jquery Programming Glossary: swfobject
object, param, jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1081656/object-param-jquery
How to popup a jquery window to play youtube video? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2838749/how-to-popup-a-jquery-window-to-play-youtube-video Plugin from jQuery Tools to display the modal then used swfobject to display the YouTube Flash Player. Alternatively you could.. true allowscriptaccess always var attributes swfobject.embedSWF videoUrl 'video container' '425' '344' '9.0.0' '' flashvars..
javascript addEventListener onStateChange not working in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2885500/javascript-addeventlistener-onstatechange-not-working-in-ie Solution Simply put onComplete in my colorbox and put the swfobject in that and it worked perfectly in IE. javascript jquery javascript.. perfectly in IE. javascript jquery javascript events swfobject youtube api share improve this question from testing in.. onStateChange onytplayerStateChange right after you call swfobject.embedSWF http www.youtube.com v SPWU EiulRY hl en_US hd 0 rel..
Javascript / SWFobject | Determine if a swf object exists when creating dynamic embed objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3726632/javascript-swfobject-determine-if-a-swf-object-exists-when-creating-dynamic so I can communicate with it. Generate SWF onDocumentReady swfobject.embedSWF graph.swf line graph one 100 250 8 expressInstall.swf.. I need a way to check if it is loaded javascript jquery swfobject share improve this question Perhaps a visibility check first..
Use JQuery SWF plugin in JSP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3798171/use-jquery-swf-plugin-in-jsp file with the JQuery SWF plugin http jquery.thewikies.com swfobject examples . I am trying to get the plugin to work in a JSP. It.. script head script type text javascript src js jquery.swfobject.1 1 1.js script body script type text javascript var bar_chart.. 1.4.2.js script script type text javascript src js jquery.swfobject.1 1 1.js script script type text javascript var bar_chart .flash.create..
How to capture an event trigger when a flash movie successfully loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/430928/how-to-capture-an-event-trigger-when-a-flash-movie-successfully-loaded I can't create a flash file by myself. jquery flash embed swfobject preloader share improve this question Typically the easiest.. anything about your plugin . See http blog.deconcept.com swfobject forum discussion 271 javascript onload event does not reflect.. javascript onload event does not reflect page load using swfobject for a similar discussion to yours. It's my best guess that you..
How to call flash actionscript callback method from javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7657842/how-to-call-flash-actionscript-callback-method-from-javascript flashFile.js_method_to_call function loadTest swfobject.embedSWF test.swf test 1 1 10.0.0 false document .ready function.. not a function . javascript jquery flash actionscript 3 swfobject share improve this question Here's something that should.. always var attributes attributes.id swf swfobject.embedSWF swf .swf flashDiv width height 9.0.0 flashvars params..
Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/786380/using-youtubes-javascript-api-with-jquery jqueryui 1.7.0 script script type text javascript src http swfobject.googlecode.com svn tags rc3 swfobject src swfobject.js script.. javascript src http swfobject.googlecode.com svn tags rc3 swfobject src swfobject.js script script type text javascript function.. http swfobject.googlecode.com svn tags rc3 swfobject src swfobject.js script script type text javascript function .fn.simplified..
Rails Carrier Wave with JQuery Uploader http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8363698/rails-carrier-wave-with-jquery-uploader unzip it. Step 5 Copy jquery.uploadify.v2.1.4.min.js and swfobject.js to app assets javascripts if you use Rails 3.1 or later to.. . Step 6 Edit your application.js and insert below require swfobject require jquery.uploadify Step 7 In you upload page add this..
How can I detect if Flash is installed and if not, display a hidden div that informs the user? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/998245/how-can-i-detect-if-flash-is-installed-and-if-not-display-a-hidden-div-that-inf mvc flash detection share improve this question use swfobject. it replaces a div with the flash if it is installed. see http..
object, param, jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1081656/object-param-jquery improve this question Have you considered using jQuery SWFObject plugin http jquery.thewikies.com swfobject share improve this..
