jquery Programming Glossary: reused
Jquery .validate require_from_group http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10469913/jquery-validate-require-from-group smileyanp@github quoted this post in his solution where he reused @Tats_innit's function and created a test that showed it works..
floating div content that tracks along a parent divs height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11705855/floating-div-content-that-tracks-along-a-parent-divs-height for the sliding element may want to design an object to be reused that will hold these values could take these values and the..
Cross-browser way to get automatically repeating keydown events when key is held down http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14027818/cross-browser-way-to-get-automatically-repeating-keydown-events-when-key-is-held if repeatState key make copy of key code because `e` gets reused by other events in IE so it won't be preserved repeatState key..
Is plain vanilla JavaScript better than using frameworks like jQuery or MooTools? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3393900/is-plain-vanilla-javascript-better-than-using-frameworks-like-jquery-or-mootools there's a higher rate of the script getting cached and reused on another site. Instead of every single web developer having..
Javascript callback functions with ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4988277/javascript-callback-functions-with-ajax with ajax I am writing a generic function that will be reused in multiple places in my script. The function uses ajax using..
jQuery UI Autocomplete Combobox Very Slow With Large Select Lists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5073612/jquery-ui-autocomplete-combobox-very-slow-with-large-select-lists initialize the full list of items this menu will be reused whenever the user clicks the show all button _renderFullMenu..
Jquery Validate success function not clearning valid labels on re-validate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5942425/jquery-validate-success-function-not-clearning-valid-labels-on-re-validate the error class from the valid label the label will not be reused when it revalidates instead it will create a new label. So my..
Jquery - sort DIV's by innerHTML of children http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7831712/jquery-sort-divs-by-innerhtml-of-children The function is parametrised so that it can be easily reused with other divs and different sort keys. Here's a demo http..
Jquery .validate require_from_group http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10469913/jquery-validate-require-from-group . github issue require_from_group disables other rules smileyanp@github quoted this post in his solution where he reused @Tats_innit's function and created a test that showed it works correctly and doesn't disable validation on other rules defined..
floating div content that tracks along a parent divs height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11705855/floating-div-content-that-tracks-along-a-parent-divs-height direction topStop bottomStop ele ele will be the selector for the sliding element may want to design an object to be reused that will hold these values could take these values and the local variables created in the scroll function could prevent..
Cross-browser way to get automatically repeating keydown events when key is held down http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14027818/cross-browser-way-to-get-automatically-repeating-keydown-events-when-key-is-held var key e.which if no time yet for this key then start one if repeatState key make copy of key code because `e` gets reused by other events in IE so it won't be preserved repeatState key setInterval function repeatCallback key 125 else nothing..
Is plain vanilla JavaScript better than using frameworks like jQuery or MooTools? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3393900/is-plain-vanilla-javascript-better-than-using-frameworks-like-jquery-or-mootools are using the same exact URI to pull the script in meaning there's a higher rate of the script getting cached and reused on another site. Instead of every single web developer having their own library it's much more efficient having thousands..
Javascript callback functions with ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4988277/javascript-callback-functions-with-ajax callback functions with ajax I am writing a generic function that will be reused in multiple places in my script. The function uses ajax using jQuery library so I want to somehow pass in a function or..
jQuery UI Autocomplete Combobox Very Slow With Large Select Lists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5073612/jquery-ui-autocomplete-combobox-very-slow-with-large-select-lists .ui.combobox.prototype._renderFullMenu.call data data.source initialize the full list of items this menu will be reused whenever the user clicks the show all button _renderFullMenu function source var self this input this.element ul input.data..
Jquery Validate success function not clearning valid labels on re-validate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5942425/jquery-validate-success-function-not-clearning-valid-labels-on-re-validate at the source code for the validate plugin if you remove the error class from the valid label the label will not be reused when it revalidates instead it will create a new label. So my way of working around that was to remove the .removeClass..
Jquery - sort DIV's by innerHTML of children http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7831712/jquery-sort-divs-by-innerhtml-of-children be done as such sortUsingNestedText '#sortThis' div span.price The function is parametrised so that it can be easily reused with other divs and different sort keys. Here's a demo http jsfiddle.net tc5dc Using the tinysort plugin Alternatively if..