jquery Programming Glossary: touchstart
How to swipe top down JQuery mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17131815/how-to-swipe-top-down-jquery-mobile scrollEvent touchmove scroll touchStartEvent supportTouch touchstart mousedown touchStopEvent supportTouch touchend mouseup touchMoveEvent..
How to check browser for touchstart support using JS/jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2915833/how-to-check-browser-for-touchstart-support-using-js-jquery to check browser for touchstart support using JS jQuery In an attempt to follow best practices.. touch event. In the case of an iPhone we'd like to use the touchstart event. We'd like to test if their device supports touchstart.. event. We'd like to test if their device supports touchstart before we bind that handler to the object. If it doesn't then..
$(document).click() not working correctly on iPhone. jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3705937/document-click-not-working-correctly-on-iphone-jquery first touches 0 type switch event.type case touchstart type mousedown break case touchmove type mousemove break case.. function init document.addEventListener touchstart touchHandler true document.addEventListener touchmove touchHandler..
How to recognize touch events using jQuery in Safari for iPad? Is it possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4755505/how-to-recognize-touch-events-using-jquery-in-safari-for-ipad-is-it-possible you can easily build your own using the following events touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel For example the touchmove document.addEventListener..
Javascript Drag and drop for touch devices [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5186441/javascript-drag-and-drop-for-touch-devices MouseEvent simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent touchstart mousedown touchmove mousemove touchend mouseup event.type true.. function init document.addEventListener touchstart touchHandler true document.addEventListener touchmove touchHandler..
How to bind 'touchstart' and 'click' events but not respond to both? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7018919/how-to-bind-touchstart-and-click-events-but-not-respond-to-both to bind 'touchstart' and 'click' events but not respond to both I'm working on.. to it triggering a click. The remedy is to instead use touchstart thing.bind 'touchstart' function event ... But how do I go about.. click. The remedy is to instead use touchstart thing.bind 'touchstart' function event ... But how do I go about binding both events..
Click event called twice on touchend in iPad http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8503453/click-event-called-twice-on-touchend-in-ipad sample code for the click is '#next_item' .bind 'mousedown touchstart MozTouchDown' function e '.slide' .animate left left 6000.. the arrow at the end of the slide. I have tried to unbind touchstart and touchend event but during slide scroll due to unbind the.. share improve this question iPad both understands touchstart end and mousestart end. Is gets fired like this FINGER..
Android browser: touchcancel being fired althought touchmove has preventDefault http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15944197/android-browser-touchcancel-being-fired-althought-touchmove-has-preventdefault along the canvas. So I'm doing something like this var touchStart function e e.preventDefault Do stuff var touchMove function.. Touch cancel bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchstart' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchmove' touchStart false.. touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchmove' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchend' touchStart false..
Standalone jQuery “touch” method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2701139/standalone-jquery-touch-method y 0 Screen touched store the original coordinate function touchStart event console.log 'Starting swipe gesture...' originalCoord.x.. to all swipable areas this.addEventListener touchstart touchStart false this.addEventListener touchmove touchMove false this.addEventListener..
How to swipe top down JQuery mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17131815/how-to-swipe-top-down-jquery-mobile and swipedown function var supportTouch .support.touch scrollEvent touchmove scroll touchStartEvent supportTouch touchstart mousedown touchStopEvent supportTouch touchend mouseup touchMoveEvent supportTouch touchmove mousemove .event.special.swipeupdown..
How to check browser for touchstart support using JS/jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2915833/how-to-check-browser-for-touchstart-support-using-js-jquery to check browser for touchstart support using JS jQuery In an attempt to follow best practices we're trying to use the proper JavaScript jQuery events.. a mobile site that has an tag that will have an onclick or touch event. In the case of an iPhone we'd like to use the touchstart event. We'd like to test if their device supports touchstart before we bind that handler to the object. If it doesn't then.. event. In the case of an iPhone we'd like to use the touchstart event. We'd like to test if their device supports touchstart before we bind that handler to the object. If it doesn't then we will bind onclick instead. What is the best way to do this..
