jquery Programming Glossary: safely
Possible to calculate how much data been loaded with AJAX? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10559264/possible-to-calculate-how-much-data-been-loaded-with-ajax easily hook into the onreadystatechange handler and cannot safely replace it after it has been set You need to add a custom onreadystatechange..
JQuery document.ready vs Phonegap deviceready http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12576062/jquery-document-ready-vs-phonegap-deviceready has fully loaded. After the device has fired you can safely make calls to PhoneGap function. Typically you will want to..
uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13972714/uploading-processing-storing-and-delivering-user-provided-files-and-images a maximum filesize what is the size In this case you can safely rely on the _FILES 'key' 'size' value which is the size in bytes...
Next parameter is 'undefined' in jQuery, why? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15153218/next-parameter-is-undefined-in-jquery-why possible way saving valuable bytes b . Now you can safely check for undefinedness of variables because you are sure about..
Escaping jQuery data being sent via POST http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2231810/escaping-jquery-data-being-sent-via-post to escape the variables particularly so that the user can safely use an ampersand Thanks javascript jquery jquery ajax escaping..
How do I make a div element editable (like a textarea when I click it)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2441565/how-do-i-make-a-div-element-editable-like-a-textarea-when-i-click-it the html from the div we can populate the textarea and safely replace the div with the textarea. And set the focus inside..
Firebug JS warning to jQuery 1.4.2 “The 'charCode' property of a keyup event should not be used. The value is meaningless.” To ignore it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2996986/firebug-js-warning-to-jquery-1-4-2-the-charcode-property-of-a-keyup-event-sho running without JS warnings errors still show up You can safely ignore this message assuming you aren't using charCode and are..
Escaping output safely for both html and input fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3148820/escaping-output-safely-for-both-html-and-input-fields output safely for both html and input fields In my web app users can input.. and edit their data. I'm looking for the correct way to safely escape this data. I'm only sql sanitizing on the way in so everything.. It's a valid string in JavaScript. It can be embedded safely in an HTML document. The closest PHP function for #1 I'm aware..
Why does php insert backslash while replacing double quotes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4017420/why-does-php-insert-backslash-while-replacing-double-quotes this as a security precaution so that the data could be safely used in a database query. You can disabled them by changing..
Do I need to include jQuery core alongside jQuery mobile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4119672/do-i-need-to-include-jquery-core-alongside-jquery-mobile devices with browsers that don't understand HTML5 will safely ignore the 'doctype' and various custom attributes. In the 'head'..
Testing/Building MSDN article “JSON with Padding (AJAX) ” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4219937/testing-building-msdn-article-json-with-padding-ajax and not part of the schema and it is not known. You can safely ignore this warning. The only problem with this sample is that..
difference bw onload() and $(document).ready(function(){..})? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4395780/difference-bw-onload-and-document-readyfunction the earliest point in the page load process where you can safely run script that intends to access elements in the page's html..
Writing a jquery plugin in coffeescript - how to get “(function($)” and “(jQuery)”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4533848/writing-a-jquery-plugin-in-coffeescript-how-to-get-function-and-jquery call it like that in CoffeeScript your script is already safely wrapped in a closure so there's no need for jQuery passed in..
The relationship between Phonegap's “onBodyLoad()/onDeviceReady()” functions and Jquery's “$(document).ready()” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5036703/the-relationship-between-phonegaps-onbodyload-ondeviceready-functions-and has fully loaded. After the device has fired you can safely make calls to PhoneGap function. Typically you will want to..
URL Encode a string in jQuery for an AJAX request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6544564/url-encode-a-string-in-jquery-for-an-ajax-request search. How can I either replace the space with a or just safely URL Encode the string #search .keypress function var query..
How to refer to a JSF component Id in jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7132061/how-to-refer-to-a-jsf-component-id-in-jquery a fixed ID so that the HTML generated client ID is safely predictable. If you're uncertain just open the page in webbrowser..
How to detect pressing enter on keyboard using jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/979662/how-to-detect-pressing-enter-on-keyboard-using-jquery worry about browser differences. I am pretty sure you can safely go with enter being 13 in all browsers. So with that in mind..
Possible to calculate how much data been loaded with AJAX? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10559264/possible-to-calculate-how-much-data-been-loaded-with-ajax It is extremely hard to combine with jQuery since you can't easily hook into the onreadystatechange handler and cannot safely replace it after it has been set You need to add a custom onreadystatechange handler. When the readyState of the XHR object..
JQuery document.ready vs Phonegap deviceready http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12576062/jquery-document-ready-vs-phonegap-deviceready it is loaded. The PhoneGap deviceready event fires once PhoneGap has fully loaded. After the device has fired you can safely make calls to PhoneGap function. Typically you will want to attach an event listener with document.addEventListener once..
uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13972714/uploading-processing-storing-and-delivering-user-provided-files-and-images type allowedTypes useFiles index file Do I want to set a maximum filesize what is the size In this case you can safely rely on the _FILES 'key' 'size' value which is the size in bytes. You should not just rely on the client side set file size..
