jquery Programming Glossary: ui.panel
Refresh tab content on click in JQuery UI Tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1634909/refresh-tab-content-on-click-in-jquery-ui-tabs type text javascript document .ready function tabs #tabs .tabs select function event ui 'a' ui.tab .click function ui.panel .load this.href return true script jquery jquery ui tabs share improve this question Another simple way to refresh..
JQuery UI Tabs - “Loading…” message http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1730154/jquery-ui-tabs-loading-message fit it only shows the ajax loading if the content isn't already on the page. .tabs .tabs cache true load function e ui ui.panel .find .tab loading .remove select function e ui var panel ui.panel if panel.is empty panel.append div class 'tab loading'..
jQuery tabs - getting newly selected index http://stackoverflow.com/questions/185235/jquery-tabs-getting-newly-selected-index function event ui ui.options options used to intialize this widget ui.tab anchor element of the selected clicked tab ui.panel element that contains the contents of the selected clicked tab ui.index zero based index of the selected clicked tab Looks..
jQuery UI ajax tabs - requests multiplying when loading links within tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4588423/jquery-ui-ajax-tabs-requests-multiplying-when-loading-links-within-tabs within the selected tab. To achieve that I use this code #tab div .tabs load function event ui 'a not '.targetBlank' ui.panel .live 'click' function ui.panel .load this.href return false I use live so that the links loaded after the initial load.. that I use this code #tab div .tabs load function event ui 'a not '.targetBlank' ui.panel .live 'click' function ui.panel .load this.href return false I use live so that the links loaded after the initial load are also covered. Now imagine a..