jquery Programming Glossary: rgba
What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/whats-the-difference-in-the-not-selector-between-jquery-and-css align center text transform capitalize background color rgba 255 255 255 0.8 border top 2px solid content attr id ' ' attr..
How to open downloaded file (pdf,zip,docx, etc) in Phonegap app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13375234/how-to-open-downloaded-file-pdf-zip-docx-etc-in-phonegap-app script style type text css webkit tap highlight color rgba 0 0 0 0 style script type text javascript charset utf 8 function..
jQuery animate backgroundColor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/190560/jquery-animate-backgroundcolor e 1 e 1 16 parseInt e 2 e 2 16 parseInt e 3 e 3 16 if e rgba 0 0 0 0 .exec f return a.transparent return a d.trim f .toLowerCase..
jQuery “Please Wait, Loading…” animation? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1964839/jquery-please-wait-loading-animation z index 1000 top 0 left 0 height 100 width 100 background rgba 255 255 255 .8 url 'http i.stack.imgur.com FhHRx.gif' 50 50..
jQuery: check if element has CSS attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2239567/jquery-check-if-element-has-css-attribute browser so it is troublesome to test transparent in IE rgba 0 0 0 0 in firefox chrome for instance both being accurate ways.. .css 'background color' return color 'transparent' color 'rgba 0 0 0 0 ' .eq 0 .css 'backround color' share improve this..
jQuery + RGBA color animations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3242368/jquery-rgba-color-animations Does anyone know if jQuery can handle an animation like rgba 0 0 0 0.2 rgba 0 255 0 0.4 I know there is a plugin to handle.. know if jQuery can handle an animation like rgba 0 0 0 0.2 rgba 0 255 0 0.4 I know there is a plugin to handle color animations.. your animation @keyframes color_up from background color rgba 0 0 0 0.2 to background color rgba 0 255 0 0.4 Step 2 Use the..
Correct way to animate box-shadow with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4133366/correct-way-to-animate-box-shadow-with-jquery gets animated selector .animate boxShadow 0 0 5px 3px rgba 100 100 200 0.4 Edit Now includes multiple shadow support. ..
How do I efficiently highlight element under mouse cursor with an overlay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4711023/how-do-i-efficiently-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor-with-an-overlay display none position absolute zIndex 65000 background rgba 255 0 0 .3 .appendTo body var last new Date body .mousemove..
JavaScript: Invert color on all elements of a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4766201/javascript-invert-color-on-all-elements-of-a-page handling elements that have default background color rgba 0 0 0 0 . More sites should be working now with the updated.. this .data prop this .css prop continue if this .css prop 'rgba 0 0 0 0 ' this .css prop 'transparent' if this .is 'body' ..
capturing html5 canvas output as video or swf or png sequence? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4781602/capturing-html5-canvas-output-as-video-or-swf-or-png-sequence cnv.getContext 2d if ctx var img new Image ctx.fillStyle rgba 255 0 0 0.5 ctx.fillRect 0 0 300 300 ctx.fill img.onload function..
How to get the position of a draggable object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4903530/how-to-get-the-position-of-a-draggable-object 0 1em 1em 1em background color #fff background color rgba 255 255 255 0.5 #dragThis span float right #dragThis span after..
Jquery modal windows and edit object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5766055/jquery-modal-windows-and-edit-object position fixed top 0 right 0 bottom 0 left 0 background rgba 0 0 0 0.4 #modal display none position absolute width 600px..
Background-color hex to JavaScript variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/638948/background-color-hex-to-javascript-variable I'm trying to modify the regex to handle both rgb and rgba depending which one I get. Any hints Thanks. I'm not exactly.. the context of this question since you can't represent an rgba color in hex but I guess there could be other uses. Anyway you.. uses. Anyway you could change the regex to be like this ^rgba d s d s d s 0 . d Example output var d document.createElement..
jquery change background color user scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8755887/jquery-change-background-color-user-scroll 50 white to 90 white or someting So first it is the color rgba 255 255 255 .5 and when a user scroll 210px below the color.. 255 .5 and when a user scroll 210px below the color become rgba 255 255 255 .9 . jquery colors background scroll background..
What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/whats-the-difference-in-the-not-selector-between-jquery-and-css position absolute width 100 bottom 0 font weight bold text align center text transform capitalize background color rgba 255 255 255 0.8 border top 2px solid content attr id ' ' attr class #sectors div nth of type 3n 1 margin left 0 #sectors..
How to open downloaded file (pdf,zip,docx, etc) in Phonegap app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13375234/how-to-open-downloaded-file-pdf-zip-docx-etc-in-phonegap-app script script type text javascript src js jquery 1.7.2.min.js script style type text css webkit tap highlight color rgba 0 0 0 0 style script type text javascript charset utf 8 function init document.addEventListener deviceready ready true..
jQuery animate backgroundColor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/190560/jquery-animate-backgroundcolor if e # a fA F0 9 a fA F0 9 a fA F0 9 .exec f return parseInt e 1 e 1 16 parseInt e 2 e 2 16 parseInt e 3 e 3 16 if e rgba 0 0 0 0 .exec f return a.transparent return a d.trim f .toLowerCase function c g e var f do f d.css g e if f f transparent..
jQuery “Please Wait, Loading…” animation? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1964839/jquery-please-wait-loading-animation centered and no repeating .modal display none position fixed z index 1000 top 0 left 0 height 100 width 100 background rgba 255 255 255 .8 url 'http i.stack.imgur.com FhHRx.gif' 50 50 no repeat When the body has the loading class we turn the..
