jquery Programming Glossary: ui.value
jQuery UI slider Touch & Drag/Drop support on Mobile devices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13808663/jquery-ui-slider-touch-drag-drop-support-on-mobile-devices 2 min 1 max 3 step 1 slide function event ui cameramen ui.value return calcTotal Thanks Seth jquery jquery ui jquery mobile..
Custom Range/Variable Set with jQuery UI Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3336709/custom-range-variable-set-with-jquery-ui-slider min 0 max 18 step 2 slide function event ui .rsize .text ui.value The last argument in that function changes a text value when.. 1 step 1 slide function event ui .rsize .text sizes ui.value Now to add or remove sizes just modify the sizes array. share..
Combined total for multiple jQuery-UI Sliders http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3486371/combined-total-for-multiple-jquery-ui-sliders ui Update display to current value this .siblings .text ui.value Get current total var total 0 sliders.not this .each function.. UI does not update value until this event completes total ui.value var max availableTotal total Update each slider sliders.not..
Using JQuery UI to convert radio buttons into slider elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3530652/using-jquery-ui-to-convert-radio-buttons-into-slider-elements .val 10 slide function event ui radios.filter value ui.value .click .appendTo this You can give it a try here share improve..
Is there a plugin or example of a jquery slider working with non-equably divisible values? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/681303/is-there-a-plugin-or-example-of-a-jquery-slider-working-with-non-equably-divisib 'option' 'value' findNearest includeLeft includeRight ui.value return false function findNearest includeLeft includeRight..
Knockoutjs, jquery mobile slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7404882/knockoutjs-jquery-mobile-slider val step 3 slide function event ui valueAccessor ui.value update function element valueAccessor element .slider option..
ui slider with text box input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7523864/ui-slider-with-text-box-input 0 max 5000000 slide function event ui jQuery #amount .val ui.value jQuery #amount .val #slider range min .slider value As you.. 1000 min 0 max 5000000 slide function event ui input .val ui.value Additionally you need to bind to the change event for the input..
jQuery UI slider fixed values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/857075/jquery-ui-slider-fixed-values 100 250 slide function event ui #amount .val 'Miles ' ui.values 0 ' ' ui.values 1 #amount .val 'Miles ' #slider range .slider.. function event ui #amount .val 'Miles ' ui.values 0 ' ' ui.values 1 #amount .val 'Miles ' #slider range .slider values 0 ' '.. 0 1 slide function event ui #amount .val 'Miles ' valMap ui.values 0 ' ' valMap ui.values 1 #amount .val 'Miles ' valMap #slider..
jQuery UI Slider - max value (not end of slider) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8646796/jquery-ui-slider-max-value-not-end-of-slider var value findNearest includeLeft includeRight ui.value slider.slider 'value' value #amount .val getRealValue value..
Jquery UI slider with two handles with input from two text box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9480039/jquery-ui-slider-with-two-handles-with-input-from-two-text-box 1000 min 0 max 5000000 slide function event ui input .val ui.value input .change function var value this.value.substring 1 console.log.. step 10 min 0 max 1000 slide function event ui input .val ui.value input .change function event var value1 parseFloat input .val.. step 1 values 10 90 slide function event ui for var i 0 i ui.values.length i input.sliderValue data index i .val ui.values i ..
JQuery Slider, how to make “step” size change http://stackoverflow.com/questions/967372/jquery-slider-how-to-make-step-size-change 'option' 'value' findNearest includeLeft includeRight ui.value #price amount .html ' ' ui.values 0 ' ' ui.values 1 return false.. includeLeft includeRight ui.value #price amount .html ' ' ui.values 0 ' ' ui.values 1 return false change function event ui getHomeListings.. ui.value #price amount .html ' ' ui.values 0 ' ' ui.values 1 return false change function event ui getHomeListings function..
jQuery UI slider Touch & Drag/Drop support on Mobile devices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13808663/jquery-ui-slider-touch-drag-drop-support-on-mobile-devices to add this support to jquery UI #cameraSlider .slider value 2 min 1 max 3 step 1 slide function event ui cameramen ui.value return calcTotal Thanks Seth jquery jquery ui jquery mobile share improve this question jQuery ui doesn't have touch..
Custom Range/Variable Set with jQuery UI Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3336709/custom-range-variable-set-with-jquery-ui-slider slider using the following code #slider size .slider .slider min 0 max 18 step 2 slide function event ui .rsize .text ui.value The last argument in that function changes a text value when the slider is changed. Does anyone know how to go about adding..
