jquery Programming Glossary: swidth
Change settings value on fly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2909206/change-settings-value-on-fly sUrl php echo full_path_jezik_2 aoColumns sName rb sWidth 15 sClass center sType numeric sName chkZaBrisanje sWidth 20.. sWidth 15 sClass center sType numeric sName chkZaBrisanje sWidth 20 sClass center bSortable false sName rbPrvaSlika sWidth 15.. sWidth 20 sClass center bSortable false sName rbPrvaSlika sWidth 15 sClass center bSortable false sName nazivSlike sWidth 50..
How to set column widths to a jQuery datatable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5590778/how-to-set-column-widths-to-a-jquery-datatable true bAutoWidth false aaSorting 2 desc aoColumns sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth.. bAutoWidth false aaSorting 2 desc aoColumns sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth.. aaSorting 2 desc aoColumns sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth..
Change settings value on fly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2909206/change-settings-value-on-fly ir t bottom pf clear ' sPaginationType full_numbers oLanguage sUrl php echo full_path_jezik_2 aoColumns sName rb sWidth 15 sClass center sType numeric sName chkZaBrisanje sWidth 20 sClass center bSortable false sName rbPrvaSlika sWidth 15.. sUrl php echo full_path_jezik_2 aoColumns sName rb sWidth 15 sClass center sType numeric sName chkZaBrisanje sWidth 20 sClass center bSortable false sName rbPrvaSlika sWidth 15 sClass center bSortable false sName nazivSlike sWidth 50.. sWidth 15 sClass center sType numeric sName chkZaBrisanje sWidth 20 sClass center bSortable false sName rbPrvaSlika sWidth 15 sClass center bSortable false sName nazivSlike sWidth 50 sClass center sSortDataType dom text var oST .extend true..
How to set column widths to a jQuery datatable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5590778/how-to-set-column-widths-to-a-jquery-datatable false bLengthChange false bPaginate false bInfo false bJQueryUI true bAutoWidth false aaSorting 2 desc aoColumns sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9.. false bPaginate false bInfo false bJQueryUI true bAutoWidth false aaSorting 2 desc aoColumns sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '10.. bPaginate false bInfo false bJQueryUI true bAutoWidth false aaSorting 2 desc aoColumns sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '9 ' sWidth '10 ' ratesandcharges1.fnDraw..