jquery Programming Glossary: screen.height
Mobile site - force landscape only / no auto-rotate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10975387/mobile-site-force-landscape-only-no-auto-rotate 'block_land' .style.display screen.width screen.height 'none' 'block' Don't forget to test the orientation in the onload..
jquery/js/html5 change page content when keyboard is visible on mobile devices [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11600040/jquery-js-html5-change-page-content-when-keyboard-is-visible-on-mobile-devices window.innerHeight initial_screen_size is_landscape screen.height screen.width updateViews false iOS input .bind focus blur function..
jQuery Screen Resolution Height Adjustment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1271675/jquery-screen-resolution-height-adjustment To get screen resolution in JS use screen object screen.height screen.width Based on that values you can calculate your margin..
Can js/jQuery determine the orientation of the iPhone? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2323281/can-js-jquery-determine-the-orientation-of-the-iphone document .ready function var screenX screen.width screenY screen.height alert X screenX Y screenY if screenX 320 screenY 396 'div#wrap'..
Checking if browser is in fullscreen [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2863351/checking-if-browser-is-in-fullscreen
Difference between screen.availHeight and window.height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3044230/difference-between-screen-availheight-and-window-height object has nothing to do with your website. Take a look at screen.height and screen.width . Do you recognize them They are the pixels.. the pixels your screen can display. screen.availHeight is screen.height minus the Taskbar if you're on Windows minus the Dock and menu..
window.open not working in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3662531/window-open-not-working-in-ie 'height 380 width 900 top ' screen.width 900 2 ' left ' screen.height 380 2 var address this .attr 'id' window.open address 'Ver articulo'..
How to open popup in a loop and execute callback accordingly to return status? (Greasemonkey script) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5520186/how-to-open-popup-in-a-loop-and-execute-callback-accordingly-to-return-status url width height name scroll_bar location _top Math.ceil screen.height height 2 _left Math.ceil screen.width width 2 if scroll_bar..
How to detect in jquery if screen resolution changes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8575772/how-to-detect-in-jquery-if-screen-resolution-changes event for it. function var width screen.width height screen.height setInterval function if screen.width width screen.height height.. screen.height setInterval function if screen.width width screen.height height width screen.width height screen.height window .trigger.. width screen.height height width screen.width height screen.height window .trigger 'resolutionchange' 50 Now window .bind 'resolutionchange'..
Mobile site - force landscape only / no auto-rotate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10975387/mobile-site-force-landscape-only-no-auto-rotate to detect orientation function testOrientation document.getElementById 'block_land' .style.display screen.width screen.height 'none' 'block' Don't forget to test the orientation in the onload and onorientationchange maybe in your body tag body onorientationchange..
jquery/js/html5 change page content when keyboard is visible on mobile devices [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11600040/jquery-js-html5-change-page-content-when-keyboard-is-visible-on-mobile-devices Android window.addEventListener resize function is_keyboard window.innerHeight initial_screen_size is_landscape screen.height screen.width updateViews false iOS input .bind focus blur function window .scrollTop 10 is_keyboard window .scrollTop 0..
jQuery Screen Resolution Height Adjustment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1271675/jquery-screen-resolution-height-adjustment
Can js/jQuery determine the orientation of the iPhone? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2323281/can-js-jquery-determine-the-orientation-of-the-iphone to view the site. So I used the following to test this document .ready function var screenX screen.width screenY screen.height alert X screenX Y screenY if screenX 320 screenY 396 'div#wrap' .css 'background color' '#f00' else if screenY 320 screenX..
Checking if browser is in fullscreen [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2863351/checking-if-browser-is-in-fullscreen
Difference between screen.availHeight and window.height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3044230/difference-between-screen-availheight-and-window-height the document. All values are in pixels. Update The screen object has nothing to do with your website. Take a look at screen.height and screen.width . Do you recognize them They are the pixels your screen can display. screen.availHeight is screen.height.. and screen.width . Do you recognize them They are the pixels your screen can display. screen.availHeight is screen.height minus the Taskbar if you're on Windows minus the Dock and menu bar if you're on a Mac and minus whatever is fixed on top..
window.open not working in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3662531/window-open-not-working-in-ie is not valid there. '.objeto' .click function var center 'height 380 width 900 top ' screen.width 900 2 ' left ' screen.height 380 2 var address this .attr 'id' window.open address 'Ver articulo' config center The site runs fine under both Google..
How to open popup in a loop and execute callback accordingly to return status? (Greasemonkey script) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5520186/how-to-open-popup-in-a-loop-and-execute-callback-accordingly-to-return-status window.close else loop alert End function window_open url width height name scroll_bar location _top Math.ceil screen.height height 2 _left Math.ceil screen.width width 2 if scroll_bar true var scroll 'no' else var scroll 'yes' if typeof location..
How to detect in jquery if screen resolution changes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8575772/how-to-detect-in-jquery-if-screen-resolution-changes this question Ok so you're using jQuery. So let's make a custom event for it. function var width screen.width height screen.height setInterval function if screen.width width screen.height height width screen.width height screen.height window .trigger.. a custom event for it. function var width screen.width height screen.height setInterval function if screen.width width screen.height height width screen.width height screen.height window .trigger 'resolutionchange' 50 Now window .bind 'resolutionchange'.. height screen.height setInterval function if screen.width width screen.height height width screen.width height screen.height window .trigger 'resolutionchange' 50 Now window .bind 'resolutionchange' fn should do what you want. share improve this..