jquery Programming Glossary: s7.addthis.com
AngularJs and AddThis social plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15593039/angularjs-and-addthis-social-plugin page script type text javascript var addthis_config data_track_addressbar true script script type text javascript src s7.addthis.com js 300 addthis_widget.js#pubid ra 5113c1e01aaacb3f script I have the jquery script reference before angularJs reference.. AddThis widget directive Usage 1. include `addthis_widget.js` in header with async 1 parameter script src s7.addthis.com js 300 addthis_widget.js#pubid pubid async 1 script http support.addthis.com customer portal articles 381263 addthis client.. help on call back using ajax i lose share buttons addthis.toolbox element .get Usage example html head script src s7.addthis.com js 300 addthis_widget.js#pubid my pubid async 1 script head body AddThis Button BEGIN div addthis toolbox class addthis_toolbox..
AddThis button will not work inside AJAX, but will work normally http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1603835/addthis-button-will-not-work-inside-ajax-but-will-work-normally the AJAX a class addthis_button href http www.addthis.com bookmark.php v 250 amp pub xa 4adf7e45288f5b21 img src http s7.addthis.com static btn sm share en.gif width 83 height 16 alt Bookmark and Share style border 0 margin top 16px a script type text javascript.. en.gif width 83 height 16 alt Bookmark and Share style border 0 margin top 16px a script type text javascript src http s7.addthis.com js 250 addthis_widget.js#pub xa 4adf7e45288f5b21 script javascript jquery ajax addthis share improve this question ..
How to configure addthis so that it won't create the hash data in the URL that I am going to share? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18009131/how-to-configure-addthis-so-that-it-wont-create-the-hash-data-in-the-url-that-i javascript var addthis_config pubid lauthiamkok data_track_addressbar false script script type text javascript src s7.addthis.com js 300 addthis_widget.js#pubid lauthiamkok script AddThis Button END script type text javascript var addthis_config addthis_config..