jquery Programming Glossary: ui.item
jQuery Draggable, Droppable, ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1405396/jquery-draggable-droppable-asp-net-mvc function event ui console.log start fired console.log ui.item update function event ui console.log update fired console.log.. function event ui console.log update fired console.log ui.item deactivate function event ui console.log deactivate fired.. event ui console.log deactivate fired console.log ui.item When an item is dropped using sortable it fires the update..
jQuery Sortable and Droppable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2090121/jquery-sortable-and-droppable .sortable start function event ui draggable_sibling ui.item .prev stop function event ui if dropped if draggable_sibling.length.. if draggable_sibling.length 0 '#sortable' .prepend ui.item draggable_sibling.after ui.item dropped false .droppable.. 0 '#sortable' .prepend ui.item draggable_sibling.after ui.item dropped false .droppable .droppable activeClass 'active'..
jQuery sortable obtain 2 elements being swapped http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2263687/jquery-sortable-obtain-2-elements-being-swapped .sortable opacity 0.6 update function event ui var first ui.item First element to swap var second Second element to swap swapOnServer.. element being dragged but not the one it is swapped with ui.item 0 event.srcElement event.toElement . Additionally this points.. ui var currentOrder this .sortable 'toArray' var first ui.item 0 .id var second currentOrder prevPagesOrder.indexOf first ..
Getting the position of the element in a list when it's drag/dropped (ui.sortable) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2442232/getting-the-position-of-the-element-in-a-list-when-its-drag-dropped-ui-sortabl .sortable start function event ui var start_pos ui.item.index ui.item.data 'start_pos' start_pos update function event.. start function event ui var start_pos ui.item.index ui.item.data 'start_pos' start_pos update function event ui var start_pos.. start_pos update function event ui var start_pos ui.item.data 'start_pos' var end_pos ui.item .index alert start_pos..
How do you set a default value with jquery auto complete combobox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2749721/how-do-you-set-a-default-value-with-jquery-auto-complete-combobox value text delay 0 change function event ui if ui.item remove invalid value as it didn't match anything this .val.. match anything this .val return false select.val ui.item.id self._trigger selected event item select.find value '.. self._trigger selected event item select.find value ' ui.item.id ' minLength 0 .addClass ui widget ui widget content..
Add autoFill capabilities to jQuery-UI 1.8.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2933713/add-autofill-capabilities-to-jquery-ui-1-8-1 EXPLICITLY SELECT THE SUGGESTED TEXT PLEASE HELP log ui.item Selected ui.item.value aka ui.item.id Nothing selected input.. THE SUGGESTED TEXT PLEASE HELP log ui.item Selected ui.item.value aka ui.item.id Nothing selected input was this.value .. TEXT PLEASE HELP log ui.item Selected ui.item.value aka ui.item.id Nothing selected input was this.value .live 'keydown' function..
jQuery UI Sortable Position http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2979643/jquery-ui-sortable-position to the events specifically you want the stop event the ui.item property and .index like this #sortable .sortable stop function.. .sortable stop function event ui alert New position ui.item.index You can see a working demo here remember the .index value..
Not sure how to use the JQuery UI Autocomplete … :( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3700371/not-sure-how-to-use-the-jquery-ui-autocomplete custom method minLength 3 select function event ui if ui.item formatAutoComplete ui.item custom method If you're not doing.. 3 select function event ui if ui.item formatAutoComplete ui.item custom method If you're not doing so by now get Firebug ...
jQuery UI AutoComplete: Only allow selected valued from suggested list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4952094/jquery-ui-autocomplete-only-allow-selected-valued-from-suggested-list is the section that does that change function event ui if ui.item var matcher new RegExp ^ .ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex this .val..
Jquery autocomplete and PHP: populating input field with data from mySQL database based on selected option in autocomplete field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7410091/jquery-autocomplete-and-php-populating-input-field-with-data-from-mysql-databas minLength 3 select function event ui '#postcodes' .val ui.item.postcode script Relevant html p Suburb p input class inputText.. custom method minLength 3 select function event ui if ui.item this this alert this suburb field this.attr 'suburb' this.attr.. suburb field this.attr 'suburb' this.attr 'suburb' .val ui.item.id this.attr 'pcode' .val ui.item.pcode this.attr 'state'..
Autocomplete combobox with Knockout JS template / JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7537002/autocomplete-combobox-with-knockout-js-template-jquery model options.select function event ui writeValueToModel ui.item ui.item.actualValue null on a change make sure that it is a.. function event ui writeValueToModel ui.item ui.item.actualValue null on a change make sure that it is a valid value..
