jquery Programming Glossary: unsupported
jQuery 1.8: unsupported pseudo: hover http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11998514/jquery-1-8-unsupported-pseudo-hover 1.8 unsupported pseudo hover The following code raises the error unsupported.. pseudo hover The following code raises the error unsupported pseudo hover on jQuery 1.8 while it works perfect on jQuery..
Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14344289/fancybox-doesnt-work-with-jquery-v1-9-0-f-browser-is-undefined-cannot-read closing bracket NOTE this is an unofficial patch and is unsupported by Fancybox's author however it works as is. You may use it..
window.onbeforeunload and window.onunload is not working in Firefox , Safari , Opera? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14645011/window-onbeforeunload-and-window-onunload-is-not-working-in-firefox-safari-o question Unfortunately the methods you are using are unsupported in those browsers. To support my answer this unsupportive behaviour..
jQuery support “:invalid” selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15820780/jquery-support-invalid-selector 16 04 01.292 Error Syntax error unrecognized expression unsupported pseudo invalid @ http localhost 8080 assets js jquery 1.9.1.min.js..
Problem with jQuery.ajax with 'delete' method in ie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2456820/problem-with-jquery-ajax-with-delete-method-in-ie Rails and maybe other frameworks has a subterfuge for the unsupported put and delete requests a post request with the parameter _method..
Number nested ordered lists in HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2729927/number-nested-ordered-lists-in-html everything but IE6 7 and the jQuery code is to cover the unsupported. It's in flavor of an SSCCE you can just copy'n'paste'n'run..
Modify HTTP Headers for a JSONP request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3350778/modify-http-headers-for-a-jsonp-request use them accordingly falling back to standard JSONP for unsupported or older browsers. It's also possible but unlikely given that..
jsonp comet hanging request causes ugly “loading” status on browsers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3744488/jsonp-comet-hanging-request-causes-ugly-loading-status-on-browsers by which version of MSHTML it's embedding Notably unsupported Opera As of 11.01.1190 no support whatsoever Camino As of 2.0.5..
Multiple background images IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4465673/multiple-background-images-ie8 supported. #ex1 background url middle.gif repeat x 0 0 For unsupported browsers background url left.gif no repeat 0 0 For CSS3 Browsers.. hover background url middle hover.gif repeat x 0 0 For unsupported browsers background url left hover.gif no repeat 0 0 For CSS3.. active background url middle active.gif repeat x 0 0 For unsupported browsers background url left active.gif no repeat 0 0 For CSS3..
Deploy jQuery using a SharePoint Feature or physical files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/488194/deploy-jquery-using-a-sharepoint-feature-or-physical-files Summary is that modifying the 12 hive directly is easy but unsupported i.e. Microsoft reserves the right to destroy your environment..
I want to implement drag drop functionality using jQuery Masonry layout http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5026317/i-want-to-implement-drag-drop-functionality-using-jquery-masonry-layout XMfwZ 1 It seems to be still a work in progress and is unsupported in masonry itself. The author suggested that the closest implementation..
jQuery function to get all unique elements from an array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5381621/jquery-function-to-get-all-unique-elements-from-an-array 4 2 3 If supporting IE8 and below is primary don't use the unsupported filter method. Otherwise If Array.prototype.filter Array.prototype.filter..
Best way to store small UI user preferences in web app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6534535/best-way-to-store-small-ui-user-preferences-in-web-app at their end like cache clearance and local storage unsupported browsers. It will also make it possible for users to use the..
jQuery Mobile Scrollview http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7254761/jquery-mobile-scrollview to data scroll as it interferes breaks everything. For unsupported versions and OS's you might still need the scrollview js css..
attributes not found by jquery attribute selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/744523/attributes-not-found-by-jquery-attribute-selector css3 share improve this question There is no list of unsupported attributes because there shouldn't be this is a bug in jQuery...
