jquery Programming Glossary: topicjson
Treegrid with JSON data in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6772601/treegrid-with-json-data-in-jqgrid table id list2 cellspacing 0 cellpadding 0 table div ' .appendTo '#topics' var grid jQuery #list2 grid.jqGrid datastr topicjson datatype jsonstring height auto pager false loadui disable colNames id Items url colModel name id width 1 hidden true key.. ExpandColClick true treeIcons leaf 'ui icon document b' jsonReader repeatitems false root response Json format var topicjson response id 1 elementName Grouping sub subelementName Simple Grouping subelementName May be some other grouping.. represents grid's row which will be placed in the grid every item have to have id. In your original version of the topicjson variable the you defined ids only for the root elements elements of the level 0 . We can modify your original example to..