How to initialize a jqGrid with the proper events for row re-ordering (Sortable) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9039780/how-to-initialize-a-jqgrid-with-the-proper-events-for-row-re-ordering-sortable update function ev ui alert The row with the id ui.item 0 .id is moved. New row index is ui.item 0 .rowIndex see the.. row with the id ui.item 0 .id is moved. New row index is ui.item 0 .rowIndex see the demo . You can get more detailed information.. 'sortableRows' update function ev ui var item ui.item 0 ri item.rowIndex itemId item.id message The row with the id..
jQuery Draggable, Droppable, ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1405396/jquery-draggable-droppable-asp-net-mvc with jQuery UI's sortable method #mylist .sortable ... start function event ui console.log start fired console.log ui.item update function event ui console.log update fired console.log ui.item deactivate function event ui console.log deactivate.. event ui console.log start fired console.log ui.item update function event ui console.log update fired console.log ui.item deactivate function event ui console.log deactivate fired console.log ui.item When an item is dropped using sortable.. console.log update fired console.log ui.item deactivate function event ui console.log deactivate fired console.log ui.item When an item is dropped using sortable it fires the update event. I use jQuery's AJAX post method to send the data to a..
jQuery Sortable and Droppable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2090121/jquery-sortable-and-droppable .ready function var dropped false var draggable_sibling #sortable .sortable start function event ui draggable_sibling ui.item .prev stop function event ui if dropped if draggable_sibling.length 0 '#sortable' .prepend ui.item draggable_sibling.after.. ui.item .prev stop function event ui if dropped if draggable_sibling.length 0 '#sortable' .prepend ui.item draggable_sibling.after ui.item dropped false .droppable .droppable activeClass 'active' hoverClass 'hovered' drop function.. function event ui if dropped if draggable_sibling.length 0 '#sortable' .prepend ui.item draggable_sibling.after ui.item dropped false .droppable .droppable activeClass 'active' hoverClass 'hovered' drop function event ui dropped true event.target..
jQuery sortable obtain 2 elements being swapped http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2263687/jquery-sortable-obtain-2-elements-being-swapped obtain destination element with jQuery UI sortable. #pages .sortable opacity 0.6 update function event ui var first ui.item First element to swap var second Second element to swap swapOnServer first second All the options I've tried point to the.. first second All the options I've tried point to the element being dragged but not the one it is swapped with ui.item 0 event.srcElement event.toElement . Additionally this points to the LIST OL element. Saying second I mean following Original.. prevPagesOrder this .sortable 'toArray' update function event ui var currentOrder this .sortable 'toArray' var first ui.item 0 .id var second currentOrder prevPagesOrder.indexOf first swapOnServer first second Thanks Dmitriy. javascript jquery..
Getting the position of the element in a list when it's drag/dropped (ui.sortable) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2442232/getting-the-position-of-the-element-in-a-list-when-its-drag-dropped-ui-sortabl question DEMO http goo.gl ursbd SOLUTION function 'ul#sortable' .sortable start function event ui var start_pos ui.item.index ui.item.data 'start_pos' start_pos update function event ui var start_pos ui.item.data 'start_pos' var end_pos.. DEMO http goo.gl ursbd SOLUTION function 'ul#sortable' .sortable start function event ui var start_pos ui.item.index ui.item.data 'start_pos' start_pos update function event ui var start_pos ui.item.data 'start_pos' var end_pos ui.item .index.. event ui var start_pos ui.item.index ui.item.data 'start_pos' start_pos update function event ui var start_pos ui.item.data 'start_pos' var end_pos ui.item .index alert start_pos ' ' end_pos NOTE Updated to make use of jQuery data method..
How do you set a default value with jquery auto complete combobox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2749721/how-do-you-set-a-default-value-with-jquery-auto-complete-combobox request.term ^ ^ gi strong 1 strong value text delay 0 change function event ui if ui.item remove invalid value as it didn't match anything this .val return false select.val ui.item.id self._trigger selected.. event ui if ui.item remove invalid value as it didn't match anything this .val return false select.val ui.item.id self._trigger selected event item select.find value ' ui.item.id ' minLength 0 .addClass ui widget ui widget.. anything this .val return false select.val ui.item.id self._trigger selected event item select.find value ' ui.item.id ' minLength 0 .addClass ui widget ui widget content ui corner left This line added to set default value of the..