jQuery: check if element has CSS attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2239567/jquery-check-if-element-has-css-attribute color of the element at hand but also different values for each browser so it is troublesome to test transparent in IE rgba 0 0 0 0 in firefox chrome for instance both being accurate ways of specifying transparent . jQuery.fn.getBg function return..
jQuery + RGBA color animations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3242368/jquery-rgba-color-animations RGBA color animations Does anyone know if jQuery can handle an animation like rgba 0 0 0 0.2 rgba 0 255 0 0.4 I know there is a plugin to handle color animations but this might be too modern javascript.. RGBA color animations Does anyone know if jQuery can handle an animation like rgba 0 0 0 0.2 rgba 0 255 0 0.4 I know there is a plugin to handle color animations but this might be too modern javascript jquery animation.. using CSS3 animation. See below Step 1 Create a keyframe for your animation @keyframes color_up from background color rgba 0 0 0 0.2 to background color rgba 0 255 0 0.4 Step 2 Use the animation rules. animation name color_up animation duration..
Correct way to animate box-shadow with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4133366/correct-way-to-animate-box-shadow-with-jquery
How do I efficiently highlight element under mouse cursor with an overlay? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4711023/how-do-i-efficiently-highlight-element-under-mouse-cursor-with-an-overlay overlay or borders FF needs v3.0 var box div class 'outer' .css display none position absolute zIndex 65000 background rgba 255 0 0 .3 .appendTo body var last new Date body .mousemove function e var offset el e.target var now new Date if now last..
JavaScript: Invert color on all elements of a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4766201/javascript-invert-color-on-all-elements-of-a-page including this one UPDATE2 Added some support for transparency handling elements that have default background color rgba 0 0 0 0 . More sites should be working now with the updated one. javascript function function load_script src callback var.. prop colorProperties prop if this .css prop continue if this .data prop this .css prop continue if this .css prop 'rgba 0 0 0 0 ' this .css prop 'transparent' if this .is 'body' this .css prop 'black' continue else continue color new..
capturing html5 canvas output as video or swf or png sequence? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4781602/capturing-html5-canvas-output-as-video-or-swf-or-png-sequence code var cnv document.getElementById myCanvas var ctx cnv.getContext 2d if ctx var img new Image ctx.fillStyle rgba 255 0 0 0.5 ctx.fillRect 0 0 300 300 ctx.fill img.onload function ctx.drawImage img 0 0 img.src my external image path var..
How to get the position of a draggable object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4903530/how-to-get-the-position-of-a-draggable-object 8em height 8em padding 0.5em border 3px solid #ccc border radius 0 1em 1em 1em background color #fff background color rgba 255 255 255 0.5 #dragThis span float right #dragThis span after content px li clear both border bottom 1px solid #ccc line..
Jquery modal windows and edit object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5766055/jquery-modal-windows-and-edit-object style for the modal that I use #modal container display none position fixed top 0 right 0 bottom 0 left 0 background rgba 0 0 0 0.4 #modal display none position absolute width 600px left 50 margin left 600px 40px 2 padding 20px background #fff..
Background-color hex to JavaScript variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/638948/background-color-hex-to-javascript-variable #0070FF In response to the question in the comments below I'm trying to modify the regex to handle both rgb and rgba depending which one I get. Any hints Thanks. I'm not exactly sure if it makes sense in the context of this question since.. Any hints Thanks. I'm not exactly sure if it makes sense in the context of this question since you can't represent an rgba color in hex but I guess there could be other uses. Anyway you could change the regex to be like this ^rgba d s d s d s.. an rgba color in hex but I guess there could be other uses. Anyway you could change the regex to be like this ^rgba d s d s d s 0 . d Example output var d document.createElement 'div' d.style.backgroundColor 'rgba 255 60 50 0 ' ^rgba d..
jquery change background color user scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8755887/jquery-change-background-color-user-scroll user scrolls down the page that the background animate from 50 white to 90 white or someting So first it is the color rgba 255 255 255 .5 and when a user scroll 210px below the color become rgba 255 255 255 .9 . jquery colors background scroll.. 90 white or someting So first it is the color rgba 255 255 255 .5 and when a user scroll 210px below the color become rgba 255 255 255 .9 . jquery colors background scroll background color share improve this question here you go this will..
How to use javascript or jQuery to read a pixel of an image? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1041399/how-to-use-javascript-or-jquery-to-read-a-pixel-of-an-image If you can draw the image in a canvas element then you can use the getImageData method to return an array containing RGBA values. var img new Image img.src 'image.jpg' var context document.getElementById 'canvas' .getContext '2d' context.drawImage..
converting css hover to jquery hover http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1851141/converting-css-hover-to-jquery-hover not be able to animate from transparent to a color except in Safari and Firefox 3.5 and other browsers that support RGBA background colors. If you are looking for a cross browser support then I would attack the problem like this 1. Have your..
jQuery + RGBA color animations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3242368/jquery-rgba-color-animations RGBA color animations Does anyone know if jQuery can handle an animation like rgba 0 0 0 0.2 rgba 0 255 0 0.4 I know there is.. timing function ease in out DEMO http jsfiddle.net 2Dbrj 3 Using jQuery jQuery now supports color animation with RGBA support as well. This actually animates from one color to other. selector .animate backgroundColor 'rgba 0 255 0 0.4 ' DEMO..
How do I animate a background color to transparent in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/663568/how-do-i-animate-a-background-color-to-transparent-in-jquery container.height Kingjeffrey's comment points out that this answer is somewhat outdated browsers do now support RGBA color values so you can animate just the background. However jQuery doesn't support this in core you'll need a plugin ...