jquery Programming Glossary: switcher
Prevent click event in jQuery triggering multiple times http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1012447/prevent-click-event-in-jquery-triggering-multiple-times triggering multiple times I have created a jQuery content switcher . Generally it works fine but there is one problem with it...
automatic jquery stylesheet switcher http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1266275/automatic-jquery-stylesheet-switcher jquery stylesheet switcher I have seen many css switchers which place a button allowing.. jquery stylesheet switcher I have seen many css switchers which place a button allowing the user to change styles to..
jquery conflict with identical scripts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3689660/jquery-conflict-with-identical-scripts click. My problem is that one one page I am using this tab switcher twice and it is causing a conflict. I am not too experienced.. scripts with the selectors changed up a bit so the tab switchers appear different. script type text javascript document .ready..
jQuery: How to bind an event for the div when it becomes visible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3859034/jquery-how-to-bind-an-event-for-the-div-when-it-becomes-visible keep increasing when they're not visible function var switcher variable to start and stop timer Function event that will.. function doc ready Start timer it is visible by default switcher setInterval count 1000 input .click function div .toggle Toggle.. and stop timer based on visibility if div .is visible switcher setInterval count 1000 else clearInterval switcher jsFiddle..
Prevent click event in jQuery triggering multiple times http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1012447/prevent-click-event-in-jquery-triggering-multiple-times click event in jQuery triggering multiple times I have created a jQuery content switcher . Generally it works fine but there is one problem with it. If you click the links on the side multiple times multiple pieces..
automatic jquery stylesheet switcher http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1266275/automatic-jquery-stylesheet-switcher jquery stylesheet switcher I have seen many css switchers which place a button allowing the user to change styles to suit their taste. I am looking.. jquery stylesheet switcher I have seen many css switchers which place a button allowing the user to change styles to suit their taste. I am looking for a similar solution that I..
jquery conflict with identical scripts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3689660/jquery-conflict-with-identical-scripts jquery to load content into tabs and switch the tabs on click. My problem is that one one page I am using this tab switcher twice and it is causing a conflict. I am not too experienced with jquery so my problem probably lies in the fact that I.. Here is my jquery you will notice that there are duplicate scripts with the selectors changed up a bit so the tab switchers appear different. script type text javascript document .ready function When page loads... .tab_content .hide Hide all content..
jQuery: How to bind an event for the div when it becomes visible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3859034/jquery-how-to-bind-an-event-for-the-div-when-it-becomes-visible that stops when it is invisible. Note that the numbers don't keep increasing when they're not visible function var switcher variable to start and stop timer Function event that will be started and stopped function count div .html 1 parseInt.. stopped function count div .html 1 parseInt div .html 10 function doc ready Start timer it is visible by default switcher setInterval count 1000 input .click function div .toggle Toggle timer visibility Start and stop timer based on visibility.. .click function div .toggle Toggle timer visibility Start and stop timer based on visibility if div .is visible switcher setInterval count 1000 else clearInterval switcher jsFiddle example Of course in the above case and maybe your case..