Next parameter is 'undefined' in jQuery, why? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15153218/next-parameter-is-undefined-in-jquery-why but as well foobar or as in this case because this is the shortest possible way saving valuable bytes b . Now you can safely check for undefinedness of variables because you are sure about the value of b overwriting the global undefined property..
Escaping jQuery data being sent via POST http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2231810/escaping-jquery-data-being-sent-via-post if an ampersand character is used. What is the best method to escape the variables particularly so that the user can safely use an ampersand Thanks javascript jquery jquery ajax escaping share improve this question The best would be using..
How do I make a div element editable (like a textarea when I click it)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2441565/how-do-i-make-a-div-element-editable-like-a-textarea-when-i-click-it var divHtml #myDiv .html or text whatever suits. Once we have the html from the div we can populate the textarea and safely replace the div with the textarea. And set the focus inside the textarea as the user might want to start editing. Combining..
Firebug JS warning to jQuery 1.4.2 “The 'charCode' property of a keyup event should not be used. The value is meaningless.” To ignore it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2996986/firebug-js-warning-to-jquery-1-4-2-the-charcode-property-of-a-keyup-event-sho
Escaping output safely for both html and input fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3148820/escaping-output-safely-for-both-html-and-input-fields output safely for both html and input fields In my web app users can input text data. This data can be shown to other users and the original.. shown to other users and the original author can also go back and edit their data. I'm looking for the correct way to safely escape this data. I'm only sql sanitizing on the way in so everything is stored as it reads. Let's say I have déj vu in.. to fix is how to generate output that follows these two rules It's a valid string in JavaScript. It can be embedded safely in an HTML document. The closest PHP function for #1 I'm aware of is json_encode . Since JSON syntax is a subset of JavaScript..
Why does php insert backslash while replacing double quotes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4017420/why-does-php-insert-backslash-while-replacing-double-quotes directive is enabled and it is by default pre 5.30 . It did this as a security precaution so that the data could be safely used in a database query. You can disabled them by changing the setting in your php.ini file see http www.php.net manual..
Do I need to include jQuery core alongside jQuery mobile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4119672/do-i-need-to-include-jquery-core-alongside-jquery-mobile take full advantage of all of the framework's features. Older devices with browsers that don't understand HTML5 will safely ignore the 'doctype' and various custom attributes. In the 'head' references to jQuery jQuery Mobile and the mobile theme..
Testing/Building MSDN article “JSON with Padding (AJAX) ” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4219937/testing-building-msdn-article-json-with-padding-ajax is because this is a custom binding element and not part of the schema and it is not known. You can safely ignore this warning. The only problem with this sample is that the files are packaged in a Class Library instead of Web..
difference bw onload() and $(document).ready(function(){..})? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4395780/difference-bw-onload-and-document-readyfunction after the HTML XML dom is loaded and accessible. This is the earliest point in the page load process where you can safely run script that intends to access elements in the page's html dom. This point arrives earlier often much earlier than the..
Writing a jquery plugin in coffeescript - how to get “(function($)” and “(jQuery)”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4533848/writing-a-jquery-plugin-in-coffeescript-how-to-get-function-and-jquery improve this question The answer is that you don't need to call it like that in CoffeeScript your script is already safely wrapped in a closure so there's no need for jQuery passed in as a parameter tricks. Just write jQuery ... at the top of..
The relationship between Phonegap's “onBodyLoad()/onDeviceReady()” functions and Jquery's “$(document).ready()” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5036703/the-relationship-between-phonegaps-onbodyload-ondeviceready-functions-and it is loaded. The PhoneGap deviceready event fires once PhoneGap has fully loaded. After the device has fired you can safely make calls to PhoneGap function. Typically you will want to attach an event listener with document.addEventListener once..
URL Encode a string in jQuery for an AJAX request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6544564/url-encode-a-string-in-jquery-for-an-ajax-request last names the space is not encoded as a thus breaking the search. How can I either replace the space with a or just safely URL Encode the string #search .keypress function var query url accounts.views.instasearch q '#tags' .val var options ..
How to refer to a JSF component Id in jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7132061/how-to-refer-to-a-jsf-component-id-in-jquery in the view such as h form h dataTable ui repeat my composite a fixed ID so that the HTML generated client ID is safely predictable. If you're uncertain just open the page in webbrowser rightclick and do View Source . If you see an autogenerated..
How to detect pressing enter on keyboard using jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/979662/how-to-detect-pressing-enter-on-keyboard-using-jquery The whole point of jQuery is that you don't have to worry about browser differences. I am pretty sure you can safely go with enter being 13 in all browsers. So with that in mind you can do this document .keypress function e if e.which 13..