jquery Programming Glossary: unused
Detect linked & unused files and unused JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13174988/detect-linked-unused-files-and-unused-javascript linked unused files and unused JavaScript I just finished my website which.. linked unused files and unused JavaScript I just finished my website which I started 2 years.. Now I don't know which of the linked files lines of JS are unused. Is there a tool which can detect these files and lines of code..
jQuery append() and remove() element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1501181/jquery-append-and-remove-element append function but I would also like to be able to remove unused fields. Here is the html markup span class inputname Project..
Image preview in Android webview before upload not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19947559/image-preview-in-android-webview-before-upload-not-working else return false For Android 3.0 @SuppressWarnings unused public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg uploadMessage.. FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE For Android 3.0 @SuppressWarnings unused public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg String.. FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE For Android 4.1 @SuppressWarnings unused public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg String..
jsonp memory leak http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3464858/jsonp-memory-leak which the runtime must keep track of but are basically unused. An alternative is to have a helper function outside of the..
Odd jQuery problem - Ajax request to a C program not quite working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3831255/odd-jquery-problem-ajax-request-to-a-c-program-not-quite-working this basic setup C program opens a socket on a specific unused port let's say 1234 and waits listening specifically for HTTP..
When the back button triggers popState how can I prevent a page refresh? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121666/when-the-back-button-triggers-popstate-how-can-i-prevent-a-page-refresh var foo foo true state object history.pushState foo unused argument #newInitialUri ... var bar bar true history.pushState.. #newInitialUri ... var bar bar true history.pushState bar unused argument #newStateOfWebApp ... window.onpopstate function event.. function event ... var baz baz true history.pushState baz unused argument #baseState In the above example say we loaded ' '...
Removing unused jQuery Mobile elements? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6582083/removing-unused-jquery-mobile-elements unused jQuery Mobile elements I'm using jQuery Mobile beta. It's great.. out a way to cut down the size of these files either the unused bits of jQuery or a way to remove parts of the CSS file depending..
jquery progressbar - loads all at once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6913426/jquery-progressbar-loads-all-at-once The server blocks getProcess.php until the session is unused. Process.php completes and closes the session. The server resumes..
Detect linked & unused files and unused JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13174988/detect-linked-unused-files-and-unused-javascript linked unused files and unused JavaScript I just finished my website which I started 2 years ago. I was always trying new things which.. linked unused files and unused JavaScript I just finished my website which I started 2 years ago. I was always trying new things which sometimes included.. adding different frameworks or other external JS files. Now I don't know which of the linked files lines of JS are unused. Is there a tool which can detect these files and lines of code It would save me a lot of time. javascript jquery share..
jQuery append() and remove() element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1501181/jquery-append-and-remove-element I'm dynamically adding the ability to upload files with the append function but I would also like to be able to remove unused fields. Here is the html markup span class inputname Project Images a href # class add_project_file img src images add_small.gif..
Image preview in Android webview before upload not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19947559/image-preview-in-android-webview-before-upload-not-working return true finally result.confirm in order not to alert else return false For Android 3.0 @SuppressWarnings unused public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg uploadMessage uploadMsg Intent i new Intent Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT.. Intent.createChooser i File Chooser FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE For Android 3.0 @SuppressWarnings unused public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg String acceptType uploadMessage uploadMsg Intent i new Intent.. Intent.createChooser i File Browser FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE For Android 4.1 @SuppressWarnings unused public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg String acceptType String capture uploadMessage uploadMsg Intent..
jsonp memory leak http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3464858/jsonp-memory-leak textStatus and callback 's context eventually lead to objects which the runtime must keep track of but are basically unused. An alternative is to have a helper function outside of the scope of callback function callCallback returned textStatus..
Odd jQuery problem - Ajax request to a C program not quite working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3831255/odd-jquery-problem-ajax-request-to-a-c-program-not-quite-working problem Ajax request to a C program not quite working I have this basic setup C program opens a socket on a specific unused port let's say 1234 and waits listening specifically for HTTP requests. Webpage on the same machine written primarily in..
When the back button triggers popState how can I prevent a page refresh? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121666/when-the-back-button-triggers-popstate-how-can-i-prevent-a-page-refresh then make sure to push another state from your popstate handler. var foo foo true state object history.pushState foo unused argument #newInitialUri ... var bar bar true history.pushState bar unused argument #newStateOfWebApp ... window.onpopstate.. foo true state object history.pushState foo unused argument #newInitialUri ... var bar bar true history.pushState bar unused argument #newStateOfWebApp ... window.onpopstate function event ... var baz baz true history.pushState baz unused argument.. bar unused argument #newStateOfWebApp ... window.onpopstate function event ... var baz baz true history.pushState baz unused argument #baseState In the above example say we loaded ' '. The script starts executing and the browser window URI changes..
Removing unused jQuery Mobile elements? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6582083/removing-unused-jquery-mobile-elements unused jQuery Mobile elements I'm using jQuery Mobile beta. It's great fun to work with but it's still very slow on a 3G connection... but so is everything in UI development . Has anyone figured out a way to cut down the size of these files either the unused bits of jQuery or a way to remove parts of the CSS file depending on which elements are actually used Thanks a lot. jquery..
jquery progressbar - loads all at once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6913426/jquery-progressbar-loads-all-at-once to session_start getProcess.php starts and calls session_start The server blocks getProcess.php until the session is unused. Process.php completes and closes the session. The server resumes getProcess.php and gives it control over the session...