Zepto fallback to jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8725905/zepto-fallback-to-jquery be a crazy idea I'm not sure if Zepto will even load on an unsupported browser but what about using Zepto's own browser detection to.. using Zepto's own browser detection to see if it's on an unsupported browser .os.ios true if running on Apple iOS .os.android true..
jQuery 1.8: unsupported pseudo: hover http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11998514/jquery-1-8-unsupported-pseudo-hover 1.8 unsupported pseudo hover The following code raises the error unsupported pseudo hover on jQuery 1.8 while it works perfect on jQuery.. 1.8 unsupported pseudo hover The following code raises the error unsupported pseudo hover on jQuery 1.8 while it works perfect on jQuery 1.7.2 if this .parent .find 'ul' .first .is ' hover' this .parent..
Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14344289/fancybox-doesnt-work-with-jquery-v1-9-0-f-browser-is-undefined-cannot-read March 19 2013 ... thanks fairylee for pointing out the extra closing bracket NOTE this is an unofficial patch and is unsupported by Fancybox's author however it works as is. You may use it at your own risk Optionally you may rather rollback to jQuery..
window.onbeforeunload and window.onunload is not working in Firefox , Safari , Opera? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14645011/window-onbeforeunload-and-window-onunload-is-not-working-in-firefox-safari-o jquery javascript events jquery events share improve this question Unfortunately the methods you are using are unsupported in those browsers. To support my answer this unsupportive behaviour I have given links below. onbeforeunload and onunload..
jQuery support “:invalid” selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15820780/jquery-support-invalid-selector invalid&rdquo selector I get the following console message 16 04 01.292 Error Syntax error unrecognized expression unsupported pseudo invalid @ http localhost 8080 assets js jquery 1.9.1.min.js 4 When I try something like if e.target .is ' invalid'..
Problem with jQuery.ajax with 'delete' method in ie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2456820/problem-with-jquery-ajax-with-delete-method-in-ie to Nick Craver for pointing me in the right direction. Rails and maybe other frameworks has a subterfuge for the unsupported put and delete requests a post request with the parameter _method note the underscore set to 'put' or 'delete' will be treated..
Number nested ordered lists in HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2729927/number-nested-ordered-lists-in-html The pure CSS approach works in the real browsers i.e. everything but IE6 7 and the jQuery code is to cover the unsupported. It's in flavor of an SSCCE you can just copy'n'paste'n'run it without changes. doctype html html lang en head title SO..
Modify HTTP Headers for a JSONP request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3350778/modify-http-headers-for-a-jsonp-request good idea to test for these implementations if they exist and use them accordingly falling back to standard JSONP for unsupported or older browsers. It's also possible but unlikely given that it's high profile that the web service isn't set up to allow..
jsonp comet hanging request causes ugly “loading” status on browsers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3744488/jsonp-comet-hanging-request-causes-ugly-loading-status-on-browsers and cookies with the request Sleipnir Support is determined by which version of MSHTML it's embedding Notably unsupported Opera As of 11.01.1190 no support whatsoever Camino As of 2.0.5 still based on Gecko 1.9.0 Firefox 3.0 Arora As of 0.10.2..
Multiple background images IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4465673/multiple-background-images-ie8 Javascript library. Notice how hover and active states are supported. #ex1 background url middle.gif repeat x 0 0 For unsupported browsers background url left.gif no repeat 0 0 For CSS3 Browsers url right.gif no repeat 100 0 url middle.gif repeat x.. url right.gif no repeat 100 0 url middle.gif repeat x 0 0 #ex1 hover background url middle hover.gif repeat x 0 0 For unsupported browsers background url left hover.gif no repeat 0 0 For CSS3 Browsers url right hover.gif no repeat 100 0 url middle.. no repeat 100 0 url middle hover.gif repeat x 0 0 #ex1 active background url middle active.gif repeat x 0 0 For unsupported browsers background url left active.gif no repeat 0 0 For CSS3 Browsers url right active.gif no repeat 100 0 url middle..