Add autoFill capabilities to jQuery-UI 1.8.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2933713/add-autofill-capabilities-to-jquery-ui-1-8-1 IS CURRENTLY NOT LOGGING THE UI DATA IF THE USER DOES NOT EXPLICITLY SELECT THE SUGGESTED TEXT PLEASE HELP log ui.item Selected ui.item.value aka ui.item.id Nothing selected input was this.value .live 'keydown' function e var keyCode e.keyCode.. NOT LOGGING THE UI DATA IF THE USER DOES NOT EXPLICITLY SELECT THE SUGGESTED TEXT PLEASE HELP log ui.item Selected ui.item.value aka ui.item.id Nothing selected input was this.value .live 'keydown' function e var keyCode e.keyCode e.which .. DATA IF THE USER DOES NOT EXPLICITLY SELECT THE SUGGESTED TEXT PLEASE HELP log ui.item Selected ui.item.value aka ui.item.id Nothing selected input was this.value .live 'keydown' function e var keyCode e.keyCode e.which if TAB or RETURN is..
jQuery UI Sortable Position http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2979643/jquery-ui-sortable-position improve this question You can use the ui object provided to the events specifically you want the stop event the ui.item property and .index like this #sortable .sortable stop function event ui alert New position ui.item.index You can see a.. the stop event the ui.item property and .index like this #sortable .sortable stop function event ui alert New position ui.item.index You can see a working demo here remember the .index value is zero based so you may want to 1 for display purposes...
Not sure how to use the JQuery UI Autocomplete … :( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3700371/not-sure-how-to-use-the-jquery-ui-autocomplete return value item.value id item.id error HandleAjaxError custom method minLength 3 select function event ui if ui.item formatAutoComplete ui.item custom method If you're not doing so by now get Firebug . It's an invaluable tool for web development... id item.id error HandleAjaxError custom method minLength 3 select function event ui if ui.item formatAutoComplete ui.item custom method If you're not doing so by now get Firebug . It's an invaluable tool for web development. You can set a breakpoint..
jQuery UI AutoComplete: Only allow selected valued from suggested list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4952094/jquery-ui-autocomplete-only-allow-selected-valued-from-suggested-list demos autocomplete #combobox look in the source. This is the section that does that change function event ui if ui.item var matcher new RegExp ^ .ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex this .val i valid false select.children option .each function if this..
Jquery autocomplete and PHP: populating input field with data from mySQL database based on selected option in autocomplete field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7410091/jquery-autocomplete-and-php-populating-input-field-with-data-from-mysql-databas function #suburbs .autocomplete source allSuburbs.php minLength 3 select function event ui '#postcodes' .val ui.item.postcode script Relevant html p Suburb p input class inputText type text size 50 name term id suburbs maxlength 60 td td.. state item.state pcode item.pcode error HandleAjaxError custom method minLength 3 select function event ui if ui.item this this alert this suburb field this.attr 'suburb' this.attr 'suburb' .val ui.item.id this.attr 'pcode' .val ui.item.pcode.. 3 select function event ui if ui.item this this alert this suburb field this.attr 'suburb' this.attr 'suburb' .val ui.item.id this.attr 'pcode' .val ui.item.pcode this.attr 'state' .val ui.item.state event.preventDefault share improve this..
Autocomplete combobox with Knockout JS template / JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7537002/autocomplete-combobox-with-knockout-js-template-jquery valueToWrite on a selection write the proper value to the model options.select function event ui writeValueToModel ui.item ui.item.actualValue null on a change make sure that it is a valid value or clear out the model value options.change function.. on a selection write the proper value to the model options.select function event ui writeValueToModel ui.item ui.item.actualValue null on a change make sure that it is a valid value or clear out the model value options.change function event..
How to initialize a jqGrid with the proper events for row re-ordering (Sortable) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9039780/how-to-initialize-a-jqgrid-with-the-proper-events-for-row-re-ordering-sortable of rows you can do the following favoriteGrid.jqGrid 'sortableRows' update function ev ui alert The row with the id ui.item 0 .id is moved. New row index is ui.item 0 .rowIndex see the demo . You can get more detailed information about the rows.. 'sortableRows' update function ev ui alert The row with the id ui.item 0 .id is moved. New row index is ui.item 0 .rowIndex see the demo . You can get more detailed information about the rows before and after the new position of the.. the new position of the moved row with the following favoriteGrid.jqGrid 'sortableRows' update function ev ui var item ui.item 0 ri item.rowIndex itemId item.id message The row with the id itemId is moved. The new row index is ri if ri 1 ri this.rows.length..