Loading an FLV in Facebox with jQuery for IE7 and IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3056589/loading-an-flv-in-facebox-with-jquery-for-ie7-and-ie8 style 'display none ' javascript var so new SWFObject ' flash playerTrans.swf' 'mpl' '640px' '360px' '0' so.addParam.. seeing undesirable unpredictable behavior because your SWFObject syntax is a bit off. With SWFObject you can either 1. Use the.. behavior because your SWFObject syntax is a bit off. With SWFObject you can either 1. Use the addParam 'flashvars' FLASHVARS where..
How to call flash actionscript callback method from javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7657842/how-to-call-flash-actionscript-callback-method-from-javascript Here's something that should work really good Use SWFObject.js for embedding the Flash content Embedding through SWFObject.. for embedding the Flash content Embedding through SWFObject rocks in comparison with Adobe shits var flashvars var params..
object, param, jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1081656/object-param-jquery
How to popup a jquery window to play youtube video? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2838749/how-to-popup-a-jquery-window-to-play-youtube-video using to display the video. In this example I used the Overlay Plugin from jQuery Tools to display the modal then used swfobject to display the YouTube Flash Player. Alternatively you could use an HTML5 video player with Flash fallback to display the.. videoUrl this .attr 'href' var flashvars var params allowFullScreen true allowscriptaccess always var attributes swfobject.embedSWF videoUrl 'video container' '425' '344' '9.0.0' '' flashvars params attributes return false script share improve..
javascript addEventListener onStateChange not working in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2885500/javascript-addeventlistener-onstatechange-not-working-in-ie if newState 0 .fn.colorbox.close alert 'perfect' Update 3 Solution Simply put onComplete in my colorbox and put the swfobject in that and it worked perfectly in IE. javascript jquery javascript events swfobject youtube api share improve this question.. in my colorbox and put the swfobject in that and it worked perfectly in IE. javascript jquery javascript events swfobject youtube api share improve this question from testing in IE it looks like the reference you are using ytswf document.getElementById.. document.getElementById ytplayer1 ytplayer.addEventListener onStateChange onytplayerStateChange right after you call swfobject.embedSWF http www.youtube.com v SPWU EiulRY hl en_US hd 0 rel 0 fs 1 autoplay 1 enablejsapi 1 playerapiid ytvideo1 popupVideoContainer1..
Javascript / SWFobject | Determine if a swf object exists when creating dynamic embed objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3726632/javascript-swfobject-determine-if-a-swf-object-exists-when-creating-dynamic seem to find way to figure out if the SWF is loaded or not so I can communicate with it. Generate SWF onDocumentReady swfobject.embedSWF graph.swf line graph one 100 250 8 expressInstall.swf null null null swfRegister Callback function Is triggered.. the tab where the SWF has been created. So FireFox loads it. I need a way to check if it is loaded javascript jquery swfobject share improve this question Perhaps a visibility check first var el #map one if el.is ' visible' el 0 .reloadAll 'foobar'..
Use JQuery SWF plugin in JSP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3798171/use-jquery-swf-plugin-in-jsp in JSP I used an example script of how to load an SWF file with the JQuery SWF plugin http jquery.thewikies.com swfobject examples . I am trying to get the plugin to work in a JSP. It appears to work in FireFox and Chrome but not in IE8. Can.. xhtml head script type text javascript src js jquery 1.4.2.js script head script type text javascript src js jquery.swfobject.1 1 1.js script body script type text javascript var bar_chart .flash.create swf 'flash open flash chart.swf' width 350.. your title title script type text javascript src js jquery 1.4.2.js script script type text javascript src js jquery.swfobject.1 1 1.js script script type text javascript var bar_chart .flash.create swf 'flash open flash chart.swf' width 350 height..
How to capture an event trigger when a flash movie successfully loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/430928/how-to-capture-an-event-trigger-when-a-flash-movie-successfully-loaded So I really don't have any control over the flash file i.e. I can't create a flash file by myself. jquery flash embed swfobject preloader share improve this question Typically the easiest thing to do is plain ol' body onload ... which would wait.. for the body exclusive of your flash movie it doesn't know anything about your plugin . See http blog.deconcept.com swfobject forum discussion 271 javascript onload event does not reflect page load using swfobject for a similar discussion to yours... . See http blog.deconcept.com swfobject forum discussion 271 javascript onload event does not reflect page load using swfobject for a similar discussion to yours. It's my best guess that you cannot do what you want without modifying the original swf..
