jquery Programming Glossary: return_arr
jquery autocomplete ajax response separation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11492162/jquery-autocomplete-ajax-response-separation this .val '' script PHP part php include db.php return_arr array fetch mysql_query SELECT FROM city INNER JOIN country.. 'value' row 'cityname' . . row 'countryname' array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr JS Normal jquery autosuggest.. array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr JS Normal jquery autosuggest script In the PHP file I've added..
how to pass hidden id using json in jquery ui autocomplete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15200964/how-to-pass-hidden-id-using-json-in-jquery-ui-autocomplete 'localhost' 'root' '' mysql_select_db 'school' return_arr array term trim strip_tags _GET 'term' retrieve the search term.. array 'name' obj 'first_name' . . obj 'grno' . array_push return_arr obj 'first_name' . . obj 'grno' . json json_encode return_arr.. obj 'first_name' . . obj 'grno' . json json_encode return_arr echo json so.how to pass student_id in autocomplete.php like..
jquery autocomplete not working with JSON data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4234455/jquery-autocomplete-not-working-with-json-data 'id' row 'id' row_array 'keyword' row 'keyword' array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr JSON data output id 2.. 'keyword' array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr JSON data output id 2 keyword Games id 3 keyword Goa And while..
Get value in jquery autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5766726/get-value-in-jquery-autocomplete row 'id' row_array 'value' row 'shop_title' array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr autocomplete is working.. array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr autocomplete is working fine but while selecting the value from..
How to populate second dropdown based on selection of first dropdown using jQuery/AJAX and PHP/MySQL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8749326/how-to-populate-second-dropdown-based-on-selection-of-first-dropdown-using-jquer item_1_id _GET 'item_1_id' dbh get_org_dbh org_id return_arr array sth dbh query SELECT id name level FROM groups WHERE.. row_array array name row 'name' id row 'id' array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr Sample JSON Output name.. row 'id' array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr Sample JSON Output name A id 0 name B id 1 name C id 2 php..
Jquery UI autocomplete ajax is not populating dropdown box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9481972/jquery-ui-autocomplete-ajax-is-not-populating-dropdown-box WHERE tName LIKE ' . term . ' result mysql_query qstring return_arr array i 0 while row mysql_fetch_array result MYSQL_ASSOC loop.. i row_a 'value' row 'tName' row_a 'id' int i array_push return_arr row_a mysql_close server header Content type text x json my_arr.. Name id 1 array value Some Othername id 2 echo json_encode return_arr print json_encode return_arr print json_encode my_arr This is..
jquery autocomplete ajax response separation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11492162/jquery-autocomplete-ajax-response-separation autosuggest server.php 'input#src location' .focus function this .val '' script PHP part php include db.php return_arr array fetch mysql_query SELECT FROM city INNER JOIN country ON country.countryid city.countryid where cityname like ' ... fetch MYSQL_ASSOC row_array 'id' row 'id' row_array 'value' row 'cityname' . . row 'countryname' array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr JS Normal jquery autosuggest script In the PHP file I've added row_array 'value' row.. 'id' row 'id' row_array 'value' row 'cityname' . . row 'countryname' array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr JS Normal jquery autosuggest script In the PHP file I've added row_array 'value' row 'cityname' . . row 'countryname_'...
how to pass hidden id using json in jquery ui autocomplete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15200964/how-to-pass-hidden-id-using-json-in-jquery-ui-autocomplete alert data.id return false script autocomplete.php php mysql_connect 'localhost' 'root' '' mysql_select_db 'school' return_arr array term trim strip_tags _GET 'term' retrieve the search term that autocomplete sends create select query query select.. query array array while obj mysql_fetch_array result array 'name' obj 'first_name' . . obj 'grno' . array_push return_arr obj 'first_name' . . obj 'grno' . json json_encode return_arr echo json so.how to pass student_id in autocomplete.php like.. 'name' obj 'first_name' . . obj 'grno' . array_push return_arr obj 'first_name' . . obj 'grno' . json json_encode return_arr echo json so.how to pass student_id in autocomplete.php like label and value. label 'xyz' value '1' php jquery json jquery..
jquery autocomplete not working with JSON data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4234455/jquery-autocomplete-not-working-with-json-data . ' while row mysql_fetch_array fetch MYSQL_ASSOC row_array 'id' row 'id' row_array 'keyword' row 'keyword' array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr JSON data output id 2 keyword Games id 3 keyword Goa And while typing Ga I am getting.. MYSQL_ASSOC row_array 'id' row 'id' row_array 'keyword' row 'keyword' array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr JSON data output id 2 keyword Games id 3 keyword Goa And while typing Ga I am getting empty li tag in front end. php jquery..
Get value in jquery autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5766726/get-value-in-jquery-autocomplete while row mysql_fetch_array result MYSQL_ASSOC row_array 'id' row 'id' row_array 'value' row 'shop_title' array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr autocomplete is working fine but while selecting the value from autocomplete I need.. row_array 'id' row 'id' row_array 'value' row 'shop_title' array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr autocomplete is working fine but while selecting the value from autocomplete I need put the corresponding id value inside..
How to populate second dropdown based on selection of first dropdown using jQuery/AJAX and PHP/MySQL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8749326/how-to-populate-second-dropdown-based-on-selection-of-first-dropdown-using-jquer name item_2 select PHP php require_once '.. includes connect.php' item_1_id _GET 'item_1_id' dbh get_org_dbh org_id return_arr array sth dbh query SELECT id name level FROM groups WHERE level '2' AND parent item_1_id GROUP by name ORDER BY name.. item_1_id GROUP by name ORDER BY name while row sth fetch row_array array name row 'name' id row 'id' array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr Sample JSON Output name A id 0 name B id 1 name C id 2 php jquery mysql ajax drop.. name while row sth fetch row_array array name row 'name' id row 'id' array_push return_arr row_array echo json_encode return_arr Sample JSON Output name A id 0 name B id 1 name C id 2 php jquery mysql ajax drop down menu share improve this question..
Jquery UI autocomplete ajax is not populating dropdown box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9481972/jquery-ui-autocomplete-ajax-is-not-populating-dropdown-box term _GET 'term' qstring SELECT user_id tName FROM `csv_data` WHERE tName LIKE ' . term . ' result mysql_query qstring return_arr array i 0 while row mysql_fetch_array result MYSQL_ASSOC loop through the retrieved values row_a array if row 'tName' null.. through the retrieved values row_a array if row 'tName' null i row_a 'value' row 'tName' row_a 'id' int i array_push return_arr row_a mysql_close server header Content type text x json my_arr array array value Some Name id 1 array value Some Othername.. Content type text x json my_arr array array value Some Name id 1 array value Some Othername id 2 echo json_encode return_arr print json_encode return_arr print json_encode my_arr This is response from firebug generated from database . value 4 erste..