$(document).click() not working correctly on iPhone. jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3705937/document-click-not-working-correctly-on-iphone-jquery e alert 'hi' function touchHandler event var touches event.changedTouches first touches 0 type switch event.type case touchstart type mousedown break case touchmove type mousemove break case touchend type mouseup break default return initMouseEvent.. 0 left null first.target.dispatchEvent simulatedEvent event.preventDefault function init document.addEventListener touchstart touchHandler true document.addEventListener touchmove touchHandler true document.addEventListener touchend touchHandler..
How to recognize touch events using jQuery in Safari for iPad? Is it possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4755505/how-to-recognize-touch-events-using-jquery-in-safari-for-ipad-is-it-possible jQuery doesn't have anything special for touch events but you can easily build your own using the following events touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel For example the touchmove document.addEventListener 'touchmove' function e e.preventDefault..
Javascript Drag and drop for touch devices [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5186441/javascript-drag-and-drop-for-touch-devices var touch event.changedTouches 0 var simulatedEvent document.createEvent MouseEvent simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent touchstart mousedown touchmove mousemove touchend mouseup event.type true true window 1 touch.screenX touch.screenY touch.clientX touch.clientY.. false 0 null touch.target.dispatchEvent simulatedEvent event.preventDefault function init document.addEventListener touchstart touchHandler true document.addEventListener touchmove touchHandler true document.addEventListener touchend touchHandler..
How to bind 'touchstart' and 'click' events but not respond to both? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7018919/how-to-bind-touchstart-and-click-events-but-not-respond-to-both to bind 'touchstart' and 'click' events but not respond to both I'm working on a mobile web site that has to work on a variety of devices... devices have an very annoying delay from the time of the touch to it triggering a click. The remedy is to instead use touchstart thing.bind 'touchstart' function event ... But how do I go about binding both events but only firing one I still need the.. delay from the time of the touch to it triggering a click. The remedy is to instead use touchstart thing.bind 'touchstart' function event ... But how do I go about binding both events but only firing one I still need the click event for keyboard..
Click event called twice on touchend in iPad http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8503453/click-event-called-twice-on-touchend-in-ipad why the click event is called twice in iPad. The sample code for the click is '#next_item' .bind 'mousedown touchstart MozTouchDown' function e '.slide' .animate left left 6000 '#next_item' .bind 'mouseup touchend MozTouchRelease' function.. function e No.nextItem #next_item is the id of the arrow at the end of the slide. I have tried to unbind touchstart and touchend event but during slide scroll due to unbind the item does not come inside the slide after single item. No.nextItem.. and how to solve this issue for ipad. jquery ipad click touch share improve this question iPad both understands touchstart end and mousestart end. Is gets fired like this FINGER ENTER TABLET FINGER LEAVES TABLET Small delay after leave ..
Android browser: touchcancel being fired althought touchmove has preventDefault http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15944197/android-browser-touchcancel-being-fired-althought-touchmove-has-preventdefault that senses the touch from the user and drags and object along the canvas. So I'm doing something like this var touchStart function e e.preventDefault Do stuff var touchMove function e e.preventDefault console.log Touch move Move objs var touchEnd.. function e e.preventDefault Oh NO touch cancel console.log Touch cancel bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchstart' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchmove' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchend' touchStart false.. Touch cancel bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchstart' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchmove' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchend' touchStart false bindElemOrig.addEventListener 'touchcancel' touchStart false..
Standalone jQuery “touch” method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2701139/standalone-jquery-touch-method each element var originalCoord x 0 y 0 var finalCoord x 0 y 0 Screen touched store the original coordinate function touchStart event console.log 'Starting swipe gesture...' originalCoord.x event.targetTouches 0 .pageX originalCoord.y event.targetTouches.. event console.log 'Canceling swipe gesture...' Add gestures to all swipable areas this.addEventListener touchstart touchStart false this.addEventListener touchmove touchMove false this.addEventListener touchend touchEnd false this.addEventListener..