jquery Programming Glossary: s.push
Raphael JS: how to use jQuery selectors on objects in IE? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6277129/raphael-js-how-to-use-jquery-selectors-on-objects-in-ie 'fill' '#ff0000' var s paper.set 'setID' marker1 marker2 s.push marker3 marker4 s.pop If marker 1 2 or 3 is hovered act on whole..
List all javascript events wired up on a page using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/743876/list-all-javascript-events-wired-up-on-a-page-using-jquery is the only change var e .data this 'events' if e return s.push this.tagName if this.id s.push '#' this.id if this.className.. this 'events' if e return s.push this.tagName if this.id s.push '#' this.id if this.className s.push '.' this.className.replace.. if this.id s.push '#' this.id if this.className s.push '.' this.className.replace g '.' for var p in e var r e p..
Raphael JS: how to use jQuery selectors on objects in IE? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6277129/raphael-js-how-to-use-jquery-selectors-on-objects-in-ie 'fill' '#ff0000' var marker4 paper.circle 200 20 10 .attr 'fill' '#ff0000' var s paper.set 'setID' marker1 marker2 s.push marker3 marker4 s.pop If marker 1 2 or 3 is hovered act on whole group s.hover function for var i 0 ii this.groups.length..
List all javascript events wired up on a page using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/743876/list-all-javascript-events-wired-up-on-a-page-using-jquery selector ' ' root .andSelf .each function the following line is the only change var e .data this 'events' if e return s.push this.tagName if this.id s.push '#' this.id if this.className s.push '.' this.className.replace g '.' for var p in e var.. function the following line is the only change var e .data this 'events' if e return s.push this.tagName if this.id s.push '#' this.id if this.className s.push '.' this.className.replace g '.' for var p in e var r e p h r.length r.delegateCount.. only change var e .data this 'events' if e return s.push this.tagName if this.id s.push '#' this.id if this.className s.push '.' this.className.replace g '.' for var p in e var r e p h r.length r.delegateCount if h s.push ' n' h ' ' p ' handler'..