jquery Programming Glossary: ui.item.id
jQuery ui autocomplete when user does not select an option from the dropdown http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10405932/jquery-ui-autocomplete-when-user-does-not-select-an-option-from-the-dropdown event ui #Animal .val ui.item.value changeUsersAnimal ui.item.id How do I handle this case jquery jquery ui jquery ui autocomplete..
How do you set a default value with jquery auto complete combobox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2749721/how-do-you-set-a-default-value-with-jquery-auto-complete-combobox match anything this .val return false select.val ui.item.id self._trigger selected event item select.find value ' ui.item.id.. self._trigger selected event item select.find value ' ui.item.id ' minLength 0 .addClass ui widget ui widget content ui..
Add autoFill capabilities to jQuery-UI 1.8.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2933713/add-autofill-capabilities-to-jquery-ui-1-8-1 TEXT PLEASE HELP log ui.item Selected ui.item.value aka ui.item.id Nothing selected input was this.value .live 'keydown' function..
How Can I Render a Partial View via AJAX? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3992789/how-can-i-render-a-partial-view-via-ajax of jQuery select function event ui ui is a JSON object ui.item.id ui.item.name Now my question is from this client side event..
jquery ui token http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4022778/jquery-ui-token handler select function e ui ' a class del_friend href #' ui.item.id ' title remove ' ui.item.label ' span x span ' ' input name.. span x span ' ' input name friend type hidden id friend_' ui.item.id ' value ' ui.item.id ' a ' .insertBefore '#to' define select.. name friend type hidden id friend_' ui.item.id ' value ' ui.item.id ' a ' .insertBefore '#to' define select handler change function..
how to set id in jquery ui autocomplete source event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4895748/how-to-set-id-in-jquery-ui-autocomplete-source-event 2 select function event ui window.location.href studentId ui.item.id Look at jQuery's getJSON http api.jquery.com jQuery.getJSON..
Get value in jquery autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5766726/get-value-in-jquery-autocomplete minLength 2 select function event ui #theHidden .val ui.item.id See http jqueryui.com demos autocomplete #event select share..
jQuery Autocomplete (Remote) - example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5905560/jquery-autocomplete-remote-example function event ui log ui.item Selected ui.item.value aka ui.item.id Nothing selected input was this.value script div class demo..
Jquery autocomplete and PHP: populating input field with data from mySQL database based on selected option in autocomplete field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7410091/jquery-autocomplete-and-php-populating-input-field-with-data-from-mysql-databas suburb field this.attr 'suburb' this.attr 'suburb' .val ui.item.id this.attr 'pcode' .val ui.item.pcode this.attr 'state' .val..
jQuery UI Autocomplete DownArrow UpArrow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8045773/jquery-ui-autocomplete-downarrow-uparrow focus but when I use arrowUp and arrowDown it selects the ui.item.id over and above the ui.item.label How can I fix this so that..
Cannot set property '_renderItem' of undefined jQuery UI autocomplete with HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9513251/cannot-set-property-renderitem-of-undefined-jquery-ui-autocomplete-with-html the id of the user to send a message to mail_message_to_id ui.item.id .data autocomplete ._renderItem function ul item return li..
jQuery ui autocomplete when user does not select an option from the dropdown http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10405932/jquery-ui-autocomplete-when-user-does-not-select-an-option-from-the-dropdown '#Animal' .autocomplete source url minlength 1 select function event ui #Animal .val ui.item.value changeUsersAnimal ui.item.id How do I handle this case jquery jquery ui jquery ui autocomplete share improve this question You're probably looking..
How do you set a default value with jquery auto complete combobox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2749721/how-do-you-set-a-default-value-with-jquery-auto-complete-combobox event ui if ui.item remove invalid value as it didn't match anything this .val return false select.val ui.item.id self._trigger selected event item select.find value ' ui.item.id ' minLength 0 .addClass ui widget ui widget content.. anything this .val return false select.val ui.item.id self._trigger selected event item select.find value ' ui.item.id ' minLength 0 .addClass ui widget ui widget content ui corner left This line added to set default value of the combobox..
Add autoFill capabilities to jQuery-UI 1.8.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2933713/add-autofill-capabilities-to-jquery-ui-1-8-1 DATA IF THE USER DOES NOT EXPLICITLY SELECT THE SUGGESTED TEXT PLEASE HELP log ui.item Selected ui.item.value aka ui.item.id Nothing selected input was this.value .live 'keydown' function e var keyCode e.keyCode e.which if TAB or RETURN is pressed..
How Can I Render a Partial View via AJAX? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3992789/how-can-i-render-a-partial-view-via-ajax event is called passing through the JSON object .. snip heaps of jQuery select function event ui ui is a JSON object ui.item.id ui.item.name Now my question is from this client side event I need to display on the same page below the texbox extended..
jquery ui token http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4022778/jquery-ui-token label item.name value item.name define select handler select function e ui ' a class del_friend href #' ui.item.id ' title remove ' ui.item.label ' span x span ' ' input name friend type hidden id friend_' ui.item.id ' value ' ui.item.id.. href #' ui.item.id ' title remove ' ui.item.label ' span x span ' ' input name friend type hidden id friend_' ui.item.id ' value ' ui.item.id ' a ' .insertBefore '#to' define select handler change function #to .val delete friends 'a.del_friend'.. ' title remove ' ui.item.label ' span x span ' ' input name friend type hidden id friend_' ui.item.id ' value ' ui.item.id ' a ' .insertBefore '#to' define select handler change function #to .val delete friends 'a.del_friend' .live 'click'..
how to set id in jquery ui autocomplete source event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4895748/how-to-set-id-in-jquery-ui-autocomplete-source-event
Get value in jquery autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5766726/get-value-in-jquery-autocomplete
jQuery Autocomplete (Remote) - example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5905560/jquery-autocomplete-remote-example #birds .autocomplete source search.php minLength 1 select function event ui log ui.item Selected ui.item.value aka ui.item.id Nothing selected input was this.value script div class demo div class ui widget label for birds Birds label input id..
Jquery autocomplete and PHP: populating input field with data from mySQL database based on selected option in autocomplete field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7410091/jquery-autocomplete-and-php-populating-input-field-with-data-from-mysql-databas 3 select function event ui if ui.item this this alert this suburb field this.attr 'suburb' this.attr 'suburb' .val ui.item.id this.attr 'pcode' .val ui.item.pcode this.attr 'state' .val ui.item.state event.preventDefault share improve this answer..
jQuery UI Autocomplete DownArrow UpArrow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8045773/jquery-ui-autocomplete-downarrow-uparrow input' .val ui.item.label This works great for MOUSE focus but when I use arrowUp and arrowDown it selects the ui.item.id over and above the ui.item.label How can I fix this so that either the input val isn't changed at all i.e. it keeps the..
Cannot set property '_renderItem' of undefined jQuery UI autocomplete with HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9513251/cannot-set-property-renderitem-of-undefined-jquery-ui-autocomplete-with-html source all_friends select function event ui set the id of the user to send a message to mail_message_to_id ui.item.id .data autocomplete ._renderItem function ul item return li li .data item.autocomplete item .append a a .html item.label..