How to call flash actionscript callback method from javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7657842/how-to-call-flash-actionscript-callback-method-from-javascript function callFlashMethod var flashFile eval window.document.test flashFile.js_method_to_call function loadTest swfobject.embedSWF test.swf test 1 1 10.0.0 false document .ready function loadTest callFlashMethod It is always display the error.. the error in fire bug console flashFile.js_method_to_call is not a function . javascript jquery flash actionscript 3 swfobject share improve this question Here's something that should work really good Use SWFObject.js for embedding the Flash content.. t params.scale noscale params.wmode transparent params.allowScriptAccess always var attributes attributes.id swf swfobject.embedSWF swf .swf flashDiv width height 9.0.0 flashvars params attributes Use this for the HTML body div id flashDiv div..
Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/786380/using-youtubes-javascript-api-with-jquery type text javascript google.load jquery 1.3.2 google.load jqueryui 1.7.0 script script type text javascript src http swfobject.googlecode.com svn tags rc3 swfobject src swfobject.js script script type text javascript function .fn.simplified function.. 1.3.2 google.load jqueryui 1.7.0 script script type text javascript src http swfobject.googlecode.com svn tags rc3 swfobject src swfobject.js script script type text javascript function .fn.simplified function return this.each function i var params.. jqueryui 1.7.0 script script type text javascript src http swfobject.googlecode.com svn tags rc3 swfobject src swfobject.js script script type text javascript function .fn.simplified function return this.each function i var params allowScriptAccess..
Rails Carrier Wave with JQuery Uploader http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8363698/rails-carrier-wave-with-jquery-uploader key Step 4 Download Uploadify and unzip it. Step 5 Copy jquery.uploadify.v2.1.4.min.js and swfobject.js to app assets javascripts if you use Rails 3.1 or later to public javascripts if you use Rails 3.0 or an earlier version... to app assets stylesheets or public stylesheets . Step 6 Edit your application.js and insert below require swfobject require jquery.uploadify Step 7 In you upload page add this input id uploadify name uploadify type file Step 8 Add this..
How can I detect if Flash is installed and if not, display a hidden div that informs the user? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/998245/how-can-i-detect-if-flash-is-installed-and-if-not-display-a-hidden-div-that-inf that they need to install flash javascript jquery asp.net mvc flash detection share improve this question use swfobject. it replaces a div with the flash if it is installed. see http code.google.com p swfobject Josh share improve this answer..
object, param, jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1081656/object-param-jquery
Loading an FLV in Facebox with jQuery for IE7 and IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3056589/loading-an-flv-in-facebox-with-jquery-for-ie7-and-ie8 'What is HQchannel ' '#player' rel 'facebox' .grid_8.omega.alpha#player style 'display none ' javascript var so new SWFObject ' flash playerTrans.swf' 'mpl' '640px' '360px' '0' so.addParam 'allowscriptaccess' 'always' so.addParam 'allowfullscreen'.. a couple of issues here. FIRST ISSUE SWFOBJECT I think you're seeing undesirable unpredictable behavior because your SWFObject syntax is a bit off. With SWFObject you can either 1. Use the addParam 'flashvars' FLASHVARS where FLASHVARS is a concatenated.. SWFOBJECT I think you're seeing undesirable unpredictable behavior because your SWFObject syntax is a bit off. With SWFObject you can either 1. Use the addParam 'flashvars' FLASHVARS where FLASHVARS is a concatenated string of configuration options..
How to call flash actionscript callback method from javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7657842/how-to-call-flash-actionscript-callback-method-from-javascript flash actionscript 3 swfobject share improve this question Here's something that should work really good Use SWFObject.js for embedding the Flash content Embedding through SWFObject rocks in comparison with Adobe shits var flashvars var params.. Here's something that should work really good Use SWFObject.js for embedding the Flash content Embedding through SWFObject rocks in comparison with Adobe shits var flashvars var params params.menu false params.salign t params.scale noscale..