Combined total for multiple jQuery-UI Sliders http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3486371/combined-total-for-multiple-jquery-ui-sliders value 0 min 0 max 400 range max step 10 slide function event ui Update display to current value this .siblings .text ui.value Get current total var total 0 sliders.not this .each function total this .slider option value Need to do this because.. option value Need to do this because apparently jQ UI does not update value until this event completes total ui.value var max availableTotal total Update each slider sliders.not this .each function var t this value t.slider option value..
Using JQuery UI to convert radio buttons into slider elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3530652/using-jquery-ui-to-convert-radio-buttons-into-slider-elements
Is there a plugin or example of a jquery slider working with non-equably divisible values? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/681303/is-there-a-plugin-or-example-of-a-jquery-slider-working-with-non-equably-divisib var includeRight event.keyCode .ui.keyCode.LEFT slider.slider 'option' 'value' findNearest includeLeft includeRight ui.value return false function findNearest includeLeft includeRight value var nearest null var diff null for var i 0 i values.length..
Knockoutjs, jquery mobile slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7404882/knockoutjs-jquery-mobile-slider
ui slider with text box input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7523864/ui-slider-with-text-box-input #slider range min .slider range min value 1 step 1000 min 0 max 5000000 slide function event ui jQuery #amount .val ui.value jQuery #amount .val #slider range min .slider value As you can see we allow user to pick anything between 0 and 5 000.. element on slide #slider .slider range min value 1 step 1000 min 0 max 5000000 slide function event ui input .val ui.value Additionally you need to bind to the change event for the input element and call the slider's value method input .change..
jQuery UI slider fixed values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/857075/jquery-ui-slider-fixed-values function #slider range .slider range true min 0 max 500 values 100 250 slide function event ui #amount .val 'Miles ' ui.values 0 ' ' ui.values 1 #amount .val 'Miles ' #slider range .slider values 0 ' ' #slider range .slider values 1 script jquery.. range .slider range true min 0 max 500 values 100 250 slide function event ui #amount .val 'Miles ' ui.values 0 ' ' ui.values 1 #amount .val 'Miles ' #slider range .slider values 0 ' ' #slider range .slider values 1 script jquery jquery ui share.. 500 #slider range .slider min 0 max valMap.length 1 values 0 1 slide function event ui #amount .val 'Miles ' valMap ui.values 0 ' ' valMap ui.values 1 #amount .val 'Miles ' valMap #slider range .slider values 0 ' ' valMap #slider range .slider..
jQuery UI Slider - max value (not end of slider) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8646796/jquery-ui-slider-max-value-not-end-of-slider .ui.keyCode.RIGHT var includeRight event.keyCode .ui.keyCode.LEFT var value findNearest includeLeft includeRight ui.value slider.slider 'value' value #amount .val getRealValue value return false function findNearest includeLeft includeRight..
Jquery UI slider with two handles with input from two text box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9480039/jquery-ui-slider-with-two-handles-with-input-from-two-text-box input from a single textbox #slider .slider value 1 step 1000 min 0 max 5000000 slide function event ui input .val ui.value input .change function var value this.value.substring 1 console.log value #slider .slider value parseInt value Any suggestion.. div id slider div div and #slider .slider range min value 1 step 10 min 0 max 1000 slide function event ui input .val ui.value input .change function event var value1 parseFloat input .val var highVal value1 2 #slider .slider option max highVal value.. of the input elements with #slider .slider min 0 max 100 step 1 values 10 90 slide function event ui for var i 0 i ui.values.length i input.sliderValue data index i .val ui.values i input.sliderValue .change function var this this #slider .slider..
JQuery Slider, how to make “step” size change http://stackoverflow.com/questions/967372/jquery-slider-how-to-make-step-size-change var includeRight event.keyCode .ui.keyCode.LEFT slider.slider 'option' 'value' findNearest includeLeft includeRight ui.value #price amount .html ' ' ui.values 0 ' ' ui.values 1 return false change function event ui getHomeListings function findNearest.. .ui.keyCode.LEFT slider.slider 'option' 'value' findNearest includeLeft includeRight ui.value #price amount .html ' ' ui.values 0 ' ' ui.values 1 return false change function event ui getHomeListings function findNearest includeLeft includeRight value.. slider.slider 'option' 'value' findNearest includeLeft includeRight ui.value #price amount .html ' ' ui.values 0 ' ' ui.values 1 return false change function event ui getHomeListings function findNearest includeLeft includeRight value var nearest..