jquery Programming Glossary: unloaded
Combining jQuery Isotope and Lazy Load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11337291/combining-jquery-isotope-and-lazy-load lazyload After scrolling page Lazy Load loops though unloaded images. In loop it checks if image has become visible. By default..
What workarounds exist for the `complete` property in FireFox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1268557/what-workarounds-exist-for-the-complete-property-in-firefox else if theImage.height 0 return false return true An unloaded img or an img with an invalid src attribute should have .height..
How do I stop a page from unloading (navigating away) in JS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1299452/how-do-i-stop-a-page-from-unloading-navigating-away-in-js I will set it to false. If warning is true and the page is unloaded I offer them a confirmation box if they say no they would like..
Jquery Ajax error handling to ignore aborted http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4807572/jquery-ajax-error-handling-to-ignore-aborted sets a global variable to indicate that the page has been unloaded. The error handler can then check and only call the error handler.. only call the error handler only if the page has not been unloaded. var globalVars unloaded false window .bind 'beforeunload' function.. only if the page has not been unloaded. var globalVars unloaded false window .bind 'beforeunload' function globalVars.unloaded..
jQuery ajax call in onunload handler firing AFTER getting the page on a manual refresh. How do I guarantee onunload happens first? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5034216/jquery-ajax-call-in-onunload-handler-firing-after-getting-the-page-on-a-manual-r will make sure the ajax call completes before the page is unloaded. I know this question is a few months old but I wanted to add..
jqGrid and search filter. Best way to repopulate data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5275062/jqgrid-and-search-filter-best-way-to-repopulate-data true hidegrid false emptyrecords No records. and unloaded it GridUnload before recreating it. I was wondering if this..
$.post call is not happening in safari http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5548505/post-call-is-not-happening-in-safari Safari stops running the JavaScript due to the page being unloaded before it issues the request. Try making the call blocking by..
javascript before leaving the page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7080269/javascript-before-leaving-the-page to go. You can use onunload to do stuff before the page is unloaded but you cannot redirect from there Chrome 14 blocks alerts inside..
Combining jQuery Isotope and Lazy Load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11337291/combining-jquery-isotope-and-lazy-load According to the docs http www.appelsiini.net projects lazyload After scrolling page Lazy Load loops though unloaded images. In loop it checks if image has become visible. By default loop is stopped when first image below the fold not visible..
What workarounds exist for the `complete` property in FireFox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1268557/what-workarounds-exist-for-the-complete-property-in-firefox var theImage '#myImage' if theImage.get 0 .complete return false else if theImage.height 0 return false return true An unloaded img or an img with an invalid src attribute should have .height and .width equal to 0 in Firefox. In Chrome and Opera neither..
How do I stop a page from unloading (navigating away) in JS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1299452/how-do-i-stop-a-page-from-unloading-navigating-away-in-js this variable to be true and when they confirm the changes I will set it to false. If warning is true and the page is unloaded I offer them a confirmation box if they say no they would like to stay on this page I need to stop it from unloading. return..
Jquery Ajax error handling to ignore aborted http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4807572/jquery-ajax-error-handling-to-ignore-aborted for me is to set a listener for window.onbeforeunload which sets a global variable to indicate that the page has been unloaded. The error handler can then check and only call the error handler only if the page has not been unloaded. var globalVars.. page has been unloaded. The error handler can then check and only call the error handler only if the page has not been unloaded. var globalVars unloaded false window .bind 'beforeunload' function globalVars.unloaded true ... .ajax error function jqXHR.. error handler can then check and only call the error handler only if the page has not been unloaded. var globalVars unloaded false window .bind 'beforeunload' function globalVars.unloaded true ... .ajax error function jqXHR status error if globalVars.unloaded..
jQuery ajax call in onunload handler firing AFTER getting the page on a manual refresh. How do I guarantee onunload happens first? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5034216/jquery-ajax-call-in-onunload-handler-firing-after-getting-the-page-on-a-manual-r or .unload set up your AJAX object with async false. This will make sure the ajax call completes before the page is unloaded. I know this question is a few months old but I wanted to add this info in case it helps anyone searching for a similar..
jqGrid and search filter. Best way to repopulate data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5275062/jqgrid-and-search-filter-best-way-to-repopulate-data 10 50 100 rowNum 10 viewrecords false shrinkToFit false rownumbers true hidegrid false emptyrecords No records. and unloaded it GridUnload before recreating it. I was wondering if this is the best way to do it or there might be some performance..
$.post call is not happening in safari http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5548505/post-call-is-not-happening-in-safari This may be because you are doing an asynchronous post and Safari stops running the JavaScript due to the page being unloaded before it issues the request. Try making the call blocking by using .ajax instead of .post and setting async to false ...
javascript before leaving the page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7080269/javascript-before-leaving-the-page they select to leave the browser will go where they told it to go. You can use onunload to do stuff before the page is unloaded but you cannot redirect from there Chrome 14 blocks alerts inside onunload window.onunload function alert 'Bye.' Or with..