..
jQuery Validate 1.7 brakes $.getJSON() on jQuery 1.5? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4888226/jquery-validate-1-7-brakes-getjson-on-jquery-1-5 meta http equiv content type content text html charset utf8 script type text javascript src js jquery 1.5.min.js script..
jQuery Table to CSV export http://stackoverflow.com/questions/921037/jquery-table-to-csv-export function popup data window.location 'data text csv charset utf8 ' encodeURIComponent data return true It works for the most..
Twitter Bootstrap 2 modal form dialogs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9349142/twitter-bootstrap-2-modal-form-dialogs div style margin 0 padding 0 display inline input name utf8 type hidden value #x2713 input name authenticity_token type..
Return JSON from servlet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9645647/return-json-from-servlet ServletException IOException request.setCharacterEncoding utf8 response.setCharacterEncoding utf8 response.setContentType application.. utf8 response.setCharacterEncoding utf8 response.setContentType application json PrintWriter out response.getWriter.. your code in server to this request.setCharacterEncoding utf8 response.setCharacterEncoding utf8 response.setContentType application..
Google Map API V3 - Click on Marker show more info content as overlay (like in Google Maps) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10999858/google-map-api-v3-click-on-marker-show-more-info-content-as-overlay-like-in-g longitude sll latitude longitude sspn 0.172749 0.4422 ie UTF8 ll latitude longitude spn 0.162818 0.4422 z 11 iwloc A If there..
Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12349958/special-color-transition-effect-with-pure-jquery-animation-no-ui-or-other-lib null null 0 _default #ffffff jQuery It is about 7kb in UTF8 without gzip or other compressions and allows you to animate..
jQuery framework internals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1419731/jquery-framework-internals JavaScript Document dp 1590595335 ref sr 5F1 5F19 ie UTF8 s books qid 1252905196 sr 1 19 If you're intermediate level.. Techniques John Resig dp 1590597273 ref sr 5F1 5F10 ie UTF8 s books qid 1252905139 sr 1 10 http www.amazon.com JavaScript.. Recipes Problem Solution dp 159059908X ref sr 5F1 5F16 ie UTF8 s books qid 1252905196 sr 1 16 Other technical references http..
jQuery $(document).ready() failing in IE6 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/463800/jquery-document-ready-failing-in-ie6 Good Parts Douglas Crockford dp 0596517742 ref sr_1_1 ie UTF8 s books qid 1267108736 sr 1 1 Anyway really hope I didn't upset..
How to change ajax-charset? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8285936/how-to-change-ajax-charset encoding used by .post ` The arguments are encoded with UTF8. How can and encode it with ISO 8859 1 jquery ajax jquery ajax..
ruby on rails jquery submit a form as js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11658326/ruby-on-rails-jquery-submit-a-form-as-js dropdown the form is being submitted as Processing by DeploymentGroupController#show_workflow_list as HTML Parameters utf8 £ô folder_name foldernames DETAIL_ADJUSTMENT When I add a submit button instead of a onchange like below form_for folder_name.. the request is being submitted like this Processing by DeploymentGroupController#show_workflow_list as JS Parameters utf8 £ô folder_name foldernames DETAIL_ADJUSTMENT I have the following code in my show_workflow_list action def show_workflow_list..
ruby on rails submit a form as a JS based on a change in select box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11675114/ruby-on-rails-submit-a-form-as-a-js-based-on-a-change-in-select-box data remote true id show_workflow_list_form method get div style margin 0 padding 0 display inline input name utf8 type hidden value #x2713 div select id folder_name_foldernames name folder_name foldernames option value RISK_ODS selected.. show_workflow_list data remote true id this_form method get div style margin 0 padding 0 display inline input name utf8 type hidden value #x2713 div select id folder_name_foldernames name folder_name foldernames option value RISK_ODS selected..
Twitter Bootstrap Datepicker within modal window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12978254/twitter-bootstrap-datepicker-within-modal-window 8 action players class form horizontal id new_user method post div style margin 0 padding 0 display inline input name utf8 type hidden value input name authenticity_token type hidden value KdL6cc2Vb53qeMY PpBUS70myT4HX1uWofMUBolLea8 div div class..
jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14776387/jquery-mobile-sending-data-from-one-page-to-the-another @@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS 40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION @@COLLATION_CONNECTION 40101 SET NAMES utf8 Database `test` CREATE DATABASE `test` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci USE `test` Table structure.. `user_name` varchar 64 NOT NULL `user_pass` varchar 64 NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `user_id` ENGINE InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT 2 Dumping data for table `users` INSERT INTO `users` `user_id` `user_name` `user_pass` VALUES 1 'gajotres'..
