jquery Programming Glossary: totalrecords
Implement Delete In jQgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10257280/implement-delete-in-jqgrid request rows string pageIndex request page int totalRecords 0 output transport.BuildJQGridResults Int32.Parse numberOfRows.. Int32.Parse numberOfRows Int32.Parse pageIndex totalRecords response.Write output break case FillDrop output transport.BuildJQGridResults..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data string sortIndex SortDirection sortDirection int totalRecords _repository.Count sorting of data IQueryable WeatherData orderdData.. age 0 return new WeatherDataForJqGrid Page page Records totalRecords Total totalRecords rows 1 rows Rows pagedData read more.. Page page Records totalRecords Total totalRecords rows 1 rows Rows pagedData read more about caching jqGrid..
jqgrid inline edit rows and data not lining up http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6989608/jqgrid-inline-edit-rows-and-data-not-lining-up totalPages 1 we'll implement later int pageSize rows int totalRecords 3 implement later var jsonData new total totalPages page page.. var jsonData new total totalPages page page records totalRecords rows new new id 1 cell new 1 Note1 Tax1 new id 2 cell new..
Implement Delete In jQgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10257280/implement-delete-in-jqgrid switch request.QueryString Action case Fill string numberOfRows request rows string pageIndex request page int totalRecords 0 output transport.BuildJQGridResults Int32.Parse numberOfRows Int32.Parse pageIndex totalRecords response.Write output.. request page int totalRecords 0 output transport.BuildJQGridResults Int32.Parse numberOfRows Int32.Parse pageIndex totalRecords response.Write output break case FillDrop output transport.BuildJQGridResults response.Write output break case Insert transportItem..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data public WeatherDataForJqGrid GetDataForjqGrid int page int rows string sortIndex SortDirection sortDirection int totalRecords _repository.Count sorting of data IQueryable WeatherData orderdData _repository System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo.. HttpResponseHeader.CacheControl max age 0 return new WeatherDataForJqGrid Page page Records totalRecords Total totalRecords rows 1 rows Rows pagedData read more about caching jqGrid data stored in browser cache and default.htm.. HttpResponseHeader.CacheControl max age 0 return new WeatherDataForJqGrid Page page Records totalRecords Total totalRecords rows 1 rows Rows pagedData read more about caching jqGrid data stored in browser cache and default.htm DOCTYPE html PUBLIC..
jqgrid inline edit rows and data not lining up http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6989608/jqgrid-inline-edit-rows-and-data-not-lining-up string sidx string sord int page int rows int totalPages 1 we'll implement later int pageSize rows int totalRecords 3 implement later var jsonData new total totalPages page page records totalRecords rows new new id 1 cell new 1 Note1.. later int pageSize rows int totalRecords 3 implement later var jsonData new total totalPages page page records totalRecords rows new new id 1 cell new 1 Note1 Tax1 new id 2 cell new 2 Note2 Tax2 new id 3 cell new 3 Note3 Tax3 return Json..