jquery Programming Glossary: s3
Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11240127/uploading-image-to-amazon-s3-with-html-javascript-jquery-with-ajax-request-n Image to Amazon s3 with HTML javascript jQuery with Ajax Request No PHP I am developing.. HTML javascript jQuery. I want to upload images to amazon s3 server in an ajax request. There is no such SDK to integrate.. in an ajax request. There is no such SDK to integrate s3 in Javascript. A PHP SDK is available but it is not useful to..
uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13972714/uploading-processing-storing-and-delivering-user-provided-files-and-images know http www.9lessons.info 2012 08 upload files to amazon s3 php.html You will not have to worry about file backups available..
CasperJs and Jquery with chained Selects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16283908/casperjs-and-jquery-with-chained-selects option select select id s2 name s2 select select id s3 name s3 select I know for sure that the web site use Jquery.. select select id s2 name s2 select select id s3 name s3 select I know for sure that the web site use Jquery for to do.. function return document.querySelectorAll 'select#s3 option' .length 1 function then select option on third select..
Image upload performance issue with Amazon S3 and jqueryfileupload plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17544628/image-upload-performance-issue-with-amazon-s3-and-jqueryfileupload-plugin from line 735 to 750 bucket elasticbeanstalk 2 66938761981 s3 new S3 awsAccessKey awsSecretKey response s3 putObjectFile file_path.. 2 66938761981 s3 new S3 awsAccessKey awsSecretKey response s3 putObjectFile file_path bucket file name S3 ACL_PUBLIC_READ.. bucket file name S3 ACL_PUBLIC_READ thumbResponse s3 putObjectFile 'files thumbnail '. file name bucket 'images '...
Detecting a image 404 in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3019077/detecting-a-image-404-in-javascript place until the images arrive in their permanent home on s3. I'm looking for a way to detect that a certain image failed.. every few seconds until it can be successfully loaded from s3. javascript jquery javascript events cross browser share..
jqplot - Individual values, not totals in stacked chart http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9046987/jqplot-individual-values-not-totals-in-stacked-chart here . document .ready function var s1 5 6 var s2 7 5 var s3 14 9 var s4 0 0 empty series just for total labels var pLabels1.. arrays for each inner label var pLabels2 var pLabels3 var pLabelsTotal array of totals above each column for var i.. ' div style border 1px solid gray ' s2 i ' div ' pLabels3.push ' div style border 1px solid gray ' s3 i ' div ' pLabelsTotal.push..
jqplot Side by Side Stacked Bar Chart http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9270945/jqplot-side-by-side-stacked-bar-chart .ready function var s1 2 6 7 10 var s2 7 5 3 4 var s3 14 9 3 8 plot3 .jqplot 'chart3' s1 s2 s3 Tell the plot to stack.. s2 7 5 3 4 var s3 14 9 3 8 plot3 .jqplot 'chart3' s1 s2 s3 Tell the plot to stack the bars. stackSeries true captureRightClick..
Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11240127/uploading-image-to-amazon-s3-with-html-javascript-jquery-with-ajax-request-n ajax amazon s3 share improve this question Got Amazon S3 CORS working on js and html5 using XMLHTTPObject based on this..
uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13972714/uploading-processing-storing-and-delivering-user-provided-files-and-images want to consider storing your files on a CDN like Amazon S3 with Cloudfront. S3 is a cheap reliable storage for files up.. your files on a CDN like Amazon S3 with Cloudfront. S3 is a cheap reliable storage for files up to 5TB as far as I.. speed etc. etc. Cloudfront adds a CDN layer on top of S3 with edge locations all over the world share improve this answer..
Image upload performance issue with Amazon S3 and jqueryfileupload plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17544628/image-upload-performance-issue-with-amazon-s3-and-jqueryfileupload-plugin upload performance issue with Amazon S3 and jqueryfileupload plugin I have another issue with amazon.. and amazon API's to uplaod files to amazon S3.I have succeeded in uploading it but it involves a trick. I.. I had to store the image on my server and then move it to S3 from there using putObjectFile method of S3.Now the plugin comes..
Detecting a image 404 in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3019077/detecting-a-image-404-in-javascript processing with the images such as resizing and upload to S3. This can take up to 10 extra seconds. Obviously we do this..
Loading an FLV in Facebox with jQuery for IE7 and IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3056589/loading-an-flv-in-facebox-with-jquery-for-ie7-and-ie8 I am trying to load JWplayer which loads an FLV from S3 in a Facebox popup. jQuery document .ready function 'a rel facebox..
Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11240127/uploading-image-to-amazon-s3-with-html-javascript-jquery-with-ajax-request-n Image to Amazon s3 with HTML javascript jQuery with Ajax Request No PHP I am developing a website in HTML javascript jQuery. I want to upload.. with Ajax Request No PHP I am developing a website in HTML javascript jQuery. I want to upload images to amazon s3 server in an ajax request. There is no such SDK to integrate s3 in Javascript. A PHP SDK is available but it is not useful.. javascript jQuery. I want to upload images to amazon s3 server in an ajax request. There is no such SDK to integrate s3 in Javascript. A PHP SDK is available but it is not useful to me. Can anybody provide solution to this in javascript javascript..
uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13972714/uploading-processing-storing-and-delivering-user-provided-files-and-images is a cheap reliable storage for files up to 5TB as far as I know http www.9lessons.info 2012 08 upload files to amazon s3 php.html You will not have to worry about file backups available harddisk size delivery speed etc. etc. Cloudfront adds..
