jquery Programming Glossary: toremove
Micropost character countdown (Rails Tutorial, 2nd Ed, Chapter 10, Exercise 7) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10955850/micropost-character-countdown-rails-tutorial-2nd-ed-chapter-10-exercise-7 javascripts microposts.js.coffee updateCountdownAttributes toRemove toAdd null for attr in toRemove .remaining .countdown .removeClass.. updateCountdownAttributes toRemove toAdd null for attr in toRemove .remaining .countdown .removeClass attr if toAdd .remaining.. remaining 140 #micropost_content .val .length toRemove nearlimit almostlimit overlimit if remaining 19 updateCountdownAttributes..
How to substring in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4126762/how-to-substring-in-jquery you want to remove isn't static var name 'nameGorge' var toRemove 'name' var gorge name.replace toRemove '' share improve this..
Micropost character countdown (Rails Tutorial, 2nd Ed, Chapter 10, Exercise 7) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10955850/micropost-character-countdown-rails-tutorial-2nd-ed-chapter-10-exercise-7 f.submit t '.post' class btn btn large btn primary assets javascripts microposts.js.coffee updateCountdownAttributes toRemove toAdd null for attr in toRemove .remaining .countdown .removeClass attr if toAdd .remaining .countdown .addClass toAdd if.. large btn primary assets javascripts microposts.js.coffee updateCountdownAttributes toRemove toAdd null for attr in toRemove .remaining .countdown .removeClass attr if toAdd .remaining .countdown .addClass toAdd if toAdd is overlimit input.btn.btn.. input.btn.btn large.btn primary .removeAttr disabled updateCountdown remaining 140 #micropost_content .val .length toRemove nearlimit almostlimit overlimit if remaining 19 updateCountdownAttributes toRemove if remaining 20 toAdd toRemove.filter..
How to substring in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4126762/how-to-substring-in-jquery