jquery Programming Glossary: useragent
Distinguish Chrome from Safari using jQuery.browser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3303858/distinguish-chrome-from-safari-using-jquery-browser correct direction I will post functioning code here. var userAgent navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .browser.chrome chrome .test.. I will post functioning code here. var userAgent navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .browser.chrome chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase.. .browser.chrome chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase Is this a version of Chrome if .browser.chrome userAgent..
Detect Safari using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5899783/detect-safari-using-jquery Chrome has both ' Chrome ' and ' Safari ' inside userAgent string. Safari has only ' Safari '. So this works var is_chrome.. has only ' Safari '. So this works var is_chrome navigator.userAgent.indexOf 'Chrome' 1 var is_explorer navigator.userAgent.indexOf.. 'Chrome' 1 var is_explorer navigator.userAgent.indexOf 'MSIE' 1 var is_firefox navigator.userAgent.indexOf..
Displaying the OS name/version and the browser name/version on the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7370200/displaying-the-os-name-version-and-the-browser-name-version-on-the-page var nVer navigator.appVersion var nAgt navigator.userAgent var browserName navigator.appName var nameOffset verOffset ix.. Opera In MSIE the true version is after MSIE in userAgent else if verOffset nAgt.indexOf MSIE 1 browserName Internet Explorer.. In most other browsers name version is at the end of userAgent else if nameOffset nAgt.lastIndexOf ' ' 1 verOffset nAgt.lastIndexOf..
Distinguish Chrome from Safari using jQuery.browser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3303858/distinguish-chrome-from-safari-using-jquery-browser corrected his answer thank you Sarfraz for pointing me in the correct direction I will post functioning code here. var userAgent navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .browser.chrome chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase Is this a version of Chrome.. thank you Sarfraz for pointing me in the correct direction I will post functioning code here. var userAgent navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .browser.chrome chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase Is this a version of Chrome if .browser.chrome.. will post functioning code here. var userAgent navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .browser.chrome chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase Is this a version of Chrome if .browser.chrome userAgent userAgent.substring userAgent.indexOf 'chrome ' 7 userAgent..
Detect Safari using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5899783/detect-safari-using-jquery javascript jquery browser detection share improve this question Chrome has both ' Chrome ' and ' Safari ' inside userAgent string. Safari has only ' Safari '. So this works var is_chrome navigator.userAgent.indexOf 'Chrome' 1 var is_explorer navigator.userAgent.indexOf.. ' Chrome ' and ' Safari ' inside userAgent string. Safari has only ' Safari '. So this works var is_chrome navigator.userAgent.indexOf 'Chrome' 1 var is_explorer navigator.userAgent.indexOf 'MSIE' 1 var is_firefox navigator.userAgent.indexOf 'Firefox'.. has only ' Safari '. So this works var is_chrome navigator.userAgent.indexOf 'Chrome' 1 var is_explorer navigator.userAgent.indexOf 'MSIE' 1 var is_firefox navigator.userAgent.indexOf 'Firefox' 1 var is_safari navigator.userAgent.indexOf Safari..
Displaying the OS name/version and the browser name/version on the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7370200/displaying-the-os-name-version-and-the-browser-name-version-on-the-page with JavaScript I am currently using this function detectOSAndBrowser var nVer navigator.appVersion var nAgt navigator.userAgent var browserName navigator.appName var nameOffset verOffset ix In Opera the true version is after Opera or after Version.. Opera or after Version if verOffset nAgt.indexOf Opera 1 browserName Opera In MSIE the true version is after MSIE in userAgent else if verOffset nAgt.indexOf MSIE 1 browserName Internet Explorer In Chrome the true version is after Chrome else if verOffset.. if verOffset nAgt.indexOf Firefox 1 browserName Mozilla Firefox In most other browsers name version is at the end of userAgent else if nameOffset nAgt.lastIndexOf ' ' 1 verOffset nAgt.lastIndexOf ' ' browserName nAgt.substring nameOffset verOffset..