jquery Programming Glossary: returnvalue
jQuery getJSON - Return value to the caller function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1229307/jquery-getjson-return-value-to-the-caller-function I've tried this String.prototype.getLanguage function var returnValue null .getJSON 'http ajax.googleapis.com ajax services language.. language detect v 1.0 q ' this ' callback ' function json returnValue json.responseData.language return returnValue But it's not.. json returnValue json.responseData.language return returnValue But it's not working either. It returns null. javascript jquery..
How do I stop a page from unloading (navigating away) in JS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1299452/how-do-i-stop-a-page-from-unloading-navigating-away-in-js you want your function should assign a string value to the returnValue property of the Event object and return the same string . Check..
How can I override the OnBeforeUnload dialog and replace it with my own? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276660/how-can-i-override-the-onbeforeunload-dialog-and-replace-it-with-my-own to this from Microsoft When a string is assigned to the returnValue property of window.event a dialog box appears that gives users.. will take the return value of the handler as window.event.returnValue . It will then parse the return value as a string unless it..
“javascript:void(0);” vs “return false” vs “preventDefault()” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3498492/javascriptvoid0-vs-return-false-vs-preventdefault have to be spelled differently in IE usually returnValue cancelBubble . However You have a link that isn't a link. It..
How to return a value from a function that calls $.getJSON? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4200641/how-to-return-a-value-from-a-function-that-calls-getjson lookupRemote searchTerm var defaultReturnValue 1010 var returnValue defaultReturnValue .getJSON remote function data if data null.. data if data null .each data.items function i item returnValue item.libraryOfCongressNumber return returnValue Why is the.. i item returnValue item.libraryOfCongressNumber return returnValue Why is the returnValue from this function alway equal to the..
Ajax jquery async return value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4555079/ajax-jquery-async-return-value with new method of course. function get_char_val merk var returnValue null .ajax type POST async false url char_info2.php data.. data name merk dataType html success function data returnValue data return returnValue var px get_char_val 'x' var py get_char_val.. success function data returnValue data return returnValue var px get_char_val 'x' var py get_char_val 'y' EDIT i need..
Get cursor or text position in pixels for input element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6930578/get-cursor-or-text-position-in-pixels-for-input-element height px document.body.appendChild fakeClone var returnValue fakeRange.getBoundingClientRect Get rect if debug fakeClone.parentNode.removeChild.. fakeClone Remove temp return returnValue Local functions for readability of the previous code function..
JavaScript asynchronous return value / assignment with jQuery [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7779697/javascript-asynchronous-return-value-assignment-with-jquery elqTracker.getGUID function guid alert guid var returnValue guid return returnValue var someGuid trackPage javascript.. function guid alert guid var returnValue guid return returnValue var someGuid trackPage javascript jquery jquery ajax asynchronous.. function call returns IMMEDIATELY therefore your returnValue is simply undefined . Most people see dfsq's answer solve this..
jQuery getJSON - Return value to the caller function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1229307/jquery-getjson-return-value-to-the-caller-function How can I return the value to the caller value Thanks. EDIT I've tried this String.prototype.getLanguage function var returnValue null .getJSON 'http ajax.googleapis.com ajax services language detect v 1.0 q ' this ' callback ' function json returnValue.. null .getJSON 'http ajax.googleapis.com ajax services language detect v 1.0 q ' this ' callback ' function json returnValue json.responseData.language return returnValue But it's not working either. It returns null. javascript jquery getjson.. services language detect v 1.0 q ' this ' callback ' function json returnValue json.responseData.language return returnValue But it's not working either. It returns null. javascript jquery getjson share improve this question I'm assuming you..
How do I stop a page from unloading (navigating away) in JS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1299452/how-do-i-stop-a-page-from-unloading-navigating-away-in-js share improve this question onbeforeunload is the one you want your function should assign a string value to the returnValue property of the Event object and return the same string . Check the docs from Microsoft and Mozilla for details. The string..
How can I override the OnBeforeUnload dialog and replace it with my own? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276660/how-can-i-override-the-onbeforeunload-dialog-and-replace-it-with-my-own function return 'You have unsaved changes ' Here's a reference to this from Microsoft When a string is assigned to the returnValue property of window.event a dialog box appears that gives users the option to stay on the current page and retain the string.. The problem seems to be When onbeforeunload is called it will take the return value of the handler as window.event.returnValue . It will then parse the return value as a string unless it is null . Since false is parsed as a string the dialogue box..
“javascript:void(0);” vs “return false” vs “preventDefault()” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3498492/javascriptvoid0-vs-return-false-vs-preventdefault notification jQuery is hiding it here but preventDefault stopPropagation have to be spelled differently in IE usually returnValue cancelBubble . However You have a link that isn't a link. It doesn't link anywhere it's an action. a isn't really the ideal..
How to return a value from a function that calls $.getJSON? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4200641/how-to-return-a-value-from-a-function-that-calls-getjson return a value from a function that calls .getJSON function lookupRemote searchTerm var defaultReturnValue 1010 var returnValue defaultReturnValue .getJSON remote function data if data null .each data.items function i item returnValue item.libraryOfCongressNumber.. 1010 var returnValue defaultReturnValue .getJSON remote function data if data null .each data.items function i item returnValue item.libraryOfCongressNumber return returnValue Why is the returnValue from this function alway equal to the default value.. remote function data if data null .each data.items function i item returnValue item.libraryOfCongressNumber return returnValue Why is the returnValue from this function alway equal to the default value set at the beginning of the function and never..
Ajax jquery async return value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4555079/ajax-jquery-async-return-value value without freezing the browser . You can rewrite this with new method of course. function get_char_val merk var returnValue null .ajax type POST async false url char_info2.php data name merk dataType html success function data returnValue.. null .ajax type POST async false url char_info2.php data name merk dataType html success function data returnValue data return returnValue var px get_char_val 'x' var py get_char_val 'y' EDIT i need to have at least 20 variables get.. async false url char_info2.php data name merk dataType html success function data returnValue data return returnValue var px get_char_val 'x' var py get_char_val 'y' EDIT i need to have at least 20 variables get from php file at other times...
Get cursor or text position in pixels for input element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6930578/get-cursor-or-text-position-in-pixels-for-input-element leftPos px fakeClone.style.width width px fakeClone.style.height height px document.body.appendChild fakeClone var returnValue fakeRange.getBoundingClientRect Get rect if debug fakeClone.parentNode.removeChild fakeClone Remove temp return returnValue.. fakeRange.getBoundingClientRect Get rect if debug fakeClone.parentNode.removeChild fakeClone Remove temp return returnValue Local functions for readability of the previous code function appendPart start end var span document.createElement span..
JavaScript asynchronous return value / assignment with jQuery [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7779697/javascript-asynchronous-return-value-assignment-with-jquery elqTracker new jQuery.elq 459 elqTracker.pageTrack success function elqTracker.getGUID function guid alert guid var returnValue guid return returnValue var someGuid trackPage javascript jquery jquery ajax asynchronous share improve this question.. 459 elqTracker.pageTrack success function elqTracker.getGUID function guid alert guid var returnValue guid return returnValue var someGuid trackPage javascript jquery jquery ajax asynchronous share improve this question So this question has.. they can't return it either Also notice that the elqTracker.pageTrack function call returns IMMEDIATELY therefore your returnValue is simply undefined . Most people see dfsq's answer solve this problem by introducing a callback function as a paramater...