jquery Programming Glossary: userlist
Struts 2: Send a JSON string with JQuery ajax submit to be mapped into a List of complextypes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11429828/struts-2-send-a-json-string-with-jquery-ajax-submit-to-be-mapped-into-a-list-of If a struts 2 action class have a property of List User userList . And the user class has properties like username password createdDate.. on your jsp page to show the result like s iterator list userList s property value username s property value password s property.. can help you.. UPDATE if you have already a json object userList username username password afgasdfa createdDate date in format..
Caching issue with loading partial views into JQuery dialogs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11528196/caching-issue-with-loading-partial-views-into-jquery-dialogs 0 VaryByParam public PartialViewResult EditUser int id var userList userRepository.GetByRole id return PartialView EditUser userList.. userRepository.GetByRole id return PartialView EditUser userList The PartialView above is requested and loaded from the following..
How to handle nested CompositeView using Backbone.Marionette? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13575101/how-to-handle-nested-compositeview-using-backbone-marionette UserCollection Backbone.Collection.extend model User var userList new UserCollection userData var schedulerCompositeView new SchedulerCompositeView.. new SchedulerCompositeView collection userList schedulerCompositeView.render this.ui.schedulerWidget.html schedulerCompositeView.el..
How to use Ajax JQuery in Spring Web MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1673656/how-to-use-ajax-jquery-in-spring-web-mvc the page you will have a div in your code with an id like userList and you can iterate over the users in the returned json creating.. creating html for each user. Simply add that html to the userList div and it will appear in the browser. share improve this answer..
$.getJSON not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6002325/getjson-not-working event text .each function var inputText this .val var userList var weblink 'http test.com' problem is from here. .getJSON.. doesn't show up .each data function entryIndex entry userList.push entry 'from_user' alert userList There are four problems.. entryIndex entry userList.push entry 'from_user' alert userList There are four problems here Why the first alert 'weblink'..
Struts 2: Send a JSON string with JQuery ajax submit to be mapped into a List of complextypes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11429828/struts-2-send-a-json-string-with-jquery-ajax-submit-to-be-mapped-into-a-list-of JQuery ajax submit to be mapped into a List of complextypes If a struts 2 action class have a property of List User userList . And the user class has properties like username password createdDate etc. Is it possible to make struts populate the list.. execute your moves return SUCCESS then you can do some on your jsp page to show the result like s iterator list userList s property value username s property value password s property value createdDate s iterator I hope this can help you.. UPDATE.. password s property value createdDate s iterator I hope this can help you.. UPDATE if you have already a json object userList username username password afgasdfa createdDate date in format username username password afgasdfa createdDate date in format..
Caching issue with loading partial views into JQuery dialogs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11528196/caching-issue-with-loading-partial-views-into-jquery-dialogs the caching issue HttpGet OutputCache NoStore true Duration 0 VaryByParam public PartialViewResult EditUser int id var userList userRepository.GetByRole id return PartialView EditUser userList The PartialView above is requested and loaded from the.. public PartialViewResult EditUser int id var userList userRepository.GetByRole id return PartialView EditUser userList The PartialView above is requested and loaded from the following Javascript function function editUserOpen id .ajaxSetup..
How to handle nested CompositeView using Backbone.Marionette? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13575101/how-to-handle-nested-compositeview-using-backbone-marionette collection would be called var User Backbone.Model.extend var UserCollection Backbone.Collection.extend model User var userList new UserCollection userData var schedulerCompositeView new SchedulerCompositeView collection userList schedulerCompositeView.render.. model User var userList new UserCollection userData var schedulerCompositeView new SchedulerCompositeView collection userList schedulerCompositeView.render this.ui.schedulerWidget.html schedulerCompositeView.el And SchedulerCompositeView looks as..
How to use Ajax JQuery in Spring Web MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1673656/how-to-use-ajax-jquery-in-spring-web-mvc intended url of the form. To display the list of users in the page you will have a div in your code with an id like userList and you can iterate over the users in the returned json creating html for each user. Simply add that html to the userList..
$.getJSON not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6002325/getjson-not-working problem. document .ready function #inputForm .submit function event text .each function var inputText this .val var userList var weblink 'http test.com' problem is from here. .getJSON weblink function data alert weblink this statement doesn't.. .getJSON weblink function data alert weblink this statement doesn't show up .each data function entryIndex entry userList.push entry 'from_user' alert userList There are four problems here Why the first alert 'weblink' doesn't show up. Why.. weblink this statement doesn't show up .each data function entryIndex entry userList.push entry 'from_user' alert userList There are four problems here Why the first alert 'weblink' doesn't show up. Why this code can't get the json data from..