CasperJs and Jquery with chained Selects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16283908/casperjs-and-jquery-with-chained-selects option option value 2 Option2 option option value 3 Option3 option select select id s2 name s2 select select id s3 name s3 select I know for sure that the web site use Jquery for to do the ajax call. Somebody has or know a clean way for.. option value 2 Option2 option option value 3 Option3 option select select id s2 name s2 select select id s3 name s3 select I know for sure that the web site use Jquery for to do the ajax call. Somebody has or know a clean way for create.. is populated this.waitFor function check return this.evaluate function return document.querySelectorAll 'select#s3 option' .length 1 function then select option on third select this.evaluate function valueOptionSelect 'select#s3'..
Image upload performance issue with Amazon S3 and jqueryfileupload plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17544628/image-upload-performance-issue-with-amazon-s3-and-jqueryfileupload-plugin changes made.i added a part of AWS upload code to the file from line 735 to 750 bucket elasticbeanstalk 2 66938761981 s3 new S3 awsAccessKey awsSecretKey response s3 putObjectFile file_path bucket file name S3 ACL_PUBLIC_READ thumbResponse s3.. to the file from line 735 to 750 bucket elasticbeanstalk 2 66938761981 s3 new S3 awsAccessKey awsSecretKey response s3 putObjectFile file_path bucket file name S3 ACL_PUBLIC_READ thumbResponse s3 putObjectFile 'files thumbnail '. file name.. new S3 awsAccessKey awsSecretKey response s3 putObjectFile file_path bucket file name S3 ACL_PUBLIC_READ thumbResponse s3 putObjectFile 'files thumbnail '. file name bucket 'images '. file name S3 ACL_PUBLIC_READ echo response echo thumbResponse..
Detecting a image 404 in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3019077/detecting-a-image-404-in-javascript user the result page immediately and simply show spinners in place until the images arrive in their permanent home on s3. I'm looking for a way to detect that a certain image failed to load correctly 404 in a cross browser way. If that happens.. use JS to show a spinner in it's place and reload the image every few seconds until it can be successfully loaded from s3. javascript jquery javascript events cross browser share improve this question From http lucassmith.name 2008 11 is..
jqplot - Individual values, not totals in stacked chart http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9046987/jqplot-individual-values-not-totals-in-stacked-chart It replicates what you want pretty well though. Fiddle here . document .ready function var s1 5 6 var s2 7 5 var s3 14 9 var s4 0 0 empty series just for total labels var pLabels1 arrays for each inner label var pLabels2 var pLabels3 var.. s3 14 9 var s4 0 0 empty series just for total labels var pLabels1 arrays for each inner label var pLabels2 var pLabels3 var pLabelsTotal array of totals above each column for var i 0 i s1.length i pLabels1.push ' div style border 1px solid.. ' div style border 1px solid gray ' s1 i ' div ' pLabels2.push ' div style border 1px solid gray ' s2 i ' div ' pLabels3.push ' div style border 1px solid gray ' s3 i ' div ' pLabelsTotal.push s1 i s2 i s3 i plot3 .jqplot 'chart2' s1 s2 s3..
jqplot Side by Side Stacked Bar Chart http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9270945/jqplot-side-by-side-stacked-bar-chart possible to do so. with reference from jqplot Source Code document .ready function var s1 2 6 7 10 var s2 7 5 3 4 var s3 14 9 3 8 plot3 .jqplot 'chart3' s1 s2 s3 Tell the plot to stack the bars. stackSeries true captureRightClick true seriesDefaults.. Source Code document .ready function var s1 2 6 7 10 var s2 7 5 3 4 var s3 14 9 3 8 plot3 .jqplot 'chart3' s1 s2 s3 Tell the plot to stack the bars. stackSeries true captureRightClick true seriesDefaults renderer .jqplot.BarRenderer rendererOptions..
Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11240127/uploading-image-to-amazon-s3-with-html-javascript-jquery-with-ajax-request-n to this in javascript javascript jquery html5 jquery ajax amazon s3 share improve this question Got Amazon S3 CORS working on js and html5 using XMLHTTPObject based on this article article . 1 CORS only works from a proper URL http..
uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13972714/uploading-processing-storing-and-delivering-user-provided-files-and-images If you expect a lot of traffic all over the globe you might want to consider storing your files on a CDN like Amazon S3 with Cloudfront. S3 is a cheap reliable storage for files up to 5TB as far as I know http www.9lessons.info 2012 08 upload.. of traffic all over the globe you might want to consider storing your files on a CDN like Amazon S3 with Cloudfront. S3 is a cheap reliable storage for files up to 5TB as far as I know http www.9lessons.info 2012 08 upload files to amazon s3..
Image upload performance issue with Amazon S3 and jqueryfileupload plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17544628/image-upload-performance-issue-with-amazon-s3-and-jqueryfileupload-plugin upload performance issue with Amazon S3 and jqueryfileupload plugin I have another issue with amazon and its related to file uploads.I am using jqueryFileUpload.. with amazon and its related to file uploads.I am using jqueryFileUpload and amazon API's to uplaod files to amazon S3.I have succeeded in uploading it but it involves a trick. I had to store the image on my server and then move it to S3 from.. S3.I have succeeded in uploading it but it involves a trick. I had to store the image on my server and then move it to S3 from there using putObjectFile method of S3.Now the plugin comes with great functions to crop resize images and I have been..
Detecting a image 404 in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3019077/detecting-a-image-404-in-javascript After a user uploads a file we have to do some additional processing with the images such as resizing and upload to S3. This can take up to 10 extra seconds. Obviously we do this in a background. However we want to show the user the result..
Loading an FLV in Facebox with jQuery for IE7 and IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3056589/loading-an-flv-in-facebox-with-jquery-for-ie7-and-ie8 Firefox and Safari. IE any version being the problem. Objective I am trying to load JWplayer which loads an FLV from S3 in a Facebox popup. jQuery document .ready function 'a rel facebox ' .facebox HTML haml li#videoGirl link_to 'What is HQchannel..