Return automatic download JQuery Ajax Call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2481302/return-automatic-download-jquery-ajax-call can do this easiest and possibly only server side no need for ajax like this php header 'Content type text csv charset utf8 ' adjust encoding if needed header 'Content disposition attachment filename fileNameHere.csv ' output document in response..
jQuery AJAX request failing in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/425854/jquery-ajax-request-failing-in-ie explorer jquery ajax share improve this question Fixed I changed the content type from application json charset utf8 to just plain application json . I hate IE Also to avoid IE super caching try this var d new Date .ajax url SITE_URL content..
jQuery Validate 1.7 brakes $.getJSON() on jQuery 1.5? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4888226/jquery-validate-1-7-brakes-getjson-on-jquery-1-5 html xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml lang ru head title title meta http equiv content type content text html charset utf8 script type text javascript src js jquery 1.5.min.js script If I uncomment this it will not work script type text javascript..
jQuery Table to CSV export http://stackoverflow.com/questions/921037/jquery-table-to-csv-export ' generator.document.close return true I've changed it to function popup data window.location 'data text csv charset utf8 ' encodeURIComponent data return true It works for the most part. It still requires that you find your spreadsheet software..
Twitter Bootstrap 2 modal form dialogs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9349142/twitter-bootstrap-2-modal-form-dialogs charset UTF 8 action tagging data remote true method post div style margin 0 padding 0 display inline input name utf8 type hidden value #x2713 input name authenticity_token type hidden value mCNvbvoPFWhD7SoJm9FPDh BcRvCG3d16P oOFACPuc div..
Return JSON from servlet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9645647/return-json-from-servlet request HttpServletResponse response throws ServletException IOException request.setCharacterEncoding utf8 response.setCharacterEncoding utf8 response.setContentType application json PrintWriter out response.getWriter JSONObject.. response throws ServletException IOException request.setCharacterEncoding utf8 response.setCharacterEncoding utf8 response.setContentType application json PrintWriter out response.getWriter JSONObject jsonObj JSONObject JSONValue.parse.. cache false . but i have been fix your code i'm Update your code in server to this request.setCharacterEncoding utf8 response.setCharacterEncoding utf8 response.setContentType application json PrintWriter out response.getWriter JSONObject..
Google Map API V3 - Click on Marker show more info content as overlay (like in Google Maps) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10999858/google-map-api-v3-click-on-marker-show-more-info-content-as-overlay-like-in-g maps.google.com maps f q source s_q hl en geocode q latitude longitude sll latitude longitude sspn 0.172749 0.4422 ie UTF8 ll latitude longitude spn 0.162818 0.4422 z 11 iwloc A If there is any hint on how to achieve these results it will be..
Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12349958/special-color-transition-effect-with-pure-jquery-animation-no-ui-or-other-lib teal #008080 white #ffffff yellow #ffff00 transparent null null null 0 _default #ffffff jQuery It is about 7kb in UTF8 without gzip or other compressions and allows you to animate colors exactly as you were previously doing with jQuery UI...
jQuery framework internals http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1419731/jquery-framework-internals DOM Scripting Javascript http www.amazon.com DOM Scripting Design JavaScript Document dp 1590595335 ref sr 5F1 5F19 ie UTF8 s books qid 1252905196 sr 1 19 If you're intermediate level http www.amazon.com gp product 0596517742 ref s9 5Fsimz 5Fgw.. Wrox Guides dp 0764579088 http www.amazon.com Pro JavaScript Techniques John Resig dp 1590597273 ref sr 5F1 5F10 ie UTF8 s books qid 1252905139 sr 1 10 http www.amazon.com JavaScript Design Patterns Recipes Problem Solution dp 159059908X ref.. sr 1 10 http www.amazon.com JavaScript Design Patterns Recipes Problem Solution dp 159059908X ref sr 5F1 5F16 ie UTF8 s books qid 1252905196 sr 1 16 Other technical references http www.w3.org DOM http www.ecma international.org publications..
jQuery $(document).ready() failing in IE6 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/463800/jquery-document-ready-failing-in-ie6 Javascript The good parts http www.amazon.com JavaScript Good Parts Douglas Crockford dp 0596517742 ref sr_1_1 ie UTF8 s books qid 1267108736 sr 1 1 Anyway really hope I didn't upset anyone. Hope you solve the problem EDIT I'm not sure if..
How to change ajax-charset? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8285936/how-to-change-ajax-charset to change ajax charset how can I change the default encoding used by .post ` The arguments are encoded with UTF8. How can and encode it with ISO 8859 1 jquery ajax jquery ajax character encoding special characters share improve this..