jquery Programming Glossary: sales
Validating array inputs using jquery validation plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10843399/validating-array-inputs-using-jquery-validation-plugin el return el.message .join wrapper span rules reg_number required true minlength 2 remote url ' php echo base_url sales invoice_check' async false type 'post' messages reg_number required Enter Reg Number minlength jQuery.format Enter at.. return el.message .join wrapper span rules 'reg_number ' required true minlength 2 remote url ' php echo base_url sales invoice_check' async false type 'post' messages 'reg_number ' required Enter Reg Number minlength jQuery.format Enter..
How to pass ms sql data to jquery float http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17606315/how-to-pass-ms-sql-data-to-jquery-float a web application using asp.net c# and using MS SQL as database. In my application I want to plot a graph of mothly sales . For doing that I found very nice jquery plugin called flot . But the problem is that I dont know how to pass my sql data.. is that I dont know how to pass my sql data to flot . I've a table which has two columns date DateTime and number of sales int . I want the number of sales on y axis and date on x axis. I googled alot around the web but I didn't find much help.. my sql data to flot . I've a table which has two columns date DateTime and number of sales int . I want the number of sales on y axis and date on x axis. I googled alot around the web but I didn't find much help about how to pass MS SQL data to..
adding client side paging to table, should I use knockoutjs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5975429/adding-client-side-paging-to-table-should-i-use-knockoutjs ko.simpleGrid.viewModel data myModel.items columns headerText Item Name rowText name headerText Sales Count rowText sales headerText Price rowText function item return item.price.toFixed 2 pageSize 4 However where would I add pageSize to my..