Deploy jQuery using a SharePoint Feature or physical files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/488194/deploy-jquery-using-a-sharepoint-feature-or-physical-files www.sharepointblogs.com follow the link above or google it. Summary is that modifying the 12 hive directly is easy but unsupported i.e. Microsoft reserves the right to destroy your environment at will recommended option on above link is Use the AdditionalPageHead..
I want to implement drag drop functionality using jQuery Masonry layout http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5026317/i-want-to-implement-drag-drop-functionality-using-jquery-masonry-layout masonry ui http jsfiddle.net XMfwZ http jsfiddle.net desandro XMfwZ 1 It seems to be still a work in progress and is unsupported in masonry itself. The author suggested that the closest implementation would be http jqueryui.com demos sortable #display..
jQuery function to get all unique elements from an array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5381621/jquery-function-to-get-all-unique-elements-from-an-array i a.indexOf itm alert unique returned value Array 1 5 6 4 2 3 If supporting IE8 and below is primary don't use the unsupported filter method. Otherwise If Array.prototype.filter Array.prototype.filter function fun scope var T this A i 0 itm L T.length..
Best way to store small UI user preferences in web app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6534535/best-way-to-store-small-ui-user-preferences-in-web-app in your own database. That will leave users with less problems at their end like cache clearance and local storage unsupported browsers. It will also make it possible for users to use the UI settings across different computers or browsers. share..
jQuery Mobile Scrollview http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7254761/jquery-mobile-scrollview bugs. Be sure to remove all the extra js css and all references to data scroll as it interferes breaks everything. For unsupported versions and OS's you might still need the scrollview js css etc but in my experience the places that don't support the..
attributes not found by jquery attribute selector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/744523/attributes-not-found-by-jquery-attribute-selector that is not what i am after. jquery attributes selectors css3 share improve this question There is no list of unsupported attributes because there shouldn't be this is a bug in jQuery. Here are the open tickets on this Can not select a form using..
Zepto fallback to jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8725905/zepto-fallback-to-jquery detection zepto share improve this question This might be a crazy idea I'm not sure if Zepto will even load on an unsupported browser but what about using Zepto's own browser detection to see if it's on an unsupported browser .os.ios true if running.. Zepto will even load on an unsupported browser but what about using Zepto's own browser detection to see if it's on an unsupported browser .os.ios true if running on Apple iOS .os.android true if running on Android .os.webos true if running on HP Palm..
415 Unsupported Media Type Calling WCF Service from $.ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11477420/415-unsupported-media-type-calling-wcf-service-from-ajax Unsupported Media Type Calling WCF Service from .ajax I am attempting to call a WCF web service from an ASPX page like so var payload.. payload contentType application json dataType json Doing so results in the web server returning the error 415 Unsupported Media Type . I'm sure this is a configuration issue with the WCF service which is defined as follows OperationContract WebInvoke..
Spring MVC 415 Unsupported Media Type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18102452/spring-mvc-415-unsupported-media-type MVC 415 Unsupported Media Type I am using spring 3.2 and try to use ajax post submit with array of json as parameter What i am getting is HTTP..
Strange JQuery Error “code 501, message Unsupported method OPTIONS” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8470414/strange-jquery-error-code-501-message-unsupported-method-options JQuery Error &ldquo code 501 message Unsupported method OPTIONS&rdquo I am learning the JQuery Get method. I start up a Python HTTP server just typing command Python m.. However when I write this very simple javascript to visit my webserver. I get an error message code 501 message Unsupported method 'OPTIONS' I use jquery.xdomainajax.js library which suppose cross domain request JQuery. Here is my javascript code..
Drupal login via Rest server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8535820/drupal-login-via-rest-server I've also changed the PUT into POST... The response i'm getting is no mather what I do the same 406 Not Acceptable Unsupported request content type application x www form urlencoded Could please somebody help me Kind regards Ceetn jquery json drupal..