jquery Programming Glossary: ul's
jquery ajax parse response text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1050333/jquery-ajax-parse-response-text The file 'info.html' is a standard xhtml file with a proper doctype and the only thing in the body is a series of ul's that I need to access. For some reason the find function is giving me a null value. In firebug the GET request is showing..
Change ul style when arriving to div(scrolling) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15802007/change-ul-style-when-arriving-to-divscrolling to change the div with the class menutext to class menutext2 on scrolling and arriving to the top of the divs first ul's class change from menutext1 to menutext2 on arriving to the div with the id DIV1 second ul's class change from menytext1.. the top of the divs first ul's class change from menutext1 to menutext2 on arriving to the div with the id DIV1 second ul's class change from menytext1 to menutext2 on arriving to the div with the id DIV2 AND the first ul's class return to menutext1.. the id DIV1 second ul's class change from menytext1 to menutext2 on arriving to the div with the id DIV2 AND the first ul's class return to menutext1 AS IT WAS and so on. jquery html css div scrolling share improve this question This should..
jQuery : add css class to menu item based on browser scroller position http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2703086/jquery-add-css-class-to-menu-item-based-on-browser-scroller-position and then removing it from the li's siblings it's actually adding the class to the parent ul and removing it from the ul's siblings. Try removing .parent from each line and that should work. Also since you are using in your if conditions the class..
jQuery UI: Only allow sortable within its own parent level, and not above or below http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4892435/jquery-ui-only-allow-sortable-within-its-own-parent-level-and-not-above-or-bel within it's own level but not within other levels. So if I'm dragging down Number 1 it won't mix with any of the sub ul's or li's but will only go below Number 2 . This is what I have so far and while it does prevent li's